c begin include file crinpt2.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + c common /rinpt2/ pptg(ntype),rootf(ntype),pscday(ntype), 1 strrgc(ntype),cshape(ntype),dshape(ntype), 1 scday2(ntype),strgc2(ntype),eshape(ntype), 1 fshape(ntype),rgcmin(ntype),cf1(ntype), 1 cf2(ntype),gtemp(ntype),tempmn(ntype), 1 root10(ntype),ffp(ntype),pscdst(ntype), 1 pscd2s(ntype),shape2,prgc(mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real pptg,rootf,pscday,strrgc, 1 cshape,dshape,scday2,strgc2,eshape,fshape, 1 rgcmin,cf1,cf2,gtemp,tempmn,root10,ffp, 1 pscdst,pscd2s,shape2,prgc c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c pptg(ntype) : precipitation during the growing season (m) c rootf(ntype) : fraction of roots from maximum (both live and c dead) at start of year (day 1) c rdf(ntype) : root distribution coefficient for mass by depth c (unitless) c pscday(ntype) : day peak standing crop is reached for first c peak on the relative growth curve (1-366) c strrgc(ntype) : julian day growth begins (1-366) c cshape(ntype) : shaping parameter for the left side of growth c curve c dshape(ntype) : shaping parameter for the right side of growth c curve for the first peak c scday2(ntype) : day peak standing crop is reached for second c peak on the relative growth curve c strgc2(ntype) : julian day second growth period begins (1-366) c eshape(ntype) : shaping parameter for the left side of growth c peak for the second peak c fshape(ntype) : shaping parameter for the right side of growth c curve for the second peak c rgcmin(ntype) : minimum fraction of live biomass at any point c of a year (0-1) c cf1(ntype) : fraction of maximum live standing forage for the c first peak (0-1) c cf2(ntype) : fraction of maximum live standing forage for the c second peak (0-1) c gtemp(ntype) : minimum temperature to start growth in the c spring (degrees C) c tempmn(ntype) : minimum temperature for plant to stop growth c in fall (degrees C) c root10(ntype) : root biomass in top 10 cm c ffp(ntype) : frost free period c pscdst(ntype) : c pscd2s(ntype) : c shape2 : used to calculate EX for RGC2 in gcurve c prgc(mxplan) : yesterdays's value (prior) for RGC in gcurve c end include file crinpt2.inc