c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c file 'p1unconv.inc' c These parameter variables are used for unit conversion values c within WERM to make the coding more readable and maintainable. c Generally, only common unit conversions likely to be used c throughout the WERM coding should reside here. Conversion units c used locally in the WERM coding should be defined in separate c parameter include files. c These parameter values may be consulted from within any sections c of the WERM code if this file has been included. real mtomm real mmtom integer hrday real hrtosec real daytosec real degtorad real radtodeg c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + parameter (mtomm = 1000.0) parameter (mmtom = 0.001) parameter (hrday = 24) parameter (hrtosec = 3600.0) parameter (daytosec = 86400.0) parameter (degtorad = 0.017453293) !pi/180 parameter (radtodeg = 57.2957795) !180/pi c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c mtomm - Unit conversion constant (mm/m) c mmtom - Unit conversion constant (m/mm) c hrday - Number of hours in a day (hrs/day) c hrtosec - Unit conversion constant (seconds/hour) c degtorad - To convert Degrees to Radians, multiply by pi/180 (rad/deg) c radtodeg - To convert Radians to Degrees, multiply by 180/pi (deg/rad) c ------------------------------------------------------------------