LiveTable Demos

Demos showing off JClass LiveTable functionality.

Note that all demos can be run inside the demo launcher. To run the demo launcher:

  cd $JCLASS_HOME/demos/common
For feature-oriented examples (including fully documented source code), please have a look at the LiveTable Examples.


BeanSweeper Demo

Uses LiveTable's custom cell editors and renderers to create a simple game based on the popular MineSweeper.

Calculator Demo

A simple Java-based calculator built using LiveTable!

Custom Cells Demo

Shows unique cell editing/rendering options, including a draggable bar that can be used to change an integer value.

Editor/Renderer Demo

Shows LiveTable's cell editor and renderer flexibility by allowing users to specify new editor/renderer pairs for table columns.

Matrix Demo

Shows how to add a property to LiveTable that controls text rotation.

PrimeTime Demo

A LiveTable simulation of a TV guide. Includes printing!

Stocks Demo

Shows stock data in a table, updating every 5 seconds.

SpreadSheet Demo

Emulates an Excel-style spreadsheet.

LiveTable Examples...

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