c$Author: fredfox $ c$Date: 2001-11-21 22:45:29 $ c$Revision: 1.1 $ c$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/inc/h1balance.inc,v $ c variables defined to track cumulative water balance c so it can be periodically reported (works only with one subregion) c Parameter include files: p1werm.inc real cumprecip(mnsub), cumrunoff(mnsub), cumevap(mnsub), & cumtrans(mnsub), cumdrain(mnsub), & initswc(mnsub), initsnow(mnsub), initday(mnsub), & presswc(mnsub), pressnow(mnsub), presday(mnsub) integer prevday(mnsub), prevmon(mnsub), prevyr(mnsub) common /balance/ & cumprecip, cumrunoff, cumevap, & cumtrans, cumdrain, & initswc, initsnow, initday, & presswc, pressnow, presday, & prevday, prevmon, prevyr c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c cumprecip - accumulation of rainfall (mm) c cumrunoff - accumulation of runoff (mm) (mm) c cumevap - accumulation of evaporation (mm) c cumtrans - accumulation of transpiration (mm) c cumdrain - accumulation of drainage (mm) c initswc - initial soil water content (mm) c initsnow - initial snow water content (mm) c initday - initial day c presswc - present soil water content (mm) c pressnow - present snow water content (mm) c presday - present day c prevday - day of month of previously printed hydro balance c prevmon - month of year of previously printed hydro balance c prevyr - year in rotation of previously printed hydro balance