c begin include file cirdepl.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + c Variables in common /irdepl/ are common to all irrigation systems c but specifically for depletion level irrigation scheduling. common /irdepl/ deplev(mxplan),depsev,iramt,irbeg(mxplan), 1 irdmin,irend(mxplan),yrbeg(mxplan), 1 yrend(mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer irbeg,irend,yrbeg,yrend real deplev,depsev,iramt,irdmin c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c deplev(mxplan) : allowable available soil water depletion level c for each overland flow element (m/m) c depsev : variable for use with non-uniform hydrology, the c severity of available soil water depletion for an c overland flow element (m/m) c iramt : depth of water to be applied by irrigation (m) c irbeg(mxplan) : julian date of beginning of irrigation period c irdmin : minimum irrigation depth (m) c irend(mxplan) : julian date of end of irrigation period c yrbeg(mxplan) : beginning year for irrigation period (relative c value ... 1 for first simulation year, etc.) c yrend(mxplan) : ending year for irrigation period (relative c value) c end include file cirdepl.inc