c begin include file crinpt3a.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /rinpt3a/ shgt(ntype),spop(ntype),sdiam(ntype), 1 ghgt(ntype),scoeff(ntype),gpop(ntype), 1 gdiam(ntype),gcoeff(ntype) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real shgt,spop,sdiam,ghgt,scoeff,gpop,gdiam,gcoeff c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c shgt(ntype) : average plant height (m) of shrub plant component c spop(ntype) : average number of plants along a 100 m c transect, shrub plant component c sdiam(ntype) : average canopy diameter for shrub plant component c ghgt(ntype) : average plant height (m) of shrub plant component c scoeff(ntype) : projected plant area coefficient, for shrub c plant component c gpop(ntype) : average number of plants along a 100 m transect, c plant component c gdiam(ntype) : average canopy diameter for herb. plant coeff c gcoeff(ntype) : projected plant area coefficient, for herb. c plant component c end include file crinpt3a.inc