c begin include file cseddet.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /seddet/ avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptdep, 1 irdgdx(mxplan),tdep(mxhill),tdet(mxhill), 1 detm(mxhill),dety(mxhill),dett(mxhill), 1 depm(mxhill),depy(mxhill),dept(mxhill), 1 hrom(mxhill),hroy(mxhill),hrot(mxhill), 1 hsedm(mxhill),hsedy(mxhill),hsedt(mxhill) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptdep,irdgdx, 1 tdep,tdet,detm,dety,dett,depm,depy,dept,hrom, 1 hroy,hrot,hsedm,hsedy,hsedt c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c avedet : average soil detachment over all detachment regions on c a hillslope (kg/m^2) c maxdet : maximum soil detachment over all detachment regions on c a hillslope (kg/m^2) c ptdet : point of maximum soil detachment on a hillslope (m) c avedep : average sediment deposition over all deposition regions c on a hillslope (kg/m^2) c maxdep : maximum sediment deposition over all deposition regions c on a hillslope (kg/m^2) c ptdep : point of maximum sediment deposition on a hillslope (m) c irdgdx(mxplan) : interrill contribution to dG/dx - passed to be allowed c as output for single event model and event-by-event c output in continuous simulation (kg/m^2) c tdep(mxhill) : total event deposition on hillslope (kg) c tdet(mxhill) : total event detachment on hillslope (kg) c detm(mxhill) : monthly hillslope detachment (kg) c dety(mxhill) : yearly hillslope detachment (kg) c dett(mxhill) : total hillslope detachment (kg) c depm(mxhill) : monthly hillslope deposition (kg) c depy(mxhill) : yearly hillslope deposition (kg) c dept(mxhill) : total hillslope deposition (kg) c hrom(mxhill) : monthly hillslope runoff (m^3) c hroy(mxhill) : yearly hillslope runoff (m^3) c hrot(mxhill) : total hillslope runoff (m^3) c hsedm(mxhill) : monthly hillslope sediment loss (kg) c hsedy(mxhill) : yearly hillslope sediment loss (kg) c hsedt(mxhill) : total hillslope sediment loss (kg) c end include file cseddet.inc