c$Author: fredfox $ c$Date: 2002-01-08 15:36:22 $ c$Revision: 1.5 $ c$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/inc/h1hydro.inc,v $ c This common block contains the state variables relating to c the daily hydrologic parameters. c Parameter include files: c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real ahrwc(mnsz,mnsub) real aheaep(mnsz,mnsub) real ahrsk(mnsz,mnsub) real ahfwsf(mnsub) real ahzsno(mnsub) real ahzirr(mnsub) real ah0cb(mnsz,mnsub) real ahzper(mnsub) real ahzrun(mnsub) real ahzinf(mnsub) real ahzsmt(mnsub) real ahzwid(mnsub) common / h1hydro / r ahrwc, aheaep, ahrsk, ahfwsf, ahzsno, r ahzirr, ah0cb, ahzper, ahzrun, ahzinf, r ahzsmt, ahzwid c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c ahrwc - Soil water content (Kg/Kg) c aheaep - Soil air entry potential (J/kg) c ahrsk - Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (m/s) c ahfwsf - Crop growth water stress factor (unitless) c ahzsno - Water content of snow (mm) c ahzirr - Irrigation water applied (mm/day) c ah0cb - Power of Brooks and Corey water release curve model (unitless) c ahzper - Cumulative daily deep percolation (mm/day) c ahzrun - Cumulative daily surface runoff (mm/day) c ahzinf - cumulative daily surface infiltration c ahzsmt - Snow melt (mm) c ahzwid - Water infiltration depth (mm)