subroutine case12(ichan,ielmt,cnpart,i,flagct) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR CASE12 routes sediment through a channel segment for cases c where deposition occurs at the upper end. c c Two cases are possible: c c Case I : du < 0.0 (deposition) and dl < 0.0 (deposition) c Case II : du < 0.0 (deposition) and dl > 0.0 (detachment) c c SR CASE12 contains the section of CREAMS SR ROUTE pertaining c to channel erosional Cases I and II. Units are in ENGLISH. c c Called from: SR CHNRT c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer ichan, ielmt, cnpart, i, flagct c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c ichan - c ielmt - c cnpart - c i - c flagct - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real expon, xrat integer k, nz c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Integer Variables c c k - c nz - c c Real Variables c c expon - c xrat - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c detach c undflo c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c If at least one particle size transport capacity, tc(i), c is less than the sediment load, gs(i), deposition has c occurred at the upper boundary of the channel segment, c i.e., du(i) < 0.0. When this occurs these cases are c possible: c c Case I : du < 0.0 (deposition) and dl < 0.0 (deposition) c Deposition occurs through the entire channel segment. c c Case II: du < 0.0 (deposition) and dl > 0.0 (detachment) c Deposition occurs at the upper boundary of the c segment and stops somewhere within the segment. c Detachment of sediment occurs at the lower c boundary of the channel segment. c c Sediment load, transport capacity, deposition rate, etc. at c the upper boundary of a given channel segment are equal to c respective variable values at the lower boundary of the c previous (upstream) channel segment. c c first compute deposition rate of each particle class c at lower boundary of channel segment, dl() c nz = 0 c do 10 k = 1, cnpart c xrat = x(i-1) / x(i) c c check value of expon here - move to qlat IF statement? c expon = 1.0 + phi(k) c if ( then c c deposition rate for top and lateral sediment c call undflo(xrat,expon) c c Correction of the deposition rate (CB, nov.95) c dl(k) = (phi(k)/(qlat+phi(k))) * (dtcdx(k)-dlat(k)) * (1.0 dl(k) = phi(k)/(1+phi(k)) * (dtcdx(k)-dlat(k)) * (1.0 1 - xrat**expon) else c c if no lateral inflow, the deposition rate is equal c to the change in transport capacity of the flow c dl(k) = dtcdx(k) end if c call undflo(xrat,expon) c dl(k) = dl(k) + (du(k)*xrat**expon) c c determine whether deposition is occurring at the lower c boundary (ie. dl < 0.0) c if (dl(k).le.0.0) then c c Case I: deposition occurs over the entire segment c so reduce sediment load at the lower boundary, gsl(), c by amount deposited c nz = nz + 1 xde(k) = x(i) dde(k) = dl(k) c Given the change of deposition rate, this has to be changed too. c (CB, nov. 95) c gsde(k) = tcl(k) - (dl(k)*ql/phi(k)) / wfl gsde(k) = tcl(k) - (dl(k)*x(i)/phi(k)) / wfl gstde(k) = gsde(k) * wfl gsl(k) = gsde(k) else c c Case II: deposition at the upper end of segment and c possibility of detachment at the lower end c c for each particle size if dl > 0 and du = 0 then c if (du(k).eq.0.0) then c xde(k) = x(i-1) gsde(k) = gsu(k) gstde(k) = gsde(k) * wfu dde(k) = 0.0 c else c c deposition ends within segment at location xde(k) c if ( then c And xde had to be changed too. The equation was rederived. c (CB, nov. 95) c xde(k) = x(i-1) * (1.0-((qlat+phi(k))/phi(k))*(du(k)/( c 1 dtcdx(k)-dlat(k)))) ** (1.0/(1.0+phi(k)/qlat)) xde(k) = x(i-1) * (1.0 - (1+phi(k))/phi(k)*du(k)/( 1 dtcdx(k)-dlat(k))) ** (1.0/(1.0+phi(k))) else xde(k) = x(i-1) * (1-du(k)/dtcdx(k)) end if c gstde(k) = dtcdx(k) * (xde(k)-x(i-1)) + tcu(k) * wfu dde(k) = 0.0 end if end if c 10 continue c c if all particles deposit at the end of segment (nz = cnpart) c then process next segment c if (nz.eq.cnpart) return c c if deposition of a given particle ends at a location xde not c equal to x(i) then examine if this location is greater than c or less than x(i) c c xdemax = maximum xde for all particle sizes and begin with a c minimum possible value for xdemax which is x(i-1) c xdemax = x(i-1) c do 20 k = 1, cnpart xdemax = amax1(xdemax,xde(k)) 20 continue c c if xdemax < x(i), then check the possibility of having c equilibrium or detachment from position xdemax to x(i) c if ( then c c otherwise, if xdemax >= x(i) then calculate gsl(k) and c process next segment c do 30 k = 1, cnpart c if (xde(k).ne.x(i)) then dl(k) = 0.0 gsl(k) = (gstde(k)+dlat(k)*(x(i)-xde(k))) / wfl end if c 30 continue c c process next segment c return c end if c c set deposition rate at xde equal to zero (dde = 0.0) and c compute total sediment load at this point c do 40 k = 1, cnpart dde(k) = 0.0 gstde(k) = gstde(k) + dlat(k) * (xdemax-xde(k)) 40 continue c c calculate detachment c call detach(ichan,ielmt,cnpart,i,flagct) c return end