c begin include file ccrpprm.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /crpprm/ itype(mxcrop,mxplan),jdplt(mxcrop,mxplan), 1 jdharv(mxcrop,mxplan),rw(mxcrop,mxplan), 1 yld(ntype),itill(mxtlsq,mxtill), 1 iresd(mxres,mxplan),grazig(mxplan), 1 resmgt(mxcrop,mxplan), 1 frmove(mxtill,mxtlsq),resad(mxtill,mxtlsq), 1 jdmove(mxtill,mxtlsq),iresad(mxtlsq,mxtill), 1 btemp(ntype),nycrop(mxplan), 1 iroot(mxres,mxplan),rngout,iplant(ntype), 1 jdsene(mxcrop,mxplan),rngplt,rnganm c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer itype,jdplt,jdharv,itill,iresd,grazig, 1 resmgt,nycrop,iroot,rngout,iplant,jdsene, 1 rnganm, rngplt,jdmove real rw,yld,btemp,frmove c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c itype(mxcrop, mxplan) : plant type c jdplt(mxcrop, mxplan) : planting date in Julian day (1-366) c jdharv(mxcrop, mxplan) : harvesting date in Julian day (1-366) c rw(mxcrop,mxplan) : row width (m) c yld(ntype) : crop yield (kg/m^2) c itill(mxtlsq, mxtill) : type of tillage for current day c iresd(mxres,mxplan) : residue type c grazig(mxplan) : a flag for grazing occurrence c resmgt(mxcrop, mxplan) : residue management option c 1 = herbicide application c 2 = burning c 3 = silage c 4 = shredding c 6 = none c btemp(ntype) : base daily air temperature (degrees C) c nycrop (mxplan) : number of crops per year c iroot(mxres,mxplan) : c rngout : c rnganm : rangeland animal output ,1=no, 2=yes c rngplt : rangeland plant output, 1=no, 2=yes c iplant(ntype) : c jdsene(mxcrop,mxplan) : user input value for approximate date to c reach senescence for a perennial crop. c A value of ZERO for this variable c indicates to subroutine GROW that this c particular perennial plant is not to c senesce due to degree day accumulation. c end include file ccrpprm.inc