c begin include file cirfur2.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /irfur2/ are specifically for furrow c irrigation. The variables endofe, surge, and timtot must be c assigned prior to performing the irrigation for depletion level c scheduling. common /irfur2/ advdis,depsrg(mxplan),dtheta(mxplan), 1 endofe,endpln(mxplan),filrat(mxplan), 1 florat(mxplan),infvlm(mxplan),inoptm(0:xsteps), 1 irslp,nqsppl(mxsrg),ntend(mxsrg),ntstrt(mxsrg), 1 qspply(mxsrg),runosg,splyvm,srg,srgflg,surge, 1 surges(mxplan),tadvan(0:xsteps), 1 tend(mxsrg),timest(mxplan),timflg,timtot, 1 xpostn(0:xsteps),trec(0:xsteps) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer depsrg,endofe,endpln,srg,srgflg,surge,surges, 1 timflg real advdis,dtheta,filrat,florat,infvlm, 1 inoptm,irslp,nqsppl,ntend,ntstrt,qspply,runosg, 1 splyvm,tadvan,tend,timest,timtot,xpostn,trec c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c advdis : advance distance for first surge, used for c depletion level scheduling (m) c depsrg(mxplan) : number of inflow rate duration pairs (for c depletion level scheduling only) c dtheta(mxplan) : field capacity soil water content minus current c soil water content (m/m) c endofe : last overland flow element for which irrigation c water is intended for an irrigation that will c occur on the current simulation day (used for c depletion level scheduling only) c endpln(mxplan) : last overland flow element for which irrigation c water is intended when water is introduced on c overland flow element corresponding with the c array element number c filrat(mxplan) : fill ratio for the lower end of the field (used c for depletion level scheduling only) (no units) c florat(mxplan) : supply rate to furrow (used for depletion level c scheduling only) (m*3/s) c infvlm(mxplan) : infiltrated volume per unit area (m) c inoptm( ) : infiltration opportunity times at distance nodes c (s) c irslp : average slope of OFE used for kinematic wave c analysis c nqsppl(mxsrg) : estimated supply rate for the current surge on c the next overland flow element (m^3/s) c ntend(mxsrg) : estimated end time for current surge on the next c overland flow element (s) c ntstrt(mxsrg) : estimated start time for current surge on the c next overland flow element (s) c qspply(mxsrg) : irrigation water supply rate (m^3)/s) c runosg : calculated runoff volume for current surge on c current overland flow element (m^3) c splyvm : total volume of water applied (m^3) c srg : surge counter c srgflg : flag indicating whether variable srg has recently c been incremented c surge : number of inflow rate duration pairs for an c irrigation that will occur on the current c simulation day c surges(mxplan) : number of inflow rate duration pairs (for fixed c date scheduling only) c tadvan( ) : advance times for distance nodes (s) c tend(mxsrg) : end time for irrigation inflow (s) c timest(mxplan) : typical total inflow time to a furrow for a c period (used for depletion level scheduling only) c (s) c timflg : flag indicating that advance might not reach c current distance node before flow rate is changed c timtot : infiltration opportunity time at the upper end of c the overland flow element into which water is c introduced (s) c trec( ) : recession time for calculation nodes c xpostn( ) : downslope distances to calculation nodes relative c to upper end of furrow (m) c end include file cirfur2.inc