subroutine depos(xb,xe,cdep,a,b,c,phi,theta,ilast,dl,ldlast) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Calculates deposition in each segment of the hillslope. c c Called from subroutine ROUTE. c Author(s): G. Foster, M. Nearing, D. Flanagan c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: Changed DEPEQ from a FUNCTION, into a SUBROUTINE c named DEPEQS, with an argument called DEPEQ. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 90.92. c Date recoded: 01/14/91 to 02/26/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real xb, xe, cdep, a, b, c, phi, theta, dl, ldlast, xterm integer ilast c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c xb - n.d. distance where deposition begins c xe - n.d. distance where deposition ends c cdep - portion of solution to deposition equation c a - shear stress equation coefficient c b - shear stress equation coefficient c c - shear stress equation coefficient c phi - n.d. deposition parameter c theta - n.d. interill detachment parameter c ilast - index counter at last point where load computed c dl - n.d. deposition rate at distance x=xe c ldlast - n.d. sediment load at distance x=xe c xterm - c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: xinput(101,mxplan) include '' c read: ktrato include '' include '' c modify: detach(101), load(101), tc(101) include '' c read: qostar include '' c read: iplane c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer ibeg, i, loopfg real tclast c c ibeg - counter variable value at first deposition point c tclast - n.d. transport capacity at distance x=xe c loopfg - flag. 1 = exit L3 Loop. c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c depeqs c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c ibeg = ilast + 1 c c *** L1 IF *** if ( then c c *** L2 IF *** if (xinput(ibeg,iplane).gt.xe) then c Original Code: c dl=depeq(xb,cdep,a,b,phi,theta,xe) c if ( then call depeqs(xb,cdep,a,b,phi,theta,xe,dl) xterm = a * xe ** 2 + b * xe + c tclast = xterm * ktrato if (tclast.le.0.0) tclast = 0.0 ldlast = tclast - dl * (xe+qostar) / phi else tclast = 0.0 ldlast = 0.0 end if else c c *** Begin L3 Loop *** i = ilast loopfg = 0 10 continue i = i + 1 if (xinput(i,iplane).le.xe) then c c Check if point is past end of runoff on a Case 4 plane. c if (,iplane).le. 1 -qostar) then c c Original Code: c detach(i)=depeq(xb,cdep,a,b,phi,theta, call depeqs(xb,cdep,a,b,phi,theta,xinput(i,iplane), 1 detach(i)) xterm = a * xinput(i,iplane) ** 2 + b * xinput(i,iplane) + 1 c tc(i) = xterm * ktrato if (tc(i).lt.0.0) tc(i) = 0.0 c load(i) = tc(i) - detach(i) * (xinput(i,iplane)+qostar) / 1 phi c c Added by dcf - 8/13/90 - to prevent erroneous calculation c of detachment by deposition equation (for case 4 plane) c if ( 1 load(i) = load(i-1) c else load(i) = 0.0 tc(i) = 0.0 end if c if (load(i).lt.0.0) load(i) = 0.0 ilast = i if (xinput(i,iplane).ge.1.0) loopfg = 1 else loopfg = 1 end if c c *** End L3 Loop *** if ( go to 10 c c c c corrections made 5/17/91 by dcf to prevent bombing - c for case of CASE 4 plane where xe is greater than -qostar c c c CASE 1 is most typical - on an OFE on which flow does c not end. c if ( then call depeqs(xb,cdep,a,b,phi,theta,xe,dl) xterm = a * xe ** 2 + b * xe + c tclast = xterm * ktrato if ( tclast = 0.0 ldlast = tclast - dl * (xe+qostar) / phi c else c c Case 2 is for an OFE on which flow does end, but c it does not end on the current slope segment. c if ( then call depeqs(xb,cdep,a,b,phi,theta,xe,dl) xterm = a * xe ** 2 + b * xe + c tclast = xterm * ktrato if ( tclast = 0.0 ldlast = tclast - dl * (xe+qostar) / phi c else c c Case 3 is for an OFE on which flow ends, and on which c it ends on the current slope segment. c tclast = 0.0 ldlast = 0.0 dl = 0.0 c end if c end if c c if ( ldlast = 0.0 if ( tclast = 0.0 c if( dl = 0.0 c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c return end