real function depend(xu,xl,a,b,cdep,phi,theta,ktrato,qostar) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Calculates for a segment of an Overland Flow Element that c has deposition at the beginning of the segment - where that c deposition ends - using the analytic solution to the c deposition equation. c c Called (once) from subroutine ROUTE c Author(s): G. Foster, M. Nearing, J. Ascough, D. Flanagan c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: 1) TMPVR1 added to eliminate redundant calculations. c 2) ITMPV1 added and moved outside the do-loop to reduce c the number of calls to ABS, and to substitute an c integer comparison (.NE.) for a floating-point one. c 3) KTRATO & QOSTAR added to argument list so that c common blocks ENDS1 & INFCO1 do not need to be ref- c erenced. c 4) MXPLAN is never used. Reference to PROUTE1.INC is c deleted. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 90.92. c Date recoded: 01/08/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real xu, xl, a, b, cdep, phi, theta, ktrato, qostar c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c xu - n.d. distance at top of slope segment c xl - n.d. distance at end of slope segment c a - shear stress equation coefficient c b - shear stress equation coefficient c cdep - portion of the solution to deposition equation c phi - n.d. deposition parameter c theta - n.d. interrill detachment parameter c ktrato - c qostar - c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real xdend, r1, r2, ratio, expon, f, df, xmin, tmpvr1 integer j, kkkk, itmpv1, loopfg c c xdend - current trial value for n.d. distance where c deposition ends c r1 - portion of solution to deposition equation solved c for conditions of rate equal to 0 and beginning c point equal to x=xu c r2 - " " " " " c ratio - " " " " " c expon - " " " " " c f - current solution for deposition rate at x=xdend c df - current solution for derivative of deposition rate c j - counter variable - in loop to only allow a finite c number of iterations to determine where dep. ends c loopfg - flag. 1 = exit L1 Loop c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c undflo c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Solve for first term of deposition equation tmpvr1 = 2.0 * a * ktrato c r1 = (phi/(1.0+phi)) * (b*ktrato-theta-(tmpvr1*qostar)) c c Solve for second term of deposition equation c r2 = tmpvr1 * phi / (2.0+phi) c c If flow is increasing down the OFE, check whether deposition c at the end of the current segment (uniform or convex shape) c if ( then xdend = xl ratio = (xu+qostar) / (xdend+qostar) expon = 1.0 + phi call undflo(ratio,expon) c c Determine deposition rate at x = xl (end of segment) - c if a negative value deposition occurs from xu to xl - RETURN c f = r1 + r2 * (xdend+qostar) + cdep * ratio ** expon if ( then depend = xdend return end if c c If deposition not occurring at x=xl, set beginning point for c iterative solution for xdent close to x=xu c xdend = xu + 0.01 if ( xdend = (xu+xl) / 2.0 c c else - flow is decreasing down the OFE segment, first check c to determine that deposition does not immediately end c past the initial point ( x = xu ) - then set the c beginning point for the iterative solution for xdend c close to x = xu c else c new dcf if(abs(xu+qostar).le.0.0001)then depend=-qostar return endif c new dcf end xdend = xu + 0.0001 if ( xdend = (xu+xl) / 2.0 ratio = (xu+qostar) / (xdend+qostar) expon = 1.0 + phi call undflo(ratio,expon) c c determine deposition at x = xdend, and if the value c is positive or zero - RETURN c f = r1 + r2 * (xdend+qostar) + cdep * ratio ** expon if ( then depend = xdend return end if c end if c c *** Begin L1 Loop *** c loopfg = 0 j = 0 xmin = xl kkkk = 0 10 continue j = j + 1 c c ITMPV1 is a flag set if ABS(XDEND + QOSTAR) > 0.0 . This c replacement code is put inside the loop, since XDEND, which c it depends on, is supposed to change value each time through c the loop. We still save time, since the line of original c code above is repeated below. c c c c Iterative solution for XDEND c c c Solve for portions of the deposition equation c at the trial value of xdend c c Original Code: c if(abs(xdend+qostar).gt.0.0)then c c ITMPV1 is a flag set if ABS(XDEND + QOSTAR) > 0.0 this c replacement code is put inside the loop, since XDEND, c which it depends on, is supposed to change value each c time through the loop. We still save time, since the c line of orignial code above is repeated below c tmpvr1 = xdend + qostar if (abs(tmpvr1).gt.0.0) then itmpv1 = 1 else itmpv1 = 0 end if c if ( then ratio = (xu+qostar) / tmpvr1 else ratio = 1.0 end if if ( ratio = 1.0 expon = 1.0 + phi call undflo(ratio,expon) c c Solve the deposition equation at trial value of xdend. c f = r1 + r2 * (xdend+qostar) + cdep * ratio ** expon c c Check added 2/7/91 to flag if any positive values c of f have been calculated between xu and xl, and c then to record the point on slope where this was found. c if ( then kkkk = kkkk + 1 if ( xmin = xdend end if c c TEST - If the value of nondimensional deposition c rate is less than 0.0001, jump out of DO LOOP and c use the current value of XDEND as point where c deposition predicted to end. c if (abs(f).gt.0.0001) then c Original Code: c if(abs(xdend+qostar).gt.0.0)then if ( then c c Solve for the derivative of the deposition function c df = r2 - (1.0+phi) * cdep * (ratio**expon) / tmpvr1 if (abs(df).gt.0.0) then c c Use the derivative to obtain a new trial value for XDEND c xdend = xdend - f / df c if ( then if ( xdend = xu + 0.0001 if ( xdend = -qostar - 0.0001 if ( xdend = xl end if else c c If the derivative is zero at the point, c restart the iterations with xdend close to xu c xdend = xu + 0.0001 end if end if if ( xdend = xu + 0.0001 else loopfg = 1 end if if ( go to 10 c c Check if solution has not converged for a plane on which c flow is decreasing - if it has not and none of the trial c values of xdend between xu and xl (or -qostar) have produced c non-negative results - then set xdend equal to xl. c if ( then if (kkkk.eq.0) then xdend = xl else xdend = xmin end if end if c depend = xdend c return end