subroutine depirr(rwdth) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram is used to develop the sequence of inflow rates c for depletion level irrigation scheduling. This subprogram is c called from subprogram FURADV. c c Written by E. R. Kottwitz c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real rwdth c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c rwdth - assumed row width for OFE into which water is introduced c (m) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: aveks(mxplan),avesm(mxplan) include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) include '' c read: iramt include '' c read: depsrg(mxplan),endofe,florat(mxplan) c modify: qspply(mxsrg),splyvm,surge,tend(mxsrg),tstart(mxsrg) include '' c read: kosta,kostf,kostk include '' c read: irofe c write: noirr include '' c read: iplane c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer cbsurg, i, srge real array1(4), array2(5), array3(6), cbdrtn, inopt c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c array1 - cycle time coefficients for 4 advance surges c array2 - cycle time coefficients for 5 advance surges c array3 - cycle time coefficients for 6 advance surges c cbdrtn - cumulative duration of cutback surges (s) c cbsurg - number of cutback surges c i - do loop counter c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + data array1 /.140, .200, .280, .380/ data array2 /.120, .160, .200, .240, .280/ data array3 /.088, .116, .150, .180, .208, .258/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ... Calculate required infiltration opportunity time at lower end of c furrow c inopt = (iramt-avesm(endofe)*log(1.+iramt/avesm(endofe))) / 1 aveks(endofe) c c ... Reset flow rate for first surge c qspply(1) = florat(irofe) if (depsrg(irofe).eq.1) then c c ----- CONTINUOUS ----- c tend(1) = tadvan(xsteps) + inopt if (tend(1).gt.86400.) tend(1) = 86400. else if (depsrg(irofe).eq.2) then c c ----- CUTBACK ----- c c ..... Calculate cutback flowrate based on furrow infiltration 60 s c after advance c qspply(2) = 0. do 10 i = irofe, iplane - 1 qspply(2) = qspply(2) + slplen(i) * aveks(i) * rwdth 10 continue qspply(2) = qspply(2) + (kosta*kostk*(60.+tadvan(xsteps)- 1 tadvan(0))**(kosta-1.)+kostf) * .5 * (xpostn(1)-xpostn(0)) + 1 (kosta*kostk*60.**(kosta-1.)+kostf) * .5 * (xpostn(xsteps)- 1 xpostn(xsteps-1)) do 20 i = 1, xsteps - 1 qspply(2) = qspply(2) + (kosta*kostk*(60.+tadvan(xsteps)- 1 tadvan(i))**(kosta-1.)+kostf) * .5 * (xpostn(i+1)- 1 xpostn(i-1)) 20 continue c c ..... Calculate begin, end, and depletion times for flow rates c tend(1) = tadvan(xsteps) tstart(2) = tadvan(xsteps) tend(2) = tstart(2) + inopt if (tend(2).gt.86400.) tend(2) = 86400. else c c ----- SURGE ----- c c ..... Calculate advance surges c tend(1) = tadvan(xsteps) srge = 1 30 srge = srge + 1 qspply(srge) = florat(irofe) tstart(srge) = 2. * tend(srge-1) - tstart(srge-1) if (tstart(srge).lt.86400.) then if (depsrg(irofe).eq.4) then tend(srge) = tstart(srge) + tend(1) / array1(1) * 1 array1(srge) else if (depsrg(irofe).eq.5) then tend(srge) = tstart(srge) + tend(1) / array2(1) * 1 array2(srge) else tend(srge) = tstart(srge) + tend(1) / array3(1) * 1 array3(srge) end if if (tend(srge).lt.86400.) then if ( go to 30 else tend(srge) = 86400. surge = srge end if else srge = srge - 1 surge = srge end if c c ..... Calculate cutback surges c if (tend(surge).lt.86400.) then cbsurg = nint(inopt/.65/(tend(surge)-tstart(surge))) if ( cbsurg = mxsrg - srge cbdrtn = inopt / float(cbsurg) surge = srge + cbsurg 40 srge = srge + 1 qspply(srge) = florat(irofe) tstart(srge) = 2. * tend(srge-1) - tstart(srge-1) if (tstart(srge).lt.86400.) then tend(srge) = tstart(srge) + cbdrtn if (tend(srge).lt.86400.) then if ( go to 40 else tend(srge) = 86400. surge = srge end if else surge = srge - 1 end if end if end if c c ... Set miscellaneous variables c noirr = 2 iplane = irofe do 50 srge = 1, surge splyvm = splyvm + qspply(srge) * (tend(srge)-tstart(srge)) 50 continue return end