c$Author: fredfox $ c$Date: 2001-09-27 22:06:31 $ c$Revision: 1.2 $ c$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/inc/soil/prevday.inc,v $ c defines for soil conditions that are retained from the previous day real bhtmx0(mnsz) real bhrwc0(mnsz) real bszrh0 real bszrr0 common / prevday / r bhtmx0, bhrwc0, bszrh0, bszrr0 c bhtmx0 - layer maximum temperature of yesterday. in C c bhrwc0 - soil water content for yesterday. mass basis kg/kg. c bszrh0 - prior day ridge height, mm c bszrr0 - prior day random roughness, mm