subroutine contin(imodel,iwpass) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Contains the main simulation subroutines for the continuous c water balance model. c c Initializes and reads the input through calls to subroutines c INPUT, INIT1, SOIL, AND WATBAL. c c Controls the simulation and programs output through c calls to subroutines STMGET, MONOUT, ANNOUT, UPDPAR, IRS, c SUMRNF, WATBAL, ROUTE, SEGOUT, STMOUT, HYDOUT, SLOSS, SUMRUN, c and ENDOUT. c c Called from: PROGRAM MAIN c Author(s): Flanagan, Ferris, Stone, Ascough, Livingston, Others c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: This module not yet recoded. c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer imodel, iwpass c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c imodel - model type (continuous or single storm) c iwpass - hillslope pass file creation flag c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c c modify: ioutpt,dsavg(mxplan,100),avsoly,dsmon(mxplan,100), c avsolm,iroute,avsolf,dsyear(mxplan,100),avsole c include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: nyear, ibyear, numyr c include '' c include '' c read: accgav c include '' c modify: cnfail(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: isimyr, ncount(mxplan) c include '' include '' c include '' c modify: daydis(mxplan), ntill(mxtlsq) c include '' include '' c include '' c modify: ninten(mxplan) c include '' c read: efflen(mxplan) c include '' c modify: width(mxplan), rspace(mxplan), qsout, qout c include '' c modify: enryy1,enryy2, frcyy1(10), frcyy2(10), enrmm1, enrmm2, c frcmm1(10),frcmm2(10), enrmon, frcmon(10), enryr, c frcyr(10), enravg, frcavg(10), enrato c include '' c read: ifile c include '' c read: frctrl(mxplan) c include '' c read: snoflg,yldflg c modify: bigflg,iflag c include '' c modify: depa,depb,wida,widb c include '' c read: prcp c modify: runoff(mxelem),rain(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: rkecum(mxplan), rkine c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: nnc(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c read: be,otemp,hi,hia,vdmx,beinp,daymin,daylen,ytn,y4 c include '' c modify: norun(mxplan) c include '' include '' include '' c include '' c read: fwidth(mxplan) c modify: hmann c include '' c include '' c modify: runvol(mxelem) c include '' c modify: jyear, nmon c include '' c modify: iplane c include '' c modify: ichan, ipond c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c modify: indxy(mxplan), sdate, year c include '' c read units flag c pass outopt flag include '' include '' c include '' c read: azm(mxplan) c include '' c read: sumyld(ntype,mxplan), iyldct(ntype,mxplan), yldflg c modify: yldflg c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer lun1,nday(12,2),nowcrp(mxplan),iuprun(mxplan), 1 ncrop,nmonth,i,j,lp,mm,nn,iyear,kk,idout,ijk,i9,iirout, 1 jj,k,ipass,passby,switch(mxplan),noout,iiyear,oldind,iofe, 1 bigcrp(mxplan),ibrkpt,iii,ilay,ioutfl,itemp,jjj,limyr,lyear, 1 myear,nomelt,nowres,nrots,nsurf,nyears,jstruc,froday(mxplan), 1 l,jjkkll,norflg,lunp,luns,lunw c real dslost(mxplan,100),xmxint(mxplan),mxint,runmax,pkrmax,pkefdn, 1 effdrr(mxplan),aveyld,rcalsl,tmpvar,watcon,yrsed,yrir,yrrain, 1 hilir,mirrig,mirrro,hilsed,hilenr,morait,moirt(12),momrot, 1 tora(12),toirr(12),toraro(12),tomero(12),toirro(12),todet(12), 1 toirde(12),todep(12),toseye(12),toenra(12),frara(mxplan), 1 hfric,hyrad,avdatm,sumsrm,sumrtm,totsed,warain,hday,totenr, 1 mondet,mondep,det,dep,dsunmp,runom,tirig,tiro,tmelt,totir, 1 train,yirrig,yirrro,yrmro,yrrro c character text2(12)*3 character*8 inifil c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Integer Variables: c c lunp,luns,lunw - flag indicating that user wants plant, soil, or water c output respectively (1 - yes ; 0 - no ) c lun1 - flag indicating that user wants plotting c output (1 - yes ; 0 - no ) c nday(12,2) - a day for a specific month in a specific year c nowcrp(mxplan) - current crop number for the current year c iuprun(mxplan) - flag to indicate flow onto an OFE from above c (1 - yes ; 0 - no) c ncrop - number of different crops in simulation c nmonth - c i - c j - c lp - c mm - c nn - c iyear - c kk - c idout - c ijk - c i9 - c iirout - flag to indicate routing message printed c jj - c k - c ipass - c passby - c switch(mxplan) - c noout - c iiyear - c oldind - c iofe - c bigcrp(mxplan) - c ibrkpt - c iii - c ilay - c ioutfl - c itemp - c jjj - c limyr - c lyear - c myear - c nomelt - c nowres - c nrots - c nsurf - c nyears c jstruc - c froday(mxplan) - c l - c jjkkll - c norflg - c c Real Variables: c c dslost(mxplan,100) - net soil loss/gain for each point on an OFE c for a storm event c xmxint(mxplan) - c mxint - maximum rainfall intensity c runmax - c pkrmax - c pkefdn - c effdrr(mxplan) - c aveyld - c tmpvar - c watcon - c yrsed - sediment delivered off end of hillslope for year c yrrain - total rainfall for year c yrir - interrill detatchment from hillslope for year c hilir - c mirrig - c mirrro - c hilsed - c hilenr - c morait - c moirt(12) - c momrot - c tora(j) - total rain for all months with index j c toirr(j) - total irrigation for all months with index j c toraro(j) - total rainfall runoff for all months with index j c tomero(j) - total melt runoff for all months with index j c toirro(j) - total irrigation runoff for all months with index j c todet(j) - total detachment for all months with index j c toirde(j) - total interrill detachment for all months with index j c todep(j) - total deposition for all months with index j c toseye(j) - total sediment yield for all months with index j c toenra(j) - total enrichment ratio for all months with index j c frara(mxplan) - c hfric - c hyrad - c avdatm - c sumsrm - c sumrtm - c totsed - c warain - c hday - c totenr - c mondet - c mondep - c det - c dep - c dsunmp - c runom - c tirig - c tiro - c tmelt - c totir - c train - c yirrig - c yirrro - c yrmro - c yrrro - c c Character Variables: c c text2(12)*3 - month of year text for writing routing information c to the screen c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c outfil infile input tilage winthead prtcmp c init1 rngint scon soil watbal initd c bighdr newtil nowup stmget decomp aspect c sunmap winter irrig irs frcfac xinflo c param route sloss sumrun print cutgrz c sedout bigout sumfrc close c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data nday /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 29, 1 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ c data text2 /'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 1 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c initialize local variables c pkefdn = 0.0 lunp = 0 luns = 0 lunw = 0 lun1 = 0 noout = 0 ipass = 0 jyear = 0 iyfile = 0 iyear = 0 lyear = 0 tmelt = 0.0 tiro = 0.0 train = 0.0 tirig = 0.0 totir = 0.0 totenr = 0.0 totsed = 0.0 hilsed = 0.0 hilir = 0.0 hilenr = 0.0 yirrig = 0.0 ymelt = 0.0 mirig = 0.0 miro = 0.0 morait = 0.0 momrot = 0.0 mondet = 0.0 mondep = 0.0 runom = 0.0 c do 5 j=1,12 tora(j) = 0.0 toirr(j) = 0.0 toraro(j) = 0.0 tomero(j) = 0.0 toirro(j) = 0.0 todet(j) = 0.0 toirde(j) = 0.0 todep(j) = 0.0 toseye(j) = 0.0 toenra(j) = 0.0 c moirt(j) = 0.0 c 5 continue c c OPEN OUTPUT FILES c call outfil(lunp,luns,lunw,imodel,lun1) c c OPEN INPUT FILES c call infile(imodel,ibrkpt,ncrop,jstruc,nsurf,nrots,nyears,iofe, 1 iwpass) c c CONVERT INDEX VALUES FROM INFILE TO INPUT PARAMETERS FOR WEPP c call input(imodel,ncrop,jstruc,nsurf,iwpass) c c ASSIGN PLANT/MANAGEMENT INPUT PARAMETERS c call tilage(nowcrp) c c initialize effective duration of rainfall parameter for c furrow irrigation c do 10 i = 1, mxplan effdrr(i) = 0.0 froday(i) = 0 10 continue c c PRINT HEADING FOR WINTER OUTPUT FILE c if (snoflg.eq.1) then call winthd(snodpy,frdp,thdp,nplane,1) end if c do 20 iplane = 1, nplane c c generate default set of particles for soil if not inputted c call prtcmp(iplane) c iflag = 0 c c initialize slope, water balance and crop/range routines c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c c INITIALIZE RESIDUE MASS AND DECOMPOSITION PARAMETERS c call init1(nowcrp(iplane),imodel) c else c c INITIALIZE RANGE PLANT GROWTH PARAMETERS c call rngint(ncrop,nowcrp(iplane)) c end if c iflag = 0 c c subroutine scon computes constants for bulk density (bd) c and surface roughness (rro) c c COMPUTE SOIL CONSTANTS c call scon(lanuse(iplane)) c c INITIALIZE SOIL PARAMETERS c call soil(nowcrp(iplane)) c c INITIALIZE SOIL WATER CONTENT c call watbal(lunp,luns,lunw,nowcrp(iplane),elev) c c INITIALIZE DECOMPOSITION INDICES c call initd(iplane) c c INITIALIZE WINTER PARAMETERS c call winit c 20 continue c iflag = 1 isimyr = 1 c c start loop calls c nday = a day for a specific month in a specific year c nyear = number of years in simulation c if (imodel.eq.1) then c c determine maximum number of years available in management file c myear = nyears * nrots limyr = min0(numyr,myear) write (6,1300) c c read in number of years to run the simulation c nyear=0 read (5,*,err=30) nyear c 30 if( nyear=1 write (6,3000) endif c c determine limiting datafile, if numyr (climate years) is c less than nyear or myear (management years) is less than c nyear then reset nyear to limiting number of years c if ( then write (6,1000) limyr, limyr nyear = limyr end if c year = ibyear - 1 nmonth = 12 c c ipass event routing section c if (ivers.eq.1) then c c if hillslope version then