c begin include file cflags.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /flags/ bigflg,ichplt,iflag,ipdout,snoflg,wgrflg,yldflg, 1 idflag c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer bigflg,ichplt,iflag,ipdout,snoflg,wgrflg,yldflg, 1 idflag c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c bigflg : flag for hillslope large graphics output c ichplt : flag for watershed channel profile erosion plotting c iflag : flag for hillslope initialization calls c ipdout : flag for impoundment output c snoflg : flag for hillslope winter processes output c wgrflg : flag for watershed large graphics output c yldflg : flag for hillslope crop yield output c idflag : flag for channel runoff-runon and impoundment cases c c channel runoff-runon and impoundment cases: c c idflag = 0 for no runoff from hillslope(s) or channel c idflag = 2 for channel runoff but no runon from hillslope(s) c idflag = 3 for no channel runoff but hillslope runon c idflag = 4 for both channel runoff and hillslope runon c c impoundment flow cases: c c idflag = 0 then hydraulic routing only c idflag > 0 then hydraulic and sediment routing c end include file cflags.inc