subroutine chncon c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Called from: SR WSHINI c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real deltlm, sslp(mxcseg), xslp(mxcseg) integer i, idwn, j, nptsc c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c deltlm - c sslp(mxcseg) - c xslp(mxcseg) - c c Integer Variables c c i - c idwn - c j - c nptsc - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c chnpar c convrt c table c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c agrav = 32.2 msdh2o = 1.94 wtdh2o = 62.4 wtdsoi = 96.0 knvis = 1.05e-05 yalcon = 0.635 beta = 1.56 cnpart = npart nptsc = 11 c do 40 ichan = 1, nchan c c compute computational channel segment length c deltlm = chnlen(ichan) / (nptsc - 1) c c insert slope point measurement at channel inlet and c and insert into local array c idwn = ncsseg(ichan) + 1 c do 10 i = 1, ncsseg(ichan) xslp(idwn) = chnx(ichan,idwn-1) sslp(idwn) = chnslp(ichan,idwn-1) idwn = idwn - 1 10 continue c xslp(1) = 0.0 sslp(1) = sslp(2) c c divide the channel into nptsc-1 homogeneous slope segments c chnx(ichan,nptsc) = chnlen(ichan) chnslp(ichan,nptsc) = chnslp(ichan,ncsseg(ichan)) c chnx(ichan,1) = xslp(1) chnslp(ichan,1) = sslp(1) c do 20 i = 2, nptsc - 1 c c compute the slope for each computational segment c by interpolating the slope-distance input pairs c chnx(ichan,i) = chnx(ichan,i-1) + deltlm call table(2,ncsseg(ichan)+1,xslp,sslp,chnx(ichan,i), 1 chnslp(ichan,i)) c 20 continue c c convert WEPP metric variables into CREAMS english variables c call convrt c c write initial channel parameters c c call chnpar(nptsc) c c set initial depth and width of non-erodible layer c do 30 j = 1, nptsc depa(ichan,j) = chnedm(ichan) * 3.281 depb(ichan,j) = chnedm(ichan) * 3.281 wida(ichan,j) = chnwid(ichan) * 3.281 widb(ichan,j) = chnwid(ichan) * 3.281 c depa(ichan,j) = chnedm(ichan) c depb(ichan,j) = chnedm(ichan) c wida(ichan,j) = chnwid(ichan) c widb(ichan,j) = chnwid(ichan) 30 continue c 40 continue c return end