subroutine deplet c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram calculates the depletion level of the soil for the c current rooting depth and for the soil profile. Also calculates c an irrigation depth if necessary. c c Called from IRRIG c Author(s): E. R. Kottwitz c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 07/06/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: rtd(mxplan) c include '' c read: rain(mxplan) c include '' c read: deplev(mxplan),irdmin c modify: iramt c write: depsev c include '' c read: filrat(mxplan) c include '' c read: irsyst c include '' c read: aprati(mxplan),irdmax c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: st(mxnsl,mxplan),thetdr(mxnsl,mxplan), c thetfc(mxnsl,mxplan),nsl(mxplan),solthk(mxnsl,mxplan), c dg(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c read: wmelt(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer i,ii real awtota,awtotb,depla,deplb,iramta,iramtb,sumsta,sumstb c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c i - do loop counter for summations for soil layers c ii - flag indicating whether bottom of soil layer is below c the current rooting depth (0-no, 1-yes) c awtota - available soil water over the current root depth (m) c awtotb - available soil water over the entire soil profile (m) c depla - available soil water depletion over the current root c depth (m/m) c deplb - available soil water depletion over the entire soil c profile (m/m) c iramta - irrigation amount required to fill the soil profile over c the current root depth multiplied by the ratio of c application depth to allowable irrigation depth c (aprati(mxplan)) (m) c iramtb - irrigation amount required to fill the soil profile over c the entire soil profile multiplied by aprati(mxplan) (m) c sumsta - maximum available soil water over the current root depth c (m) c sumstb - maximum available soil water over the entire soil profile c (m) c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Initialize variables c ii = 0 c c XXX Change "rain" to "rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane)" dcf 6/3/94 sumsta = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) sumstb = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) c c Do a summation of (a) current available soil water (st) and c maximum available soil water (aw) for the root depth and (b) st c and aw for all soil layers c sumstb = sumstb+st(1,iplane) awtotb = (thetfc(1,iplane)-thetdr(1,iplane))*dg(1,iplane) c if(solthk(1,iplane).le.rtd(iplane))then sumsta = sumstb awtota = awtotb else sumsta = sumsta+st(1,iplane)*rtd(iplane)/dg(1,iplane) awtota = (thetfc(1,iplane)-thetdr(1,iplane))*rtd(iplane) ii = 1 endif c do 10 i = 2, nsl(iplane) sumstb = sumstb+st(i,iplane) awtotb = awtotb+(thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane))*dg(i,iplane) if(ii.eq.0)then c if(solthk(i,iplane).le.rtd(iplane))then sumsta = sumstb awtota = awtotb else sumsta = sumsta+st(i,iplane)*(rtd(iplane)- 1 solthk(i-1,iplane))/dg(i,iplane) awtota = awtota+(thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane))* 1 (rtd(iplane)-solthk(i-1,iplane)) ii = 1 endif c endif 10 continue c c Calculate depletion level for the current rooting depth and for c all soil layers c c c correction by dcf 8/29/91 - divide by zero when awtota=0 c c if(rtd(iplane).gt.0.0001 .and. sumsta/ c if(rtd(iplane).gt.0.0001 .and. if(sumsta/ depla = 1.0-sumsta/awtota else depla = 0.0 endif else depla = 0.0 endif c if( if(sumstb/ deplb = 1.0-sumstb/awtotb else deplb = 0.0 endif else deplb = 0.0 endif c c If depletion level is greater than allowable then determine c irrigation parameters c c *** M0 IF *** if( .or. depsev = (max(depla,deplb)-deplev(iplane))/deplev(iplane) c if(irsyst.eq.1)then c c Additional calculations for solid-set, side-roll, or hand- c move irrigation systems c iramta = (awtota-sumsta)*aprati(iplane) iramtb = (awtotb-sumstb)*aprati(iplane) else c c Additional calculations for furrow irrigation systems c iramta = (awtota-sumsta)*filrat(iplane) iramtb = (awtotb-sumstb)*filrat(iplane) endif c iramt = max(iramta,iramtb) c if( iramt = 0.0 depsev = 0.0 elseif(irsyst.eq.1 .and. iramt = irdmax endif c c *** M0 ELSE *** else depsev = 0.0 iramt = 0.0 c c *** M0 ENDIF *** endif c return end