Ted Zobeck of the USDA, ARS has a discussion list on wind erosion and aeolian processes. This
list is moderated. We encourage discussion of any aspect of wind erosion science including but
not limited to modeling, climatic influences, soils, agricultural and non-agricultural aspects
of wind erosion, physics, economics, environmental impacts, etc.
To subscribe, send the following message to: lyris@lyris.acs.ttu.edu
- subscribe wind_erosion (your name here)
NOTE: The underscore between the words 'wind' and 'erosion' must be present.
If you have difficulty, please request a subscription by email from Dr. Zobeck.
Correspondence to the list must be sent to:
- wind_erosion@lyris.acs.ttu.edu
Further information may be obtained from Dr. Ted M. Zobeck at:
- ted.zobeck@ars.usda.gov
Other Related Discussion Lists:
- A Soil Erosion Discussion List
The formal address of SE-LIST is now:
- ouce-soil-erosion@maillist.ox.ac.uk
To subscribe to the new SE-LIST,send a blank email to:
- ouce-soil-erosion-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk
To contact the list moderator (me), email:
- ouce-soil-erosion-owner@maillist.ox.ac.uk
- A general soils discussion list. Subscribe to:
- listserv@unl.edu
To automatically subscribe include nothing but the following line as your
e-mail message:
- sub soils-l your name
- An agricultural modeling list. Subscribe to:
- listserv@unl.edu
To automatically subscribe include nothing but the following line as your
e-mail message:
- sub agmodel-l your name
- The GEOMORPHLIST is a moderated list for geomorphologists and those
working in related
fields as a service of the International Association of Geomorphologists. It
is used for professional
communication on topics of interest to geomprphologists.
The list moderator is Bill Locke. E-mail: wlocke@montana.edu
To join the list, go to the IAG web site at: http://www.homepage.montana.edu/~ueswl/geomorphlist/index.htm.
Then click on the "IAG-GEOMORPH list" link for instructions on joining the list.
- A sustainable agriculture discussion list. Subscribe to:
- almanac@ces.ncsu.edu
To automatically subscribe to the list, include the following line in the
body of your e-mail message:
- subscribe sanet-mg