c$Author: fredfox $ c$Date: 2002-06-21 23:49:15 $ c$Revision: 1.2 $ c$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/hydro/proptext.for,v $ subroutine proptext( nlay, clayf, sandf, organf, & settled_bulkden, partden ) c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c This subroutine updates the properties that depend on soil texture c (texture can change in the model due to mixing and removal by wind) c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c texture properties c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nlay real sandf(*),clayf(*),organf(*), & settled_bulkden(*), partden(*) c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nlay - number of soil layers to be updated c clayf - fraction of soil mineral portion which is clay c sandf - fraction of soil mineral portion which is sand c organf - fraction of total soil mass which is organic matter c settled_bulkden - settled bulk density (Mg/m^3) c partden - particle density (Mg/m^3) c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + real setbds c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer lay c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + do lay=1,nlay c settled bulk density settled_bulkden(lay) = setbds( clayf(lay), sandf(lay), & organf(lay)) c calculate an average soil particle density c Particle density of organic matter c 1.37 in Baver, Soil Physics, 1972 p.44 (humus) c 1.1 in Marshall and Holmes, Soil Physics, 1979, p.277 (soil organic matter) c Old incorrect formula c partden(lay) = organf(lay)*1.23 c & + (1.0-organf(lay))*2.65 c New correct formula partden(lay) = 1.0/(organf(lay)/1.23 & + (1.0-organf(lay))/2.65) c make sure particle density is significantly greater than settled bulk density if( partden(lay).lt.(1.2*settled_bulkden(lay)) ) then partden(lay) = 1.2*settled_bulkden(lay) endif end do end