c$Author: fredfox $ c$Date: 2001-09-27 22:06:24 $ c$Revision: 1.2 $ c$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/inc/hydro/dvolwparam.inc,v $ c defines for soil water properties c number of layers plus six variables c ponded depth, cumulative evaporation, cumulative runoff, c cumulative infiltration, cumulative drainage, c and cumulative rainfall c iwork and rwork arrays set for max 100 soil layers c plus 6 auxilary variables (neq = 106, ml=3, mu=1) c lrw = 22 + 10*NEQ + (2*ML+MU)*NEQ if JT = 4 or 5. c liw = 20 + NEQ integer lrw, liw parameter (liw = 126) parameter (lrw = 1824) integer layrsn, istate, iwork(liw) real*4 t, rwork(lrw), tlay(mnsz),dist(mnsz),depth(mnsz), & thetas(mnsz), thetar(mnsz), ksat(mnsz), & airentry(mnsz), lambda(mnsz), & theta80rh(mnsz), thetaw(mnsz), & soiltemp(mnsz), & airtmaxprev, airtmin, airtmax, airtminnext, tdew, & beginday, lenday, sunrise, sunset, & evapamp, raindepth, rainstart, rainend, rainmid, & soilslope, pondmax, dw_friction, slopelength, & atmpres, & lastvolw(mnsz+7), cond(mnsz), swm(mnsz), & soilrh(mnsz), soilvapden(mnsz), soildiffu(mnsz), & prevvolw(mnsz+7) common / dvolwparam / i layrsn, istate, iwork, r t, rwork, tlay, dist, depth, r thetas, thetar, ksat, r airentry, lambda, r theta80rh, thetaw, r soiltemp, r airtmaxprev, airtmin, airtmax, airtminnext, tdew, i beginday, lenday, sunrise, sunset, r evapamp, raindepth, rainstart, rainend, rainmid, r soilslope, pondmax, dw_friction, slopelength, r atmpres, r lastvolw, cond, swm, r soilrh, soilvapden, soildiffu, r prevvolw c lrw - lsoda: length of real work array c liw - lsoda: length of integer work array c layrsn - number of soil layers c istate - LSODA input control and result flag, preserved between days c iwork(20+numeq) - lsoda: integer work array c t - time since last LSODA initialization, preserved between days c rwork(22+10*numeq+(2*ml+mu)*numeq - lsoda: real work array c tlay(mnsz) - soil layer thickness (m) c dist(mnsz) - distance from center of soil layer(index-1) c to soil layer(index) (m) c depth(mnsz) - distance from surface to center of soil layer (m) c thetas(mnsz) - saturated volumetric water content c thetar(mnsz) - volumetric water content where conductivity ceases (residual) c ksat(mnsz) - saturated hydraulic conductivity (m/s) c airentry(mnsz) - Brooks and Corey air entry potential (m) c lambda(mnsz) - Brooks and Corey pore interaction exponent c theta80rh(mnsz) - volumetric water content when soil air is 80 percent c relative humidity (obtained from soil adsorption isotherm estimates) c thetaw(mnsz) - wilting point (15 bar) volumetric water content c soiltemp(mnsz) - soil temperature (C) c airtmaxprev - maximum air temperature of the previous day (C) c airtmin - minimum air temperature today (C) c airtmax - maximum air temperature today (C) c airtminnext - minimum air temperature of the next day (C) c tdew - dewpoint temperature (C) c beginday - time of the beginning of the day (seconds) c lenday - length of the daylight (seconds) c sunrise - time of sunrise (seconds) c sunset - time of sunset (seconds) c evapamp - amplitude of the daily evaporation curve (m) c calculated from pi*dailydepth(m)/lenday/2.0 c raindepth - total depth of a rainfall event (m) c rainstart - time of the start of a rainfall event (seconds) c rainend - time of the end of a rainfall event (seconds) c rainmid - time of the peak of a rainfall event (seconds) c soilslope - slope of the soil surface (m/m) c pondmax - maximum depth of soil surface ponding before runoff (m) c dw_friction - darcy weisbach friction factor for runoff flow rate calculation c slopelength - length of sheet flow runoff (overland flow element) c atmpres - pressure of the ambient atmosphere (kPa) c lastvolw(mnsz+6) - value saved from previous entry into dvolw c cond(mnsz) - value used from previous entry into dvolw c swm(mnsz) - value used from previous entry into dvolw c soilrh(mnsz) - value used from previous entry into dvolw c soilvapden(mnsz) - value used from previous entry into dvolw c soildiffu(mnsz) - value used from previous entry into dvolw c prevvolw(numeq) - initial values of water content at beginning of hour c indexes greater than layrsn may be updated hourly