subroutine disag(xmxint) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Disaggregates storms into a double exponential intensity c pattern with relative time to peak intensity, Tp, and c relative maximum intensity, Ip = Max INT/AVE intensity, c satisfying 0 < Tp < 1 and Ip >= 1. c Also reads precipitation amount P, and storm duration DUR. c c Called from IDAT. c Author(s): Lane, Lopez, Stone, FERRIS c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Order of parameters reversed to conform to Coding c Convention. c 2) Code for Cases 1-4 massively re-arranged, and truth c table added to comments. c 3) Local variables PMAX & DMAX deleted. c 4) van der Sweep corrections added 2/92 - dcf c 5) Kottwitz changed IRDEPT to IRDEPT(mxplan) - dcf c 6) Stone changed time step from 2 to 5 minutes c to smooth out disaggregation function 5/93 dcf c 7) Savabi changes for new winter routines and handling c of snow melt water. Collapsed Cases 2&3 into Case 2, c Case 4 became case 3, Case 5 became Case 4. Question c still of how to handle irrigation and snowmelt - we c don't handle it here yet. dcf 2/24/94 c 8) Changed variable "int()" to "intsty()" to prevent c conflicts with external function of same name. dcf 5/94 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 04/30/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c Recoded version updated: 9/13/91,1/92,7/92,5/93,5/94 c Updated by: Dennis C. Flanagan and Reza Savabi c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real xmxint c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c xmxint - MAXIMUM RAINFALL INTENSITY c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: ninten(mxplan),dur,timem(20),intsty(20) c include '' c modify: timedl(20),intdl(20) c include '' c modify: timep,ip,p c write: deltfq,fq c include '' c read: rain(mxplan),stmdur c modify: avrint c include '' c read: irdept(mxplan) c include '' c read: irdur, irint(iplane) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read:sdate c include '' c read: hrmlt(24,mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real avgint, rmxint, frstim, sectim, avmert, timmel, totmel, 1 wmelmx, wmtp integer irflg2, loopfg, i, im c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c avgint - AVERAGE RAINFALL INTENSITY (m/s) c rmxint - NON DIMENSIONAL MAXIMUM RAINFALL INTENSITY c frstim - real value for previous time when checking if c disaggregated time step is less than 5 minutes c sectim - real value for current time when checking if c disaggregated time step is less than 5 minutes c irflg2 - flag. 1=rainfall and irrigation occur on same day, no c snowmelt; 0=all other cases c loopfg - flag. 1=exit loop; 2=exit loop and go to 20; c 0=next iteration of loop. c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c const c dblex c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c initialize variables c ninten(iplane) = 11 deltfq = 1.0 / float(ninten(iplane)-1) fq = 0.0 timedl(1) = 0.0 intdl(ninten(iplane)) = 0.0 irflg2 = 0 p = 0 c c **************************** c Truth Table of * c Cases Covered: * c * c | IR | SM | RN | Case * c --------------------- * c | n | N | Y | 1 * c | n | Y | Y | 2 * c | n | Y | N | 2 * c | y | N | n | 3 * c | y | N | y | 4 * c * c***************************** c c *** L1 IF *** if (irdept(iplane).lt.0.0001.or.wmelt(iplane).ge.0.0001) then if (irdept(iplane).ge.0.0001) write (6,1000) iplane c c STMDUR = DURATION OF RAINFALL IF RAINFALL OCCURS (STMGET.FOR) if (wmelt(iplane).le.0.0) then c Case 1: RAINFALL