c begin include file cffact.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /ffact/ frcsol(mxplan),frctrl(mxplan),frcteq(mxplan), 1 frccov(mxplan),frlive(mxplan),frrres(mxplan), 1 frican(mxplan),fribas(mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real frcsol,frctrl,frcteq,frccov,frlive,frrres, 1 frican,fribas c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c frcsol(mxplan) : soil grain friction factor c frctrl(mxplan) : total rill friction factor c frcteq(mxplan) : equivalent weighting friction factor for rill c frccov(mxplan) : rill cover friction factor under cropland c frlive(mxplan) : friction factor due to living plants under cropland c frrres(mxplan) : rill cover friction factor under rangeland c fribas(mxplan) : basal cover friction factor under rangeland c frican(mxplan) : friction due to canopy cover under rangeland c fritot(mxplan) : sum of fribas and frican under rangeland c end include file cffact.inc