c begin include file cimyrs.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /imyrs/ are common to impoundment c element user interface and the impoundment element main c program and refer to variables needed to determine the c yearly sums and maximums. common /imyrs/ viy(mximp), qiiny(mximp), qomxy(mximp), 1 hmaxy(mximp), totiny(mximp), cliny(mximp), sliny(mximp), 1 sainy(mximp), sdiny(mximp), lainy(mximp), couty(mximp), 1 clouty(mximp), slouty(mximp), saouty(mximp), sdouty(mximp), 1 laouty(mximp), rety(mximp), clrety(mximp), slrety(mximp), 1 sarety(mximp), sdrety(mximp), larety(mximp), cpeaky(mximp), 1 cpkiy(mximp), cay(mximp), voy(mximp), tey(mximp), 1 cainy(mximp), coutys(mximp), clotys(mximp), slotys(mximp), 1 saotys(mximp), sdotys(mximp), laotys(mximp) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real viy, qiiny, qomxy, hmaxy, totiny, cliny, sliny, 1 sainy, sdiny, lainy, couty, clouty, slouty, saouty, sdouty, 1 laouty, rety, clrety, slrety, sarety, sdrety, larety, 1 cpeaky, cpkiy, cay, voy, tey, cainy, coutys, clotys, 1 slotys, saotys, sdotys, laotys c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c viy(mximp) : inflow volume for the year (m^3) c qiiny(mximp) : peak inflow rate for the year (m^3/s) c qomxy(mximp) : peak outflow rate for the year (m^3/s) c hmaxy(mximp) : maximum stage for the year (m) c totiny(mximp) : total incoming sediment for the year (kgs) c cliny(mximp) : total incoming clay for the year (kgs) c sliny(mximp) : total incoming silt for the year (kgs) c sainy(mximp) : total incoming small agg for the year (kgs) c sdiny(mximp) : total incoming sand for the year (kgs) c lainy(mximp) : total incoming lg agg for the year (kgs) c couty(mximp) : total outgoing sediment for the year (kgs) c coutys(mximp) : total outgoing sediment for the year (kgs) c reset in annchn, not impyr c clouty(mximp) : total outgoing clay for the year (kgs) c clotys(mximp): total outgoing clay for the year (kgs) c reset in annchn, not impyr c slouty(mximp) : total outgoing silt for the year (kgs) c slotys(mximp): total outgoing silt for the year (kgs) c reset in annchn, not impyr c saouty(mximp) : total outgoing sm agg for the year (kgs) c saotys(mximp): total outgoing sm agg for the year (kgs) c reset in annchn, not impyr c sdouty(mximp) : total outgoing sand for the year (kgs) c sdotys(mximp): total outgoing sand for the year (kgs) c reset in annchn, not impyr c laouty(mximp) : total outgoing lg agg for the year (kgs) c laotys(mximp): total outgoing lg agg for the year (kgs) c reset in annchn, not impyr c rety(mximp) : total sediment retained in the year (kgs) c clrety(mximp) : total clay retained in the year (kgs) c slrety(mximp) : total silt retained in the year (kgs) c sarety(mximp) : total sm agg retained in the year (kgs) c sdrety(mximp) : total sand retained in the year (kgs) c larety(mximp) : total lg agg retained in the year (kgs) c cpeaky(mximp) : peak outflow concentration for the year (mg/l) c cpkiy(mximp) : peak inflow concentration for the year (mg/l) c cay(mximp) : average outflow concentration for the year (mg/l) c voy(mximp) : total outflow volume for the year (m^3) c tey(mximp) : impoundment trapping efficiency for the year (%) c cainy(mximp) : average inflow concentration for the year (mg/l) c end include file cimyrs.inc