users have the choice c not to route small runoff events (ipass = 1) c write (6,1400) read (5,2100,err=40) ipass c if (( then ipass = 0 write (6,1100) go to 50 end if c go to 50 40 ipass = 0 write (6,1100) 50 continue else c c otherwise (hillslope/watershed version) all c small runoff events are routed c ipass = 0 end if c if (bigflg.eq.1) call bighdr(nyear,iofe,ver) c else c c single event simulation c nyear = 1 nmonth = 1 j = 1 lp = 1 nday(j,1) = 1 ioutpt = 1 end if c c***************************** year loop ****************************** c iyear = 0 c do 280 i = 1, nyear c yrro=0.0 yrain=0.0 yrmro=0.0 yrir =0.0 yrdep=0.0 yrdet=0.0 yrsed=0.0 yirig=0.0 yiro=0.0 c iiyear = i c do 70 mm = 1, nplane do 60 nn = 1, 100 dsyear(mm,nn) = 0.0 60 continue 70 continue c avsoly = 0.0 enryy1 = 0.0 enryy2 = 0.0 c do 80 kk = 1, npart frcyy1(kk) = 0.0 frcyy2(kk) = 0.0 80 continue c if (imodel.eq.1) then jyear = jyear + 1 lyear = ibyear + jyear - 1 c c check to see if year is a leap year c lp = 1 if (mod(year+1,4).eq.0) lp = 2 else lyear = ibyear end if c sdate = 0 c write (6,*) ' ' if (imodel.eq.1) write (6,*) 'SIMULATION YEAR =', jyear c do 90 iplane = 1, nplane c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).gt.0) then call newtil(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)),iplane,oldind) end if c if (nycrop(iplane).gt.1) then c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane).gt.0) then call nowup(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane)), 1 jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) else call nowup(0,0,jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) end if c else switch(iplane) = 0 end if 90 continue c c*************************** month loop ******************************* c do 260 j = 1, nmonth c if(isum.eq.1)then mirrig=0.0 endif c nmon = j c do 110 mm = 1, nplane do 100 nn = 1, 100 dsmon(mm,nn) = 0.0 100 continue 110 continue c c imout = 0 c avsolm = 0.0 enrmm1 = 0.0 enrmm2 = 0.0 c do 120 kk = 1, npart frcmm1(kk) = 0.0 frcmm2(kk) = 0.0 120 continue c c***************************** daily loop ***************************** c do 250 k = 1, nday(j,lp) c sdate = sdate + 1 c c call hyinp c c mxint is equal to the maximum rainfall intensity. c before irs is called there is a test for mxint > ks call stmget(imodel,ibrkpt,mxint) c do 140 mm = 1, nplane do 130 nn = 1, 100 dslost(mm,nn) = 0.0 130 continue 140 continue c do 150 ijk = 1, nplane runoff(ijk) = 0.0 norun(ijk) = 0 iuprun(ijk) = 0 wmelt(ijk) = 0 bigcrp(ijk) = itype(nowcrp(ijk),ijk) 150 continue c c hillslope/watershed version requires daily initialization c of sediment concentration and fraction of each particle c type leaving hillslope to zero c do 170 mm = 1, npart do 160 nn = 1, nplane sedcon(mm,nn) = 0.0 frcflw(mm,nn) = 0.0 160 continue 170 continue c c do parameter updating and rainfall runoff computations c idout = 0 qsout = 0.0 qout = 0.0 c c if temperature less than zero then todays precip is snowfall c snow = 0.0 nomelt = 0 warain = 0.0 c c XXX Commented out TOTRAN as not used for anything. dcf 6/3/94 c totran = totran + rain c do 180 iplane = 1, nplane c if ( c if (conseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).ne.0.and. 1,iplane)).and. 1 sdate.le.cntend(conseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)))then c contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)=1 c if (sdate.eq.cntday(conseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane))) 1 write(6,*)'CONTOUR ROUTING ENABLED ON PLANE', iplane, 1 ' ON DAY ',sdate c if (sdate.eq.cntend(conseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane))) 1 write(6,*)'CONTOUR ROUTING DISABLED ON PLANE', iplane, 1 ' ON DAY ',sdate c else c contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)=0 c endif c else if (conseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).ne.0)then contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)=1 else contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)=0 endif endif c c rain(iplane) = prcp if(snodpy(iplane).le.0.0 .and. .and. 1 rain(iplane).gt.0.0) warain = rain(iplane) c c SET MAXIMUM WATER INPUT RATE OF EACH OFE c if (norain(iplane).eq.1) then xmxint(iplane) = mxint else xmxint(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c perform tillage on cropland - update soil and residue c if (imodel.eq.1) then if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) call decomp(nowcrp(iplane)) call soil(nowcrp(iplane)) end if c c calls to aspect and sunmap moved to get radpot each day c for evap c call aspect(deglat,azm(1),avgslp(iplane)) c c Reset frost cycle variable when 50 days have passed c and no frost has been present in the soil. c if(frdp(iplane).le.0.0)then c c Correction to prevent integer overflow for case of c no frost occurring for many, many years. dcf 9/19/94 c froday(iplane) = froday(iplane) + 1 if(froday(iplane).lt.51) 1 froday(iplane) = froday(iplane) + 1 else froday(iplane) = 0 endif c if (froday(iplane).gt.50) cycle(iplane) = 0 c wmelt(iplane) = 0.0 frara(iplane) = 0.0 avdatm = tave c c WINTER - if snowdepth > 0 or minimum temperature < 0 or c the frost depth > 0 c if ((snodpy(iplane).gt.0.0).or.(tmin.le.0.0).or. 1 (frdp(iplane).gt.0.0)) then call winter(rain(iplane),snoflg) if (rain(iplane).gt.0.0) 1 frara(iplane) = rans/rain(iplane) rain(iplane) = 0.0 norain(iplane) = 0 wntflg(iplane) = 1 if (wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0001) nomelt = 1 else wntflg(iplane) = 0 call sunmap(sdate,radly,rcalsl,hday,dsunmp) end if c c XXX Isn't the following statement going to mess up the c rainfall distribution on an adjacent OFE of a c multiple OFE hillslope where rainfall may be c falling on bare soil??? dcf 5/17/94 c if(norain(iplane).eq.0 .and. nomelt.eq.0) 1 ninten(iplane) = 0 c tave = avdatm c if( .and. rain(iplane) = warain norain(iplane) = 1 wmelt(iplane) = 0.0 nomelt = 0 endif c 180 continue c c Move call to SR IRRIG here - so that it is after calls to c SR SOIL and SR DECOMP - thus we assume that tillage and its c impacts on infiltration parameters and soil/residue occur c on a day of tillage BEFORE irrigation water is applied. c dcf 2/2/93 c if ( call irrig(iiyear,imodel,nowcrp,pkrmax, 1 runmax) c c XXX Limited the execution of the following code to RANGELAND c XXX conditions ONLY - since the antecendent moisture is c XXX used for rangeland decomposition, burning, and herbicide c XXX application only. dcf 12/19/94 c if (lanuse(1).eq.2 .and. imodel.eq.1) then if ( then do 185 iplane = 1, nplane r5(iplane,sdate) = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) 1 + irdept(iplane) c XXX Following code commented out - assume for now that c XXX in rangeland conditions there will NOT be FURROW c XXX irrigation applications. dcf 12/19/94 c if ( r5(sdate) = r5(sdate) + c 1 splyvm / totlen(nplane) / rw(nowcrp(irofe),irofe) c am(iplane) = am(iplane) + r5(iplane,sdate) / rx(sdate) am2(iplane) = am(iplane) if (am(iplane).gt..01) am(iplane) = .01 185 continue else do 193 iplane = 1, nplane r5(iplane,6) = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) 1 + irdept(iplane) c XXX Following code commented out - assume for now that c XXX in rangeland conditions there will NOT be FURROW c XXX irrigation applications. dcf 12/19/94 c if ( r5(6) = r5(6) + splyvm / c 1 totlen(nplane) / rw(nowcrp(irofe),irofe) c am(iplane) = 0.0 c do 190 i9 = 1, 5 r5(iplane,i9) = r5(iplane,i9+1) am(iplane) = am(iplane) + r5(iplane,i9) / rx(i9) 190 continue c am2(iplane) = am(iplane) if (am(iplane).gt..01) am(iplane) = .01 193 continue c end if c am2(iplane) = am(iplane) if (am(iplane).gt..01) am(iplane) = .01 end if c c check for occurrence of rainfall and/or irrigation c (if rainfall norain = 1, if stationary sprinkler irrigation c noirr > 0 and irsyst = 1) or for snow melt nomelt > 0 c c XXX Added code to check for a nonzero norain flag on any OFE c dcf 6/3/94 c norflg = 0 c do 195 jjkkll = 1,nplane if(norain(jjkkll).gt.norflg)norflg=norain(jjkkll) 195 continue c if ((norflg.eq.1).or.(( 1 then c call irs(xmxint,imodel,nowcrp,wmelt,ibrkpt,iuprun,runmax, 1 pkrmax,pkefdn,effdrr) c c change made for irrigation noirr > 0 and irsyst = 2 c means furrow irrigation occured today and therefore c these values should not be set to zero c else if ( then pkrmax = 0.0 pkefdn = 0.0 runmax = 0.0 end if c c test to see whether event is too small for sediment routing. c if (runmax.le.0.010.and.pkrmax.le.2.78e-06) then passby = 1 else passby = 0 end if c c ****** loop through hillslope overland flow elements ****** c iirout = 0 c c if hillslope pass file or hillslope/watershed versions then c initialize variables needed to calculate average Manning's c roughness for a runoff event on the hillslope c if ((iwpass.eq.1).or.(ivers.eq.2)) then hyrad = 0.0 hfric = 0.0 end if c c loop through planes c do 210 iplane = 1, nplane ofelod(iplane)=0.0 c if (ipass.eq.0.or.passby.eq.0) then if (norun(iplane).eq.1) then c call frcfac(nowcrp(iplane)) c c update variables affected by overland flow c call xinflo(nowcrp(iplane)) c c compute rill and interrill erosion parameters c call param(effdrr,nowcrp(iplane),frara(iplane)) c c if hillslope pass file or hillslope/watershed versions c then calculate average Manning's roughness on hillslope c if ((iwpass.eq.1).or.(ivers.eq.2)) then c hyrad = hyrad + (hydrad(iplane) * slplen(iplane)) hfric = hfric + (frctrl(iplane) * slplen(iplane)) c if (iplane.eq.nplane) then c c calculate overland flow manning's n c hyrad = hyrad / totlen(nplane) hfric = hfric / totlen(nplane) c c convert from Darcy-Weisbach roughness to Manning's c roughness for overland flow c hmann = sqrt(hfric * (hyrad**(1.0/3.0)) / 1 (8.0 * accgav)) c end if end if end if end if c c c **** Update cumulative kinetic energy. c c Correction made here so that RKINE is set to zero for c cases of snow melt only. The value is already zero for c cases of furrow irrigation. dcf 12/15/94 c if (wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0) rkine = 0.0 rkecum(iplane) = rkecum(iplane) + rkine c c update water balance and plant growth c if (imodel.eq.1) call watbal(lunp,luns,lunw, 1 nowcrp(iplane),elev) c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then c c update tillage index to next tillage date on day of c tillage c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).gt.0.and. 1 indxy(iplane).gt.0) then if (sdate.eq.mdate(indxy(iplane), 1 tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane))) 1 call newtil(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)),iplane, 1 oldind) end if end if c if (imodel.eq.1) then if (passby.eq.1.and.ipass.eq.1) then qsout = 0. qout = 0. avsole = 0. enrato(iplane) = 0. runvol(iplane) = 0. effint(iplane) = 0. peakro(iplane) = 0. irdgdx(iplane) = 0. avedet = 0. maxdet = 0. ptdet = 0. avedep = 0. maxdep = 0. ptdep = 0. c go to 200 c end if end if c c check for occurrence of runoff (if runoff norun = 1) c if (norun(iplane).eq.1) then c if (iplane.eq.nplane.and.runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then iroute = 1 else iroute = 0 end if c c write routing information to screen c if (iirout.eq.0) then c if (iplane.eq.nplane) then c c continuous simulation: write event date to screen c if (imodel.eq.1) then c if (iplane.eq.1) then c c hillslope composed of a single ofe c write (6,1500) day, text2(mon), lyear, ihill iirout = 1 else c c hillslope composed of multiple ofe's c write (6,1600) day, text2(mon), lyear, nplane, 1 ihill iirout = 1 end if c else c if (iplane.eq.1) then c c hillslope composed of a single ofe c write (6,1700) ihill iirout = 1 else c c hillslope composed of multiple ofe's c write (6,1800) nplane, ihill iirout = 1 end if end if end if end if c c route sediment down hillslope profile c call route c c compute event sediment yield and concentration c call sloss(imodel,idout,dslost,wmelt(iplane), 1 nowcrp(iplane)) c if (contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).ne.0) qout = 0.0 c idout = 1 c imout = 1 c iyout = 1 c c sum up total runoff volume and number of events c if (imodel.eq.1) call sumrun(wmelt(iplane)) c c XXX Question - Dimensioning and use of variable "runvol" is c confusing. dcf 5/18/94 c c calculate runoff volume on last plane c if (iplane.eq.nplane) runvol(iplane) = runoff(iplane) * 1 (fwidth(1)*totlen(iplane)) * efflen(iplane) / 1 totlen(iplane) c else c qsout = 0. qout = 0. avsole = 0. enrato(iplane) = 0. runvol(iplane) = 0. effint(iplane) = 0. effdrn(iplane) = 0.0 peakro(iplane) = 0. irdgdx(iplane) = 0. avedet = 0. maxdet = 0. ptdet = 0. avedep = 0. maxdep = 0. ptdep = 0. c end if c c store temporary hillslope runoff, sediment concentration, c and particle size information needed by the watershed version c if ((iwpass.eq.1.or.ivers.eq.2).and.iplane.eq.nplane) 1 then call sedseg(dslost,1,iyear,2,imodel) call wshpas(imodel,lyear,sdate,1) endif c if ( call print 1 (effdrr(iplane),ibrkpt) c 200 continue c if (imodel.eq.1.and.lanuse(iplane).eq.1) call 1 cutgrz(nowcrp(iplane),sdate,iplane) c if (sdate.eq.switch(iplane)) then nowcrp(iplane) = nowcrp(iplane) + 1 write (6,*) 'NEW CROP #', nowcrp(iplane), ' ON DATE', 1 sdate nnc(iplane) = 1 indxy(iplane) = 0 c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).gt.0) 1 call newtil(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane),iplane)),iplane,oldind) c if (nowcrp(iplane).lt.nycrop(iplane)) then c if (tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane).gt.0) then call nowup(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 ntill(tilseq(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane)), 1 jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) else call nowup(0,0,jdplt(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane)+1,iplane), 1 jdharv(nowcrp(iplane),iplane), 1 jdstop(nowcrp(iplane),iplane),switch(iplane)) end if end if end if c 210 continue c if (( 1 ifofe.eq.1).and.idout.eq.1) then c if ( then noout = 2 else if (ioutpt.eq.1.and.ievt.eq.1) then noout = 1 end if c call sedout(iyear,imodel,dslost,isum,ievt,ifofe,lun1, 1 noout,1,nowcrp(nplane)) c noout = 0 c else if (ifofe.eq.1.and.