subroutine detach(ichan,ielmt,cnpart,i,flagct) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR DETACH computes soil particle detachment and sediment load. c c Called from: SRS CASE12, CASE34 c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer ichan, ielmt, cnpart, i, flagct c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c ichan - c ielmt - c cnpart - c i - c flagct - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real maxe, covsh, excess, excold, ratex, sumdf, sumexd, sumpld, 1 sumtcl, temdep, temwer integer j, k, nexces, nt2 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c maxe - c covsh - c excess - c excold - c ratex - c sumdf - c sumexd - c sumpld - c sumtcl - c temdep - c temwer - c c Integer Variables c c j - c k - c nexces - c nt2 - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c dcap c trncap c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c covsh = 1000.0 c c examine possibility of a detachment or equilibrium c condition between xdemax and x(i) c c for detachment set maximum allowable erosion rate c without overfilling transport capacity (maxe) c maxe = 1000.0 c c assume there is a potential for detachment: excess = 1.0 c excess = 1.0 c c save current values of depa and wera at temporary locations c temdep = depa(ichan,i) temwer = wera(ichan,i) c flagc = flagct c c if erodible channel (flagc = 3) and depa (updated depth of c erodible layer at the upper boundary of lower end of current c segment is zero, compute detachment and erode (widening) channel c cross section (assuming a rectangular shape) c if (flagc.eq.3.and.depa(ichan,i).eq.0.0) flagc = 2 c call dcap(1,flagc,ql,sfl,cc1,chz,effshl,depsid,temdep,temwer,wfl, 1 chn,crsh,covsh,maxe,excess,tb,ielmt,df,ichan) c c compute total detachment and potential load as a sum of sediment c load from detachment on the segment (dl) and initial potential c load c c c set flag nt3 c nt3 = 0 c do 10 k = 1, cnpart dl(k) = df(k) * wfl potld(k) = (gstde(k)+dlat(k)*(x(i)-xdemax)+((dl(k)+dde(k))*( 1 x(i)-xdemax)/2.0)) / wfl if(dl(k).eq.0.0.and.potld(k).eq.0.0) nt3 = nt3 + 1 10 continue c c if all detachment rates (dli's) and potential loads (potldi's) c are equal to 0 (nt3 = cnpart), set sediment load equal to the c potential load. Otherwise compute transport capacity. c if( then c c compute transport capacity based on new potential load c call trncap(effshl,potld,ielmt,tcl) c c set flag nt2 = 0 c nt2 = 0 c c check if tci's >= potldi's c do 20 k = 1, cnpart if (tcl(k).ge.potld(k)) nt2 = nt2 + 1 20 continue c end if c c if all tci's >= potldi's (nt2 = cnpart) set sediment load equal c to the potential load c if (nt2.eq.cnpart.or.nt3.eq.cnpart) then c do 30 k = 1, cnpart gsl(k) = potld(k) 30 continue c else c c compute detachment rate that will just fill transport c capacity - initialize sum of tcl and potld c sumtcl = 0.0 sumpld = 0.0 c do 40 k = 1, cnpart sumtcl = sumtcl + tcl(k) sumpld = sumpld + potld(k) 40 continue c c compute the amount of detachment (exdet) that will c just fill the transport capacity c do 50 k = 1, cnpart exdet(k) = ((tcl(k)*wfl-gstde(k)-dlat(k)*(x(i)-xdemax))*(2.0/( 1 x(i)-xdemax))-dde(k)) / wfl 50 continue c c initialize sum of df and exdet c sumdf = 0.0 sumexd = 0.0 c do 60 k = 1, cnpart sumdf = sumdf + df(k) sumexd = sumexd + exdet(k) 60 continue c c set maximum allowable erosion rate that will not overfill the c sediment transport capacity (maxe) c maxe = 1000.0 c c compute excess and save value in a temporary location (excold) c excess = sumtcl / sumpld excold = excess c c initialize counter for iterations (nexces) c nexces = 0 c do 90 j = 1, 100 c nexces = nexces + 1 c if (nexces.le.20) then c if ( excess = 0.0 c c save current values of depa and wera at temporary locations c temdep = depa(ichan,i) temwer = wera(ichan,i) c call dcap(2,flagc,ql,sfl,cc1,chz,effshl,depsid,temdep, 1 temwer,wfl,chn,crsh,covsh,maxe,excess,tb,ielmt,df,ichan) c excess = 1.0 c maxe = 1000.0 c c compute total detachment dl(k) and sediment load gsl(k) c do 70 k = 1, cnpart dl(k) = df(k) * wfl gsl(k) = (gstde(k)+dlat(k)*(x(i)-xdemax)+((dl(k)+dde(k))*( 1 x(i)-xdemax)/2.0)) / wfl potld(k) = gsl(k) 70 continue c c compute transport capacity based on sediment load gsl(k) c call trncap(effshl,potld,ielmt,tcl) c c initialize sums c sumtcl = 0.0 sumpld = 0.0 sumdf = 0.0 sumexd = 0.0 c do 80 k = 1, cnpart sumtcl = sumtcl + tcl(k) sumpld = sumpld + potld(k) exdet(k) = ((tcl(k)*wfl-gstde(k)-dlat(k)*(x(i)-xdemax))*( 1 2.0/(x(i)-xdemax))-dde(k)) / wfl sumexd = sumexd + exdet(k) sumdf = sumdf + df(k) 80 continue c if (abs(sumtcl-sumpld)/ then go to 100 else ratex = sumexd / sumdf if (ratex.le.0.0) ratex = sumtcl / sumpld excess = excold * ratex excold = excess end if c else go to 100 end if c 90 continue c 100 continue c do 110 k = 1, cnpart gsl(k) = tcl(k) 110 continue c end if c c reset erodible channel variables c depa(ichan,i) = temdep wera(ichan,i) = temwer c flagc = flagct c if (flagc.eq.3.and.depa(ichan,i).eq.0.0) flagc = 2 if (flagc.eq.2.and.wera(ichan,i).gt.wfl) wida(ichan,i) = 1 wera(ichan,i) c return end