c begin include file crinpt1.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /rinpt1/ animal(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan), 1 bodywt(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan), 1 suppmt(mxplan),digmin(mxplan),digmax(mxplan), 1 gday(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan), 1 gend(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan),it(mxplan), 1 ssday(mxgraz,mxplan),send(mxgraz,mxplan), 1 area(mxplan),jgraz(mxplan),access(mxplan), 1 woody(mxplan),yield(mxplan),pyield(mxplan), 1 ianflg c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer gday,gend,ssday,send,jgraz,it,ianflg,woody real animal,bodywt,suppmt,digmin,digmax,access, 1 area,yield,pyield c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c animal(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan) : animal units grazing each npast c pastures (animal units per year) c digmin(mxplan) : minimum digestibility of forage index (0-1) c digmax(mxplan) : maximum digestibility of forage index (0-1) c bodywt(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan) : average body weight of an animal (kg) c suppmt(mxplan) : average amount of supplement feed per day c (kg/day) c gday(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan) : julian day grazing starts c gend(mxgraz,mxcrop,mxplan) : julian day grazing stops c it(mxplan) : counter used to compute 4-day average water c stress in subroutine range c ssday(mxgraz,mxplan) : julian day supplementary feeding begins c send(mxgraz,mxplan) : julian day supplementary feeding ends c area(mxplan) : pasture area c jgraz(mxplan) : grazing cycle per pasture per simulation c access(mxplan) : fraction of forage available for c consumption (0-1) c woody(mxplan) : a flag for user to specify whether c defoliation is instantaneous (woody=0) or c occurs over several months (woody = 1) c yield(mxplan) : total above ground plant production for a c simulation year (kg/m^2) c pyield(mxplan) : daily net primary plant production (kg/m^2) include 'crinpt1a.inc' c end include file crinpt1.inc