ONLY - no irrigation OR SNOWMELT c p = rain(iplane) dur = stmdur else c Case 2: SNOWMELT (what about case of irrig & melt??) c c Reza added the following code to disaggregate the melt c Assume the following variable is provided by winter routine wmelmx=0.0 timmel=0.0 totmel=0.0 do 10 im=1,24 if(hrmlt(im,iplane).gt.0.000)then timmel=timmel+1 totmel=totmel+hrmlt(im,iplane) if(hrmlt(im,iplane).gt.wmelmx)then wmelmx=hrmlt(im,iplane) wmtp=timmel endif endif 10 continue avmert=totmel/timmel ip=wmelmx/avmert timep=wmtp/timmel c c stmdur is in h, wmelmx is in m/h stmdur=timmel*3600 dur=stmdur xmxint=wmelmx/3600 p=totmel endif c c *** L1 ELSE *** else c c *** L2 IF *** if (rain(iplane).lt.0.0001) then c c Case 3: irrigation - no rain OR SNOWMELT c p = irdept(iplane) dur = irdur avrint = irint(iplane) xmxint = avrint ip = 1. c c *** L2 ELSE *** else c c Case 4: irrigation, rain - NO SNOWMELT c irflg2 = 1 p = rain(iplane) dur = stmdur c if ( then ninten(iplane) = ninten(iplane) - 1 deltfq = 1.0 / float(ninten(iplane)-1) end if c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c Corrections made to following section based on comments c from Jim Langdon, USDA-FS. Main problem was with an c input entered value for TP of 0.0 - and the model c resetting TP to 1.0 and IP to 1.0 (a uniform storm dist.) c 11/2/94 dcf c c Original Code c c if ( then c timep = 1.0 c else if ( then c ip = 1.0 c timep = 1.0 c end if c if( = 1.0 if ( then timep = 1.0 else if (timep.le.0.0)then timep = 0.01 else continue end if c c End of corrected code. 11/2/94 dcf c 20 continue loopfg = 0 c c Call CONST if intensity is constant, c call DBLEX if it is not. c if ( then call const else call dblex end if c frstim = timedl(1) * dur c i = 1 30 continue i = i + 1 sectim = timedl(i) * dur if ( then c c Time step is less than 5 minutes. Decrease the number c of dimensionless steps and try again. c ninten(iplane) = ninten(iplane) - 1 c if (ninten(iplane).le.2) then c c Disaggregated rainfall distribution is set to c constant intensity with 2 time steps. c timedl(2) = 1. intdl(1) = 1. intdl(2) = 1. ninten(iplane) = 2 else c c Re-initialize for decreased step. c deltfq = 1.0 / float(ninten(iplane)-1) fq = 0.0 timedl(1) = 0.0 intdl(ninten(iplane)) = 0.0 loopfg = 2 end if else frstim = sectim end if if ( go to 30 if (loopfg.eq.2) go to 20 c c Make sure last intensity value is 0.0 c intdl(ninten(iplane)) = 0.0 c c If rainfall and irrigation occur on the same day, c adjust dimensionalized intensities and times. c c *** M0 IF *** if ( then p = rain(iplane) + irdept(iplane) dur = amax1(irdur,stmdur) avgint = p / dur rmxint = 0. c c Adjust dimensionless intensity, average intensity, and maximum c intensity. c do 40 i = 1, ninten(iplane) if (timedl(i+1)*stmdur.le.irdur) then intdl(i) = (intdl(i)*avrint+irint(iplane)) / avgint else if (timedl(i)* then intdl(i) = (intdl(i)*avrint+(irint(iplane)*(irdur- 1 timedl(i)*stmdur))/(timedl(i+1)-timedl(i))/stmdur) / 1 avgint end if rmxint = amax1(rmxint,intdl(i)) 40 continue c xmxint = amax1(xmxint,rmxint*avgint) avrint = avgint c c If irrigation duration is greater than rainfall duration, c add last intensity duration block and adjust dimensionless time c if ( then ninten(iplane) = ninten(iplane) + 1 intdl(ninten(iplane)) = 0. timedl(ninten(iplane)) = 1. c do 50 i = 2, ninten(iplane) - 1 timedl(i) = timedl(i) * stmdur / irdur 50 continue c end if c c *** M0 ENDIF *** end if c c Calculate actual time and intensity c do 60 i = 1, ninten(iplane) timem(i) = timedