subroutine chnpar(nptsc) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Outputs the values of channel parameters remaining c constant during the simulation. c c Called from: SR CHNERO c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nptsc c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real diamm, seddia, sscly, ssorg, ssslt, sssnd, total, xstr, eqsmm integer k, iseg character text1(4)*16, text2(2)*23, text3(4)*33 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c diamm - c seddia - c sscly - c ssorg - c ssslt - c sssnd - c total - c xstr - c eqsmm - c c Integer Variables c c k - c iseg - c c Character Variables c c text1(4)*16 - c text2(2)*23 - c text3(4)*33 - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c seddia c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data text1 /'triangular ', 'rectangular ', 1 'naturally eroded', 'trapezoidal '/ c data text2 /'slope of channel ', 'energy gradeline curves'/ c data text3 /'critical flow at outlet ', 1 'uniform flow at outlet ', 1 'uniform flow at outlet, diff. "n"', 1 'rating curve at outlet '/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c write (38,1000) ichan c write (38,1100) wtdsoi * ((3.281**3)*0.4536), wtdsoi, wtdh2o * (( 1 3.281**3)*0.4536), wtdh2o, msdh2o * ((3.281**3)*0.4536), 1 msdh2o, agrav / 3.281, agrav, knvis / (3.281**2), knvis, 1 yalcon, beta c ssorg = 1000.0 sscly = 200.0 ssslt = 4.0 sssnd = 0.05 c total = solorg(ich(ichan)) + 1.0 c sssoil(ich(ichan)) = ssorg * solorg(ich(ichan)) / 1.73 + (sscly* 1 solcly(ich(ichan))+ssslt*solslt(ich(ichan))+sssnd* 1 solsnd(ich(ichan))) / total c write (38,1200) solcly(ich(ichan)), sscly, sscly * ((3.281**2)* 1 453.6), solslt(ich(ichan)), ssslt, ssslt * ((3.281**2)*453.6), 1 solsnd(ich(ichan)), sssnd, sssnd * ((3.281**2)*453.6), 1 solorg(ich(ichan)), ssorg, ssorg * ((3.281**2)*453.6), 1 sssoil(ich(ichan)), sssoil(ich(ichan)) * ((3.281**2)*453.6) c write (38,1300) c do 10 k = 1, cnpart c diamm = 304.8 * crdia(k,ich(ichan)) eqsand(k,ich(ichan)) = 1 seddia(2.65,crfall(k,ich(ichan)),knvis,agrav) eqsmm = 304.8 * eqsand(k,ich(ichan)) c write (38,1400) k, diamm, diamm / 25.4, eqsmm, eqsmm / 25.4, 1 crfall(k,ich(ichan)), crfall(k,ich(ichan)) / 3.281, 1 crspg(k), crspg(k) * 62.427, crfrac(k,ich(ichan)) c 10 continue c write (38,1500) c do 20 k = 1, cnpart write (38,1600) k, frcly(k,ich(ichan)), frslt(k,ich(ichan)), 1 frsnd(k,ich(ichan)), frorg(k,ich(ichan)) 20 continue c write (38,1700) ichan, chnlen(ichan), chnlen(ichan) * 3.281, 1 uparea(ichan) / 1.0e4, (uparea(ichan)*2.471) / 1.0e4, 1 loarea(ichan) / 1.0e4, (loarea(ichan)*2.471) / 1.0e4, 1 toarea(ichan) / 1.0e4, (toarea(ichan)*2.471) / 1.0e4, 1 chnnbr(ichan), chnz(ichan), text1(ishape(ichan)), 1 text2(ienslp(ichan)) c write (38,1800) c do 30 iseg = 1, nptsc xstr = chnx(ichan,iseg) / chnlen(ichan) write (38,1900) chnx(ichan,iseg), chnx(ichan,iseg) * 3.281, 1 xstr, chnslp(ichan,iseg) 30 continue c write (38,2000) text3(icntrl(ichan)), ctlslp(ichan), ctln(ichan), 1 ctlz(ichan) c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.4) then write (38,2100) rccoef(ichan), rcexp(ichan), rcoset(ichan) end if c return c 1000 format (//11x,60('p'),//,27x,'channel number ',i2,' parameters'/) 1100 format (/32x,'initial constants',/32x,17('-'),//7x, 1 'wt. density soil (in place) ',f7.2,' kgs/m**3',' (',f9.2, 1 ' lbs/ft**3)',/7x,'wt. density water ',f7.2, 1 ' kgs/m**3',' (',f9.2,' lbs/ft**3)',/7x, 1 'mass density water ',f7.2,' kgs/m**3',' (',f9.2, 1 ' lbs/ft**3)',/7x,'acc. due to gravity ',f7.2, 1 ' m/sec**2',' (',f9.2,' ft/sec**2)',/7x, 1 'kinematic viscosity ',e10.3,' m**2/sec',' (',e9.3, 1 ' ft**2/sec)',/7x,'yalin constant (all particles) ',f7 1 .3,' (unitless)',//,7x,'momentum coeff. for nonuniform', 1 ' velocity in x-section',f7.2,' (unitless)'//) 1200 format (1x,/,24x,'distribution of primary particles',/,19x, 1 'and organic matter in the original soil mass',/,19x,44('-'), 1 /,19x,' type fraction specific surface',/,22x,4( 1 '-'),8x,8('-'),5x,16('-'),/,48x,'m**2/g of soil ft**2/lb',/, 1 48x,14('-'),3x,8('-'),/,22x,'clay',9x,f5.3,11x,f8.3,5x,e9.3,/, 1 22x,'silt',9x,f5.3,11x,f8.3,5x,f9.3,/,22x,'sand',9x,f5.3,11x, 1 f8.3,5x,f9.3,//,43x,'m**2/g of org. car. ft**2/lb',/,43x,19( 1 '-'),3x,8('-'),/,12x,'organic matter',9x,f5.3,11x,f8.3,5x,e9 1 .3,//,22x,'(organic carbon = organic matter/1.73)',//,20x, 1 'index of specific surface ',f7.2,' m**2/g',/,23x,'(',f9.2, 1 ' ft**2/lb) of total soil'/) 1300 format (1x,/,29x,'particle specifications',/,29x,23('-'),//'type', 1 3x,'diameter',6x,'eqsand dia.',3x,'fall velocity',6x, 1 'specific grav.',2x,'frac. in',/,1x,'no.',2x,'mm.',4x,'in.',6 1 x,'mm.',4x,'in.',3x,'ft/sec',3x,'m/sec',3x,'g/cm**3',1x, 1 'lbs/ft**3',1x,'det. sed.',/,4('-'),2x,3('-'),4x,3('-'),6x,3( 1 '-'),4x,3('-'),3x,6('-'),3x,5('-'),3x,7('-'),1x,9('-'),1x,9( 1 '-')) 1400 format (i2,3x,f5.3,2x,f6.4,2x,f5.3,2x,f6.4,1x,e8.3,1x,e8.3,3x,f4 1 .2,4x,f6.2,4x,f4.2) 1500 format (1x,/,31x,'particle composition',/,31x,20('-'),//,12x, 1 'type',15x,'primary particle fractions',/,13x,'no.',6x,'clay', 1 7x,'silt',7x,'sand',5x,'organic matter',/,12x,4('-'),6x,4('-' 1 ),7x,4('-'),7x,4('-'),5x,14('-')) 1600 format (13x,i2,1x,3(5x,f6.3),8x,f6.3) 1700 format (///,28x,'channel ',i2,' fixed parameters',/,28x,27('-'), 1 //,16x,'channel length ',f8.2,' m',' (',f9.2, 1 ' feet)',/,16x,'drainage area upper end',f8.2,' ha',' (',f8.2, 1 ' acres)',/,16x,'drainage area lower end',f8.2,' ha',' (',f8 1 .2,' acres)',/,16x,'drainage area at outlet',f8.2,' ha',' (', 1 f8.2,' acres)',/,16x,'bare channel manning n ',f8.3,/,16x, 1 '"best-fit" side slope ',f8.3,/,16x,'channel x-section = ', 1 a16,/,16x,'energy slope = ',a23,//) 1800 format (/29x,'slope steepness along channel',/,29x,29('-'),//,23x, 1 'distance distance distance',/,23x, 1 '(meters) (feet) (nondim) slope',/,23x,3(8('-'),4x 1 ),1x,5('-')) 1900 format (22x,f7.2,6x,f7.2,5x,f7.4,5x,f7.4) 2000 format (//,26x,'control section parameters',/,26x,26('-'),//,26x, 1 a33,//,26x,'bed slope ',f7.4,/,26x, 1 'mannings roughness ',f7.3,/,26x,'side slope ',f7.2) 2100 format (/,26x,'rating curve parameters',//,26x, 1 'q = ra*(y-ybase)**rn',/,26x,'ra = ',f8.3,/,26x,'rn = ', 1 f8.3,/,26x,'ybase = ',f7.2) end