
Soil Erosion by Wind and its Control

Wid Erosion Control Video Cover

Produced by USDA-ARS Wind Erosion Research for NRCS, 2003. 35. min./Color.
Also available in DVD and with closed captioning. Send request to: Wind Erosion Research

A three-part educational video, which describe the physical basis for wind erosion processes and control systems. The video emphasizes farming systems which target a goal of zero soil loss from wind erosion. It is intended to provide managers and other conservation partners with a better understanding of the physical principles of wind erosion and its control.

Soil Erosion by Wind and Its Control
Part I: The Problem of Wind Erosion
Part II: Processes of Wind Erosion
Part III: Control of Wind Erosion

Dune sand in Wind Tunnel
This is an older video showing the saltation and creep movement of dune sand in the wind tunnel.

Close up of dune sand in Wind Tunnel
This is an older video showing a close up of sand movement in the wind tunnel.

Dune sand and Plants in Wind Tunnel
A video showing plant damage caused by the wind and sand particles in the wind stream. The first part of the video shows winter wheat in the wind tunnel while the second part shows young corn plants.

The Plow that Broke the Plains
Produced by Pare Lorentz, 1936. A U.S. Government Short Film about the Dust Bowl. 30. min.

Rain for the Earth, Part 1
Produced by The Works Projects Administration, 1937. A U.S. Government Film that includes Dust Bowl footage. ~10. min.