NASA Photo ID: STS055-151-058 File Name: 10073199.jpg Film Type: 4x5 Date Taken: 05/06/93 Title: STS-55 Earth observation of Altiplano ash/dust plume in Argentina Description: STS-55 Earth observation taken from Columbia, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 102, shows several plumes of blowing material over northern Argentina. All plumes originate downwind of the recent volcanic eruption of Lascar Volcano (just over the border in northern Chile). It seems most likely, therefore, that the blown material is dust-sized particles of ash that was deposited on the high Andean plateau by Lascar during the eruption of 04-20-93. The large, dense, V-shaped plume in this frame is about 40 kilometers long. It is blowing eastwards from a point about 100 km southeast of Lascar. On 05-10-93, images from the AVHRR sensor on the environmental satellite NOAA-11 showed the dust from these parts of Altiplano reaching the lowlands hundreds of kilometers to the east. This photo was recorded on 05-04-93 at 19 hours 10 minutes 38 seconds GMT.