subroutine case34(ichan,ielmt,cnpart,i,flagct) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR CASE34 routes sediment through a channel segment for cases c where detachment occurs at the upper end. c c Two cases are possible: c c Case III: du > 0.0 (detachment) and dl < 0.0 (deposition) c Case IV : du > 0.0 (detachment) and dl > 0.0 (detachment) c c SR CASE34 contains the part of CREAMS SR ROUTE pertaining c to channel erosional Cases III and IV. Units are in ENGLISH. c c Called from: SR CHNRT c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer ichan, ielmt, cnpart, i, flagct c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c ichan - c ielmt - c cnpart - c i - c flagct - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real expon, xrat integer k, nk, nt, nz c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Integer Variables c c k - c nk - c nt - c nz - c c Real Variables c c expon - c xrat - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c detach c enddet c trncap c undflo c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c nt = 0 c do 10 k = 1, cnpart if (tcl(k).le.potld(k)) nt = nt + 1 10 continue c c if all tci's < potldi's (nt = cnpart) then Case III, and c there is a potential for deposition to occur at the end of c segment c if (nt.eq.cnpart) then c c Case III: detachment at the upper boundary and potential for c deposition at the lower boundary c nz = 0 nk = 0 c do 20 k = 1, cnpart if (du(k).gt.0.0) nz = nz + 1 if (gsu(k).eq.tcu(k)) nk = nk + 1 20 continue c if (nz.eq.cnpart.and.nk.eq.cnpart) then c do 30 k = 1, cnpart c if (tcl(k).lt.potld(k)) then xdbeg(k) = dx * du(k) / (2.0*dlat(k)+du(k)) + x(i-1) end if c 30 continue c else c do 40 k = 1, cnpart c if (tcl(k).lt.potld(k)) then xdbeg(k) = ((tcu(k)*wfu-gstu(k))/(du(k)/2.0+dlat(k)- 1 dtcdx(k))) + x(i-1) end if c 40 continue c end if c do 50 k = 1, cnpart c if (potld(k).le.tcl(k)) then gsl(k) = potld(k) dl(k) = 0.0 else c xrat = xdbeg(k) / x(i) c if ( then c c deposition rate for top and lateral sediment c c corrected by CB (nov. 95) c expon = phi(k) / qlat + 1.0 expon = phi(k) + 1.0 call undflo(xrat,expon) dl(k) = phi(k)/(1+phi(k)) * (dtcdx(k)-dlat(k)) * (1.0 1 -xrat**expon) else c c if no lateral inflow, the deposition rate is equal c to the change in transport capacity of the flow c dl(k) = dtcdx(k) end if c c corrected by CB (nov.95) c gsl(k) = tcl(k) - dl(k) * ql / (phi(k)*wfl) gsl(k) = tcl(k) - dl(k) * x(i) / (phi(k)*wfl) end if c 50 continue c else c c otherwise, Case IV: detachment over entire segment c c compute potential load as a sum of sediment load from c detachment on the segment (du) and initial potential load c do 60 k = 1, cnpart potld(k) = (gstu(k)+dlat(k)*dx+du(k)*dx/2.0) / wfl 60 continue c c compute transport capacity based on potld c call trncap(effshl,potld,ielmt,tcl) c c determine if detachment ends at the end of segment or within c segment and stays in equilibrium up to the end of segment c c set flag nt = 0 c nt = 0 c do 70 k = 1, cnpart dtcdx(k) = (tcl(k)*wfl-tcu(k)*wfu) / dx if (tcl(k).le.potld(k)) nt = nt + 1 70 continue c c if all tcli's <= potldi's (nt = cnpart) go ahead and find c position within segment where detachment ends c if ( then c c otherwise, rearrange variables to allow use of previous section c of code dealing with a possibility of some particles detaching c and others staying in equilibrium up to the end of segment c do 80 k = 1, cnpart dde(k) = du(k) xdemax = x(i-1) gsde(k) = gsu(k) gstde(k) = gsde(k) * wfu 80 continue c c determine the detachment c call detach(ichan,ielmt,cnpart,i,flagct) c c process next segment c return c end if c c detachment of all the particles ends within the segment - c find the position where detachment ends c call enddet(cnpart,ielmt,i) c do 90 k = 1, cnpart dl(k) = 0.0 gsl(k) = tcl(k) 90 continue c end if c return end