subroutine conrun(iplane,imodel,nowcrp,dep,effdrr,runmax,pkrmax, 1 pkefdn,wmelt,xmxint,drlast) c c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c consts variables updated * c a1, a2. * c * c****************************************************************** include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' cWarning from ftnchek, xmxint changed to xmxint(mxplan) call references to xmxint changed to xmxint(iplane)12-23-93 10:59am sjl cSubprogram CONRUN: argument arrayness mismatch c at position 10: c Dummy arg is scalar in module CONRUN line 1 file conrun.f c Actual arg is whole array in module IRS line 278 file irs.f c xmxint real tf(mxtime), re(mxtime), durre, dep, effdrr(mxplan), aveksm, 1 ealpha, pkefdn, pkrmax, runmax, wmelt, xmxint(mxplan) integer apr, iplane, imodel, nowcrp, ii, nstemp c c c c runmax = 0.0 pkrmax = 0.0 pkefdn = 0.0 aveksm = ks(iplane) * sm(iplane) aveks(iplane) = ks(iplane) avesm(iplane) = sm(iplane) efflen(iplane) = rowlen(conseq(nowcrp,iplane)) if (xmxint(iplane).gt.aveks(iplane)) then c call grna(aveksm, nstemp, nt, dep, tf, re, effdrr, wmelt) c new call to GRNA to be compatible with recoded call c c PASS BACK FROM GRNA DURRE - JJS MAY 93 call grna(aveksm,dep,wmelt,nstemp,tf,re,effdrr,durre) c if (runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c case two - rainfall excess > zero c apr = 0 ns = nstemp drlast = durre c c get rainfall excess into hdrive format c do 10 ii = 1, ns - 1 t(ii) = tf(ii) s(ii) = re(ii) 10 continue c s(ns) = 0. t(ns) = tf(ns) c c Following statement commented out since DUREXR not used c anywhere. (follows Stone changes in IRS) dcf 5/25/93 c durexr = tf(nt + 1) c call frcfac(nowcrp) c call rdat(xtime, nowcrp) call rdat(nowcrp) c ealpha = alpha(iplane) c ??????????JEF c NORUN(IPLANE) = 0 norun(iplane) = 1 c c avere = remax(iplane) c a1 = m * ealpha a2 = m - 1.d0 c warning from FTNCHEK c 81 a2 = m - 1.d0 c ^ cWarning near line 81 col 14: dble truncated to real c c PEAK DISCHARGE COMPUTATIONS c if (apr.eq.1) then c c approximate method is always used for case three c situations in both continuous and single event versions c c c PASS DURRE TO APPMTH - JJS MAY 93 c c call appmth(runoff(iplane),remax(iplane), 1 efflen(iplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(iplane)) c else if (imodel.eq.2) then call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(iplane),runoff(iplane), 1 peakro(iplane)) c c test for using the approximate method c c c USE DURRE INSTEAD OF DUREXR - JJS MAY 93 c c c PASS DURRE TO APPMTH - JJS MAY 93 c else if (wmelt .gt. 0. .or. tp(2) .gt. 0.) then call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(iplane),runoff(iplane), 1 peakro(iplane)) else call appmth(runoff(iplane),remax(iplane), 1 efflen(iplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(iplane)) end if c if (peakro(iplane).lt.3.6e-8) peakro(iplane) = 3.63e-8 c c reduce runoff volume due to recession infiltration c call qinf(m,ealpha,efflen(iplane),aveks(iplane),drlast, 1 f(nstemp-1),runoff(iplane)) c c c get effective runoff duration = qvol/qpeak c effdrn(iplane) = runoff(iplane) / peakro(iplane) c c limit effdrn less than or equal to one day (86400 seconds) c if (effdrn(iplane).gt.86400.) effdrn(iplane) = 86400. c if (runoff(iplane).gt.runmax) runmax = runoff(iplane) if (peakro(iplane).gt.pkrmax) pkrmax = peakro(iplane) if (effdrn(iplane).gt.pkefdn) pkefdn = effdrn(iplane) call tfail(efflen(iplane),nowcrp) else c c no runoff c runoff(iplane) = 0. c end if end if c return end