LQV'0 z0 0.text00 .data00 @.bss@@.commentUU EEEE UЍRU=0t08tu/Y}E9uuu  P&YP'YU^jh0((} h0YXTHTHf@Dž8\H@Pjj( PXP( ;Pt h09Y88|TLH@TTDT(T@T(T,CNHN_|i]t~-9x7:u2:'S@  etextedataend.text.data.bss_start-lgenviron__DYNAMICmainexit_exit_csu_getpagesize_csu_open_csu_lseek_csu_read_csu_mmap_csu_write_csu_exitdebug_ioboptargatoifopenfprintfgetoptmalloccallocget_datalogexpfscanfT%c 0$0D%\0`0L !T$ P00/lib/ld.socan't open /lib/ld.so can't read headers from ld.so ld.so is not a 386 executable /dev/zerocan't open /dev/zero mmap of ld.so failed crt0: ??? !????ehlsWN:f:d?r Cannot open input file: %s Number of angles (%d) not greater than one Insufficient memory available - angle Insufficient memory available - Cum_Freq Insufficient memory available - x Insufficient memory available - y Insufficient memory available - angle array_size: %d Error: invalid input after (%d) data points read Warning: filled input buffer array with (%d) data points read nangles: %d ret: %d angle Freq Dist %lf %lf x,y output %lf %lf xbar, ybar, num, denom, and a, b %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf Weibull parms: scale (C) shape (k) %lf %lf linearized Cum Freq dist: x y %lf %lf Shelter angle Cum Freq %lf %lf usage: %s -e -h -l -s -W -N array_size -f infile Input is a stream of shelter angles Array sizes need to be specified if # angles > default array_size (1024) Output (default) is a cumulative frequency distribution -e: echo input to stderr (screen) -h: output header line -l: output linearized data only (x,y) -s: output Weibull scale and shape parms only(C,k) -W: use an exponential weighting method for obtaining (C,k) -N array_size: maximum input array size (1024) -f infile: input datafile name (stdin) reading data %lf Error: invalid input after %d data points read Warning: filled input buffer array: %d data points read number of data points: %d echoing data read %lf 0.filegbull_regress.cusageetext0edata9end:.text.data0.bss9_start-lgenviron9main|)4>HSdebug9_iobx7optarg:get_datalog@ exp ]__DYNAMIC_csu_getpagesize_csu_open_csu_lseek_csu_read_csu_mmap_csu_write_csu_exit