c begin include file cends4.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + c NOTE : ENDS4 is never used in SR ROUTE. common /ends4/ tcend,rspace(mxplan),width(mxplan),qshear, 1 qsout, rwflag(mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer rwflag real tcend,rspace,width,qshear,qsout c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c tcend : transport capacity at the end of the c average uniform slope profile that c passes though the endpoints of an OFE (kg/s*m). c rspace(mxplan) : rill spacing (m). c width(mxplan) : rill width (m). c qshear : peak flow discharge (m^3/s), normally at the c bottom of an OFE. c qsout : sediment discharge at end of current c OFE (kg/m of width per second). c rwflag : flag to indicate if user desires WEPP to reset c : rill width after each tillage operation and compute c : new rill widths with each runoff event: c rwflag = 1 have model compute varying rill widths c due to tillage and flow c = 2 use input rill width always c c end include file cends4.inc c