c begin include file crinpt3.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /rinpt3/ alter(mxplan),burned(mxplan),change(mxplan), 1 hurt(mxplan),jfdate(mxplan),reduce(mxplan), 1 basden,spai(ntype),tpai(ntype) c -- XXX -- Added SPAI, & TPAI to permit single calculation of them in RNGINT, c rather than daily calculation in PATRIB. c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer jfdate real alter,burned,change,hurt,reduce,basden,spai,tpai c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c alter(mxplan) : coefficient of increase in accessibility (0-1) c burned(mxplan) : fraction of reduction or increase in standing c dead wood after burning c change(mxplan) : fraction increase or decrease in potential c above and below ground biomass c hurt(mxplan) : fraction increase or decrease of evergreen c biomass c jfdate(mxplan) : julian day of burning c reduce(mxplan) : fraction reduction in standing herbaceous and c organic residue as a function of burning c basden : effective plant basal density include 'crinpt3a.inc' c end include file crinpt3.inc