( then c do 230 iplane = 1, nplane watcon = 0.0 c do 220 ilay = 1, nsl(iplane) watcon = watcon + soilw(ilay,iplane) 220 continue c nowres = 1 tmpvar = 0.0 c c XXX Changed to write out RAIN by OFE to the OFE summary c file. Value of RAIN for each OFE may be c altered due to new winter routine changes. dcf 6/3/94 c write (33,1200) iplane, day, mon, year, rain * 1000.0, c write (33,1200) iplane, day, mon, year - ibyear + 1, 1 rain(iplane) * 1000.0, 1 tmpvar, tmpvar, tmpvar, tmpvar, tmpvar, ks(iplane) * 1 3.6e06, watcon * 1000, lai(iplane), canhgt(iplane), 1 cancov(iplane) * 100, inrcov(iplane) * 100, 1 rilcov(iplane) * 100, vdmt(iplane), rmagt(iplane) + 1 rmogt(nowres,iplane), ki(iplane) * kiadjf(iplane) / 1 1000000, kr(iplane) * kradjf(iplane) * 1000, 1 shcrit(iplane) * tcadjf(iplane), width(iplane), 1 ofelod(iplane) 230 continue c end if c if ( then do 240 iplane = 1, nplane bigflg = 0 call bigout(bigcrp(iplane),iiyear) 240 continue end if c if (imodel.eq.2) then call close(imodel,lunp,luns,lunw,lun1) return end if c c if(irflag .ne. 0) call irinpt(NPLAN) c c Save value of yesterday's rainfall to be passed to decomposition c routine. Movement of call to DECOMP out of SR WATBAL and to c top of daily loop requires that DECOMP uses yesterday's rainfall c amount for standing residue computations to be consistent with c it's use of yesterday's soil moisture in soil layer 1. c dcf 2/3/93 c c c values to be printed at end of simulation for each year c c runoff for each year off of hillslope c average detachment from hillslope for each year of simulation c sediment leaving profile for each year of simulation c if(isum.eq.1)then c do 2,l=1,nplane yrir=yrir+(slplen(l)/totlen(nplane)*irdgdx(l)) if(ioutpt.eq.2)then moirt(j)=moirt(j)+(slplen(l)/totlen(nplane)*irdgdx(l)) endif 2 continue c yrsed=yrsed+ avsole endif c 250 continue c c WHAT IS THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT FOR? commented out 3/13/97 dcf c flag=1 call sumfrc(enrmm1,enrmm2,enrmon,frcmm1,frcmm2,frcmon,dsmon, 1 ioutpt,2,iyear,imodel,lun1,noout,nowcrp(nplane)) c if(isum.eq.1)then c c ...Monthly write to temp summary file c if(ioutpt.eq.2)then write(52,3155)jyear,text2(j),mrain,mirig, 1 mrro,mmelt,miro*1000,avedet,moirt(j),avedep,avsolm, 1 enrmon endif if(ioutas.eq.1)then yrmro=yrmro+mmelt tora(j)=tora(j)+mrain toirr(j)=toirr(j)+mirig toraro(j)=toraro(j)+mrro tomero(j)=tomero(j)+mmelt toirro(j)=toirro(j)+miro todet(j)=todet(j)+avedet toirde(j)=toirde(j)+moirt(j) todep(j)=todep(j)+avedep toseye(j)=toseye(j)+avsolm toenra(j)=toenra(j)+enrmon yrdet=yrdet+avedet yrdep=yrdep+avedep if(ioutpt.eq.3.and.ioutas.eq.1)yrain=trainy if(ioutpt.eq.2)then yrro=yrro+mrro yrain=yrain+mrain ymelt=ymelt+mmelt yiro=yiro+miro*1000 yirig=yirig+mirig endif endif c trainm=0.0 moirt(j)=0.0 mrro=0.0 mrain=0.0 mmelt=0.0 miro=0.0 mirig=0.0 avedep=0. endif c 260 continue c call sumfrc(enryy1,enryy2,enryr,frcyy1,frcyy2,frcyr,dsyear, 1 ioutas,1,iyear,imodel,lun1,noout,nowcrp(nplane)) c do 270 jj = 1, nplane indxy(jj) = 0 switch(jj) = 0 ncount(jj) = 0 nnc(jj) = 0 270 continue c if(isum.eq.1)then totsed=totsed+yrsed totir =totir+yrir totenr=totenr+enryr c c c if(ioutpt.eq.3.and.ioutas.eq.1)then yrro=yrro*(1-irper) yiro=yiro*irper endif c ...monthly summary if(ioutas.eq.1)write(52,*)jyear,yrain,yirig, 1 yrro,ymelt,yiro,avedet,yrir,avedep,yrsed,enryr tmelt=tmelt+ymelt ymelt=0.0 trro=trro+yrro yrro=0.0 tiro=tiro+yiro yiro=0.0 train=train+yrain yrain=0.0 tirig=tirig+yirig yirig=0.0 endif c c get next years tillage information c isimyr = 2 if ( call tilage(nowcrp) if (yldflg.eq.1) write (46,*) ' ' c 280 continue c if(isum.eq.1)then hilsed=totsed/nyear hilir =totir/nyear airo=tiro/nyear arro=trro/nyear airig=(tirig/nplane)/nyear hilenr=totenr/nyear amelt=tmelt/nyear arain=train/nyear endif c ioutfl = 3 iyear = 1 c do 300 mm = 1, nplane do 290 nn = 1, 100 dsavg(mm,nn) = dsavg(mm,nn) / float(jyear) 290 continue 300 continue c avsolf = avsolf / float(jyear) c call sumfrc(enrff1,enrff2,enravg,frcff1,frcff2,frcavg,dsavg, 1 ioutfl,ioutfl,iyear,imodel,lun1,noout,nowcrp(nplane)) c c write minimum and maximum values for large graphical output file c to file "plotfile.mnx" c if ( then bigflg = 1 call bigout(1,iiyear) end if c c compute and output average annual yields c if (yldflg.eq.1) then write (46,1900) do 320 iii = 1, nplane do 310 jjj = 1, ncrop if (iyldct(jjj,iii).gt.0) then aveyld = sumyld(jjj,iii) / float(iyldct(jjj,iii)) if ( (46,2000) iii, jjj, 1 iyldct(jjj,iii), aveyld end if c 310 continue c 320 continue end if c c write note to unit 45 if no grazing occured c if (rngout.eq.2) then if ( if(rnganm.eq.2)write (45,2200) end if end if c c final values for creating initial condition scenario c if (ifile.eq.2) then c c write initial condition scenario output file c