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Wind Erosion:
An International Symposium/Workshop

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Farmers' Attitudes and Behaviors toward Shelterbelts in Kansas

Ted T. Cable and Philip Cook


The purpose of this study was to assess the attitudes of Kansas farmers toward field windbreaks, often called shelterbelts. A 10-page questionnaire was sent to 3,342 randomly selected producers in Kansas. Usable surveys were received from 1,748 producers, giving a response rate of 52.3 percent. The results indicate that shelterbelt planting in Kansas may be keeping pace with shelterbelt removal. Only 2.5 percent removed some shelterbelts and another 1 percent removed all their shelterbelts. One-third of the respondents had shelterbelts, and 46.4 percent reported planting their shelterbelts. More than half were planted in the past 10 years. Eighty-three percent of Kansas landowners believed that planting shelterbelts is a desirable conservation practice. Attitudes towards shelterbelts were measured on a 21-item scale that was factor analyzed into three factors. Factor scores were compared to demographic and farm characteristics. Older landowners and less educated landowners had more negative attitudes about the noncrop benefits of shelterbelts. Operators of large farms had lower positive attitudes about the crop benefits of shelterbelts and higher positive attitudes about the noncrop benefits. Farmers still want shelterbelt information to be communicated through traditional print media.