c begin include file cclim.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /clim/ tmin,tmax,tave,radly,radmj,am(mxhill), 1 am2(mxhill),tmnavg,tmxavg,tdpt,wind,vwind, 1 r5(mxplan,6),rx(5),iwind,hrsnow(24),hrrain(24), 1 hradmj,hrdewp,hrtemp,rpoth c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real tmin,tmax,tave,radly,radmj,am,am2,tmnavg, 1 tmxavg,tdpt,wind,vwind,r5,rx,hrsnow,hrrain, 1 hradmj,hrdewp,hrtemp,rpoth integer iwind c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c tmin : minimum daily temperature (degrees C) c tmax : maximum daily temperature (degrees C) c tave : average daily temperature (degrees C) c radly : daily solar radiation (Langleys/day) c radmj : daily solar radiation (MJ/m^2/day) c am : five day antecedent moisture for surface c residue (m) c am2 : five day antecedent moisture for submerged c residue (m) c tmnavg : five day minimum temperature average (deg C). c tmxavg : five day maximum temperature average (deg C). c tdpt : mean daily dew point temperature (degrees C) c wind : wind direction (degrees from North) c vwind : mean daily wind speed (m/s) c r5(mxplan,6) : five day rainfall total (m). c rx(5) : divisor for rainfall c iwind : wind data flag in climate input file c ( 0 - wind data, 1 - no wind data ) c hrrain : hourly rainfall amount--meters of rain. (m) c hrsnow : hourly snowfall amount--meters of snow. (m) c hradmj : hourly radiation distributed over a normal curve c on an hourly basis (MJ/m^2) c hrdewp : Calculated average hourly dew point (C) c hrtemp : Calculated average hourly temperature (C) c rpoth : Calculated daily radiation potential (MJ/m^2/day) c c end include file cclim.inc