idshar = sdate - jdharv(nowcrp(1),1) itill1 = 0.1 itill2 = 0.2 irspac = 1 itemp = 1 icanco = cancov(1) idaydi = daydis(1) ifrdp = frdp(1) iinrco = inrcov(1) iiresd = itype(nowcrp(1),1) irilco = rilcov(1) irrini = rrc(1) irhini = rh(1) isnodp = snodpy(1) ithdp = thdp(1) iwidth = width(1) irmagt = rmagt(1) irmogt = rmogt(1,1) + rmogt(2,1) + rmogt(3,1) icrypt = cancov(1) j=itype(nowcrp(1),1) write(47,2800) c c write plant name from management file c write(47,2900)crpnam(j) write(47,2950) (mancom(i),i=1,3) c c write plant associated with ofe 1 at end of simulation for c cropland residue parameters c write (47,2300) lanuse(1) if(lanuse(1).eq. 1)then c write(47, *) 'WeppWillSet' write(47,*)bb(j), bbb(j), beinp(j), btemp(j), cf(j), 1 crit(j), critvm(j), cuthgt(j), decfct(j), diam(j) write(47,*)dlai(j), dropfc(j), extnct(j), fact(j), 1 flivmx(j), gddmip(j), hi(j), hmax(j) c if (mfocod(j).eq.1) then write(47,*) mfocod(j), ' # mfo - ' else write(47,*) mfocod(j), ' # mfo - ' endif c write(47,*) oratea(j), orater(j), otemp(j), pltol(j), 1 pltsp(j), rdmax(j), rsr(j), rtmmax(j), spriod(j), 1 tmpmax(j) write(47,*) tmpmin(j), xmxlai(j), yld(j) c else if(lanuse(1).eq.2)then c write(47,*) aca(j), aleaf(j), ar(j), bbb(j), bugs(j), cf1(j), 1 cf2(j), cn(j), cold(j), ffp(j) write(47,*) gcoeff(j), gdiam(j), ghgt(j), gpop(j), gtemp(j), 1 hmax(j), plive(j,1), pltol(j), pscday(j), rgcmin(j) c if(scday2(j).gt.365)then write (6,*)' *** WARNING ***' write (6,*)' calculated value for SCDAY2 = ', 1 scday2(j) write (6,*)' resetting value for SCDAY2 to 365 in initial', 1 ' condition scenario file' write (6,*)' *** WARNING ***' scday2(j) = 365 endif c write(47,*) root10(j), rootf(j), scday2(j), scoeff(j), 1 sdiam(j), shgt(j), spop(j), tcoeff(j), tdiam(j), 1 tempmn(j) write(47,*) thgt(j), tpop(j), wood(j) c else c c no other plant types supported at this time c c initial condition creation section c endif c write(47,2801) call strip (scefil,inifil) c write(47,2900)inifil if(inifil.eq.' ')inifil=crpnam(j) c write(47,2950) (mancom(i),i=1,3) write (47,2300) lanuse(1) c if (lanuse(1).eq.1) then write (47,2400) ibd / 1000, icanco, idaydi, idshar, ifrdp, 1 iinrco write (47,2100) itemp, '# iresd' write (47,2100) imngm1(j), '# mgmt' write (47,2500) irfcum * 1000, irhini, irilco, irrini, irspac write (47,2100) rwflag(1), '# rtyp' write (47,2500) isnodp, ithdp, itill1, itill2, iwidth c c ADD new initial condition values for dead root mass and c submerged residue mass. dcf 5/3/94 c sumrtm = 0.0 sumsrm = 0.0 c do 555 ijk=1,3 sumrtm = sumrtm + rtm(ijk,1) sumsrm = sumsrm + smrm(ijk,1) 555 continue c write (47,2550) sumrtm, sumsrm c else if (lanuse(1).eq.2) then c write (47,2600)frdp(1),pptg(1),rmagt(1),irmogt,rrough(1), 1 snodpy(1),thdp(1),tillay(1,1),tillay(2,1) write (47,2600)rescov(1),bascov(1),rokcov(1),crycov(1), 1 fresr(1),frokr(1),fbasr(1),fcryr(1),cancov(1) c end if c write (47,2700) nyear c end if c if (isum.eq.1)then rewind (52) c c yearly summary c if(ioutpt.eq.1)write(31,3700) if(,3200) c c ... Annual Detailed summary c if(ioutpt.eq.3.and.ioutas.eq.1)then c do 400, i=1,nyear read(52,*)jyear,yrrain,yirrig,yrrro,yrmro,yirrro,det, 1 yrir,dep,yrsed,enryr write(53,3275)jyear,yrrain,yirrig,yrrro,yrmro,yirrro,det, 1 yrir,dep,yrsed,enryr write(31,3275)jyear,yrrain,yirrig,yrrro,yrmro,yirrro,det, 1 yrir,dep,yrsed,enryr 400 continue write(53,3600) write(31,3600) c c if( c write(53,3600) c write(31,3600) c endif c c ... monthly summary c elseif(ioutpt.eq.2)then c do 450,i=1,nyear do 475,j=1,12 read(52,3155)jyear,text2(j),morait,mirrig,runom, 1 momrot,mirrro,mondet,moirt(j),mondep,avsolm,enrmon write(53,3155)jyear,text2(j),morait,mirrig,runom, 1 momrot,mirrro,mondet,moirt(j),mondep,avsolm,enrmon write(31,3155)jyear,text2(j),morait,mirrig,runom, 1 momrot,mirrro,mondet,moirt(j),mondep,avsolm,enrmon 475 continue read(52,*)jyear,yrrain,yirrig,yrrro,yrmro,yirrro,yrdet, 1 yrir,yrdep,yrsed,enryr write(53,3175)jyear,yrrain,yirrig,yrrro,yrmro,yirrro, 1 yrdet,yrir,yrdep,yrsed,enryr write(31,3175)jyear,yrrain,yirrig,yrrro,yrmro,yirrro, 1 yrdet,yrir,yrdep,yrsed,enryr 450 continue c do 460, j=1,12 write(53,3575)text2(j),tora(j)/nyear, toirr(j)/nyear, 1 toraro(j)/nyear,tomero(j)/nyear,toirro(j)*1000/ 1 nyear,todet(j)/nyear,toirde(j)/nyear,todep(j)/ 1 nyear,toseye(j)/nyear,toenra(j)/nyear write(31,3575)text2(j),tora(j)/nyear, toirr(j)/nyear, 1 toraro(j)/nyear,tomero(j)/nyear,toirro(j)*1000/ 1 nyear,todet(j)/nyear,toirde(j)/nyear,todep(j)/ 1 nyear,toseye(j)/nyear,toenra(j)/nyear if(j.eq.12)write(53,3600) if(j.eq.12)write(31,3600) 460 continue c endif c c ... Average Annual summary for all options of output c c if(ioutas.eq.2)then arain=traint/nyear airig=tirrt/nyear amelt=tmunot(nplane)/nyear