subroutine trans( m bczht, bdzht, m bcxstm, bdxstm, m bcxstmrep, bdxstmrep, m bcdstm, bddstm, m bcmyld, m bcmst, bdmst, m bcmf, bdmf, m bcmbg, bdmbg, m bcmrt, bdmrt, m bcmbgz, bdmbgz, m bcmrtz, bdmrtz, m bcumdds, bcumddf, bcumddg, m bcrbc, bdrbc, m bdkrate, bcovfact, m bddsthrsh, m bcdkrate, bccovfact, m bcddsthrsh, m bc0nam, bd0nam, i nlay, m acm, acrsai, acrlai, m acrsaz, acrlaz, m acffcv, acfscv, acftcv) c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c This subroutine performs the biomass manipulation of transferring c biomass. Transfer of biomass is performed on both the standing c or above ground biomass and the root biomass. The transfer is c from the "temporary" crop pool to the decomp biomass pools c (when called from within "doeffect". c c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c transfer, biomass manipulation include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real bczht, bdzht(mnbpls) real bcxstm, bdxstm(mnbpls) real bcxstmrep, bdxstmrep(mnbpls) real bcdstm, bddstm(mnbpls) real bcmyld real bcmst, bdmst(mnbpls) real bcmf, bdmf(mnbpls) real bcmbg, bdmbg(mnbpls) real bcmbgz(mnsz), bdmbgz(mnsz,mnbpls) real bcmrt, bdmrt(mnbpls) real bcmrtz(mnsz), bdmrtz(mnsz,mnbpls) real bcumdds(mnbpls), bcumddf(mnbpls), bcumddg(mnsz,mnbpls) integer bcrbc, bdrbc(mnbpls) real bdkrate(mndk,mnbpls), bcovfact(mnbpls) real bddsthrsh(mnbpls) real bcdkrate(mndk), bccovfact real bcddsthrsh character bc0nam*80 character bd0nam*80 integer nlay real acm, acrsai, acrlai real acrsaz(mncz), acrlaz(mncz) real acffcv, acfscv, acftcv c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c nlay - number of soil layers c c + + + ACCESSED COMMON BLOCK VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c mnbpls - max number of decomposition pools (currently=3) c mnsz - max number of soil layers c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c character cropname*80 integer lay, ip, idk, idx c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c lay - soil layer index c ip - decomp pool index c idk - dkrate components index c idx - crop mass by height index c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! transfer standing residue height do 100 ip=mnbpls,2,-1 bdzht(ip) = bdzht(ip-1) 100 continue bdzht(1) = bczht bczht = 0.0 ! transfer stem numbers and their stem diameter size bddstm(mnbpls) = bddstm(mnbpls) + bddstm(mnbpls-1) do 200 ip=mnbpls-1,2,-1 bddstm(ip) = bddstm(ip-1) bdxstm(ip) = bdxstm(ip-1) bdxstmrep(ip) = bdxstmrep(ip-1) 200 continue bddstm(1) = bcdstm bdxstm(1) = bcxstm bdxstmrep(1) = bcxstmrep bcdstm = 0.0 bcxstm = 0.0 bcxstmrep = 0.0 ! throw away any unharvest crop yield mass at this time ! what else can I do? bcmyld = 0.0 ! transfer standing, flat, root, and below ground mass bdmst(mnbpls) = bdmst(mnbpls) + bdmst(mnbpls-1) bdmf(mnbpls) = bdmf(mnbpls) + bdmf(mnbpls-1) bdmrt(mnbpls) = bdmrt(mnbpls) + bdmrt(mnbpls-1) bdmbg(mnbpls) = bdmbg(mnbpls) + bdmbg(mnbpls-1) do 500 ip=mnbpls-1,2,-1 bdmst(ip) = bdmst(ip-1) bdmf(ip) = bdmf(ip-1) bdmrt(ip) = bdmrt(ip-1) bdmbg(ip) = bdmbg(ip-1) 500 continue bdmst(1) = bcmst bdmf(1) = bcmf bdmrt(1) = bcmrt bdmbg(1) = bcmbg bcmst = 0.0 bcmf = 0.0 bcmrt = 0.0 bcmbg = 0.0 ! transfer below ground and root mass in each soil layer do 1001 lay=1,nlay bdmbgz(lay,mnbpls) = bdmbgz(lay,mnbpls) + bdmbgz(lay,mnbpls-1) bdmrtz(lay,mnbpls) = bdmrtz(lay,mnbpls) + bdmrtz(lay,mnbpls-1) do 1000 ip=mnbpls-1,2,-1 bdmbgz(lay,ip) = bdmbgz(lay,ip-1) bdmrtz(lay,ip) = bdmrtz(lay,ip-1) 1000 continue 1001 continue do 1002 lay=1,nlay bdmbgz(lay,1) = bcmbgz(lay) bdmrtz(lay,1) = bcmrtz(lay) bcmbgz(lay) = 0.0 bcmrtz(lay) = 0.0 1002 continue ! transfer CUMM DDAYS for s standing, f flat, and g below ground pools do 1500 ip=mnbpls,2,-1 bcumdds(ip) = bcumdds(ip-1) bcumddf(ip) = bcumddf(ip-1) 1500 continue bcumdds(1) = 0.0 ! reset cummdds to zero bcumddf(1) = 0.0 ! reset cummddf to zero do 1502 lay=1,nlay do 1501 ip=mnbpls,2,-1 bcumddg(lay,ip) = bcumddg(lay,ip-1) 1501 continue 1502 continue do 1503 lay=1,nlay bcumddg(lay,1) = 0.0 ! reset cummddg to zero 1503 continue ! transfer decay rates for standing, flat, below ground, roots, and stem_no pools ! Note that the oldest decomp pool uses a constant decay rate (don't need to set) do 2001 idk=1,mndk !well, supposed to have a constant decay rate (zero doesn't cut it though - LEW) !do 2000 ip=mnbpls-1,2,-1 do 2000 ip=mnbpls,2,-1 bdkrate(idk,ip) = bdkrate(idk,ip-1) !print *, 'bdkrate(idk,ip) ',idk, ip, bdkrate(idk,ip) 2000 continue 2001 continue do 2002 idk=1,mndk bdkrate(idk,1) = bcdkrate(idk) !print *, 'bdkrate(idk,1) ',idk, ' 1 ', bdkrate(idk,1) !print *, 'bdkrate(idk,3) ',idk, ' 3 ', bdkrate(idk,3) 2002 continue do 2500 ip=mnbpls,2,-1 bdrbc(ip) = bdrbc(ip-1) bcovfact(ip) = bcovfact(ip-1) bddsthrsh(ip) = bddsthrsh(ip-1) 2500 continue bdrbc(1) = bcrbc bcovfact(1) = bccovfact bddsthrsh(1) = bcddsthrsh bd0nam = bc0nam !evidently only keeping track of 1st decomp pool name C zero these "dependent" values - they will be updated by crop if necessary acm = 0.0 acrsai = 0.0 acrlai = 0.0 do 667 idx=1,mncz acrsaz(idx) = 0.0 acrlaz(idx) = 0.0 667 continue acffcv = 0.0 acfscv = 0.0 acftcv = 0.0 end