c begin include file cimday.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /imday/ are common to impoundment c element user interface and the impoundment element main c program and refer to daily variables. common /imday/ vi(mximp), qiin(mximp), qomx(mximp), hmax(mximp), 1 totin(mximp), clin(mximp), slin(mximp), sain(mximp), 1 sdin(mximp), lain(mximp), cout(mximp), clout(mximp), 1 slout(mximp), saout(mximp), sdout(mximp), laout(mximp), 1 ret(mximp), clret(mximp), slret(mximp), saret(mximp), 1 sdret(mximp), laret(mximp), cpeak(mximp), ca(mximp), 1 volo(mximp), ciin(mximp), pla(mximp), psa(mximp), psl(mximp), 1 pcl(mximp), psd(mximp), cl50, sl50, sd50, sa50, la50, 1 clot, slot, saot, laot, sdot, cl50o, sl50o, sa50o, la50o, 1 sd50o, totco(mximp) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real vi, qiin, qomx, hmax, totin, clin, slin, 1 sain, sdin, lain, cout, clout, slout, saout, sdout, 1 laout, ret, clret, slret, saret, sdret, laret, 1 cpeak, ca, volo, ciin, pla, psa, psl, pcl, psd, 1 cl50, sl50, sd50, sa50, la50, clot, slot, saot, laot, 1 sdot, cl50o, sl50o, sa50o, la50o, sd50o, totco c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c vi(mximp) : inflow volume for the day (m^3) c qiin(mximp) : peak inflow rate for the day (m^3/s) c qomx(mximp) : peak outflow rate for the day (m^3/s) c hmax(mximp) : maximum stage for the day (m) c totin(mximp) : total incoming sediment for the day (kgs) c clin(mximp) : total incoming clay for the day (kgs) c slin(mximp) : total incoming silt for the day (kgs) c sain(mximp) : total incoming small agg for the day (kgs) c sdin(mximp) : total incoming sand for the day (kgs) c lain(mximp) : total incoming lg agg for the day (kgs) c cout(mximp) : total outgoing sediment for the day (kgs) c clout(mximp) : total outgoing clay for the day (kgs) c slout(mximp) : total outgoing silt for the day (kgs) c saout(mximp) : total outgoing sm agg for the day (kgs) c sdout(mximp) : total outgoing sand for the day (kgs) c laout(mximp) : total outgoing lg agg for the day (kgs) c ret(mximp) : total sediment retained for the day (kgs) c clret(mximp) : total clay retained for the day (kgs) c slret(mximp) : total silt retained for the day (kgs) c saret(mximp) : total sm agg retained for the day (kgs) c sdret(mximp) : total sand retained for the day (kgs) c laret(mximp) : total lg agg retained for the day (kgs) c cpeak(mximp) : peak outflow concentration for the day (mg/l) c ca(mximp) : average outflow concentration for the day (mg/l) c volo(mximp) : total outflow volume for the day (m^3) c ciin(mximp) : average inflow concentration for the day (mg/l) c pla(mximp) : % of incoming sediment in the large aggregate size class c psa(mximp) : % of incoming sediment in the small aggregate size class c psl(mximp) : % of incoming sediment in the silt size class c pcl(mximp) : % of incoming sediment in the clay size class c psd(mximp) : % of incoming sediment in the sand size class c cl50 : 50% dia for clay particles entering the impoundment c sl50 : 50% dia for silt particles entering the impoundment c sd50 : 50% dia for sand particles entering the impoundment c sa50 : 50% dia for small aggregate particles entering the impoundment c la50 : 50% dia for large aggregate particles entering the impoundment c clot : % of exiting sediment in the clay size class c slot : % of exiting sediment in the silt size class c saot : % of exiting sediment in the small aggregate size class c laot : % of exiting sediment in the large aggregate size class c sdot : % of exiting sediment in the sand size class c cl50o : 50% dia for clay particles exiting the impoundment c sl50o : 50% dia for silt particles exiting the impoundment c sa50o : 50% dia for small aggregate particles exiting the impoundment c la50o : 50% dia for large aggregate particles exiting the impoundment c sd50o : 50% dia for sand particles exiting the impoundment c totco(mximp) : total outgoing sediment for the day (lbs) c end include file cimday.inc