c begin include file ctemp.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /temp/ sand1(mxnsl,mxplan),clay1(mxnsl,mxplan), 1 orgma1(mxnsl,mxplan),rfg1(mxnsl,mxplan), 1 cec1(mxnsl,mxplan),nslorg(mxplan), 1 ssc1(mxnsl,mxplan),bd1(mxnsl,mxplan), 1 por1(mxnsl,mxplan),thetd1(mxnsl,mxplan), 1 thetf1(mxnsl,mxplan),solth1(mxnsl,mxplan), 1 avclay(mxplan),avsand(mxplan),solwpv, 1 avke(mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real sand1,clay1,orgma1,rfg1,cec1,ssc1,bd1,por1, 1 thetd1,thetf1,solth1,avclay,avsand,avke integer nslorg, solwpv c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c sand1(mxnsl,mxplan) : % sand c clay1(mxnsl,mxplan) : % clay c orgma1(mxnsl,mxplan): % organic matter c rfg1(mxnsl,mxplan) : % rock fragments c cec1(mxnsl,mxplan) : cation exchange capacity c nslorg(mxplan) : number of soil layers c ssc1(mxnsl,mxplan) : initial saturated hydraulic conductivity c (mm/h) c bd1(mxnsl,mxplan) : initial bulk density (g/cc) c thetd1(mxnsl,mxplan): inital 15-bar soil water content (mm/mm) c thetf1(mxnsl,mxplan): initial 1/3 bar soil water content(mm/mm) c solth1(mxnsl,mxplan): cumulative thickness of soil layer (mm) c avclay(mxplan) : average % clay based on primary and i c secondary tillage layers c avsand(mxplan) : average % sand based on primary and i c secondary tillage layers c por1(mxnsl,mxplan) : c solwpv : soil file WEPP version flag to determine c which format the soil input file is c (version number from line 1 of soil file c times 10, for values less than 1000, c then converted to integer. For values larger c than 1000, actual value in input file used). c c less than 941 - OLD FORMAT SOIL FILES c and model to compute c effective conductivity, c Ks for sublayers, c BD, field capacity H20, c and wilting point H20 c 941 and greater - NEW FORMAT SOIL FILES c model will read input c value for effective c conductivity. Will c compute Ks sublayers, BD c fld cap H20, wlt pt H20 c 7777 = superuser - old format soil files c allow option of entering and using c values of conductivity, BD, wlt pt c H20 and fld cap H20 for all layers c c avke(mxplan) : Effective hydraulic conductivity value for c the soil surface layers, input by the user c If user inputs a value of 0.0, WEPP will c calculate a value for AVKE c c end include file ctemp.inc