c c begin include file cnew.inc c c +++ COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION c c Variables read in infile but not used at this time. c common /new/ plunit, numof, rmfo1(ntype*2), rmfo2(ntype*2), 1 deglon, elev, obsyrs, mancom(3), planam(ntype*2), 1 manver c c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + c character*16 plunit character*51 planam character*60 mancom integer numof real obsyrs, deglon, elev, rmfo1, rmfo2, manver c c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c mancom management file comments c manver: management file version number (> 98.3 has residue management enhancements) c planam: plant name c plunit: harvest units, not used in WEPP, used in SHELL c obsyrs: observed years from climate file c elev : elevation of weather station c deglon: degrees longitude of weather station c deglat: degrees latitude of weather station c numof : number of coulters on tillage instrument c rmfo1 : tillage intensity value for fragile residues on rill areas (0-1) c rmfo2 : tillage intensity value for non-fragile residues c on rills. (0-1)