airo=irrunt(nplane)*1000/nyear arro=(trunot(nplane)/nyear)-airo c endif if( write(53,3500)arain,airig,arro,amelt, 1 airo,avedet,hilir,avedep,hilsed,hilenr write(31,3500)arain,airig,arro,amelt, 1 airo,avedet,hilir,avedep,hilsed,hilenr write(53,3550) write(31,3550) endif endif c c close all open files c call close(imodel,lunp,luns,lunw,lun1) c return c 1000 format (' *** WARNING ***'/ 1 ' Number of years to simulate can"t be larger than ',i3,/,i3, 1 ' years used ',/,' *** WARNING ***') 1100 format (' *** WARNING ***',/,'Invalid option for routing ', 1 'of small events: 0 assumed',/,' *** WARNING ***') c 1200 format (3(1x,i2),1x,i3,1x,f6.1,1x,f6.1,3(1x,f6.2),f5.2,1x,f6.2,1x, c 1 f5.1,1x,f6.2,1x,f5.2,3(1x,f5.1),6(1x,f5.2)) 1200 format (3(1x,i2),1x,i4,1x,f8.3,1x,f8.3,3(1x,f7.3),f6.3,1x,f7.3,1x, 1 f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f6.3,3(1x,f7.3),6(1x,f6.3),1x,f8.3) 1300 format (/,' Enter number of years to simulate --> ') 1400 format (/,' To bypass erosion calculations for very small ', 1 'events, enter 1',/,' Otherwise, to route all events enter', 1 ' 0 (Small events have',/,' runoff less than 10 mm', 1 ' and peak runoff less than 10 mm/hr) [0] -->',/) 1500 format (1x,i2,1x,a3,1x,i4,2x,'routing runoff & erosion event', 1 ' on OFE 1 of hillslope ',i2) 1600 format (1x,i2,1x,a3,1x,i4,2x,'routing runoff & erosion event', 1 ' on OFEs 1 to ',i2,' of hillslope ',i2) 1700 format (12x,'routing OFE 1 of hillslope ',i2) 1800 format (12x,'routing OFEs 1 to ',i2,' of hillslope ',i2) 1900 format (//,' CROP YIELD SUMMARY - AVERAGE YIELDS BY OFE', 1 ' AND CROP TYPE',/, 1 ' ***********',/, 1 ' SILAGE VALUES NOT SUMMARIZED',/, 1 ' ***********',//) 2000 format ('FOR OFE NUMBER ',i2,', CROP TYPE NUMBER ',i2,/, 1 'Average Yield of ',i3,' Harvests = ',f8.3,' kg/m**2',/) 2100 format (i3,a20) 2200 format (//,' NO GRAZING OCCURED DURING THIS SIMULATION') 2300 format (i1,10x,'# land use class') 2400 format (2(f10.5,1x),f10.1,1x,i10,2(1x,f10.5)) 2500 format (5(f10.5,1x)) 2550 format (2(f10.5,1x)) 2600 format (9(f10.5,1x)) 2700 format ('#',/, 1 '####################################################',/, 1 '# Number of years simulated to create this initial #',/, 1 '# condition scenarios: ',i3,' #',/, 1 '####################################################',/,'#') 2800 format (/,'#################',/, 1 '# Plant Section #',/, 1 '#################',/, 1 '#',/, 1 '1 # looper; number of plant scenerios') 2801 format (/,'##############################',/, 1 '# Initial Conditions Section #',/, 1 '##############################',/, 1 '#',/, 1 '1 # looper;', 1 ' number of initial conditions scenerios') 2900 format (a) 2950 format (a60,/,a60,/,a60) 3000 format( '*** WARNING *** Assuming 1 year simulation') 3200 format(/,/,/, 1' IV. EROSION OUTPUT SUMMARIES FOR SIMULATION',/, 1' ------- ------ --------- --- ----------',/,/, 1' 1 2 3 4 5 ', 1' 6 7 8 9 10',/, 1'Year Month Tot. Tot. ---------- Runoff ---------- ', 1' Total Interrill Total Sediment Enrich.',/, 1' Precip. Irrig. Rain Snowmelt Irrig. ', 1'Detach. Detach. Depos. Yield Ratio',/, 1' --------------------(mm)------------------------- -', 1'--------(kg/m^2)---------- (kg/m) (m^2/m^2)',/,110('-')) 3275 format(i4,5x,5f10.2,5f10.3) 3155 format(i4,1x,a4,5f10.2,5f10.3) 3175 format(111('-'),/,'Year',1x,i4,5f10.2,5f10.3, 1/,111('-'),/) 3500 format('AVG ANN ',5f10.2,5f10.3) 3550 format(111('-'),/,/,/,' 1:Total Precipitation depth',/, 1' 2:Total Irrigation depth',/, 1' 3:Total runoff from rainfall',/,' 4:Total runoff from snowmelt', 1 /,' 5:Total runoff from irrigation',/, 1' 6:Total Detachment',/,' 7:Interrill detachment',/, 1' 8:Total Deposition',/,' 9:Sediment yield',/, 1' 9:Sediment yield',/, 1'10:Sediment enrichment ratio',/,/, 1'Note: Runoff values refer to runoff from the entire hillslope.', 1' Total detachment',/, 1' is the average net detachment over all areas on the ', 1'hillslope having',/, 1' net detachment. Interrill detachment is the weighted ', 1'(by OFE length)',/, 1' average over the entire hillslope. Total deposition ', 1'refers to the',/, 1' average net deposition over all the areas on the ', 1'hillslope experiencing',/, 1' net deposition. Irrigation depths are averages over ', 1'the entire hillslope.') 3575 format('AVG ',a4,5f10.2,5f10.3) 3600 format(111('-')) 3700 format(/,/,/,/ 1 5x,'******************************************************' 1 ,'*****',/, 1 5x,'* ' 1 ,' *',/, 1 5x,'* SUMMARY OUTPUT NOT AVAILABLE WHEN EVENT OUTPUT SELEC' 1 ,'TED *',/, 1 5x,'* ' 1 ,' *',/, 1 5x,'* SELECT EITHER DETAILED ANNUAL, ABBREVIATED ANNUAL OR' 1 ,' *',/, 1 5x,'* MONTHLY SOIL LOSS OUTPUT ' 1 ,' *',/, 1 5x,'* ' 1 ,' *',/, 1 5x,'******************************************************' 1 ,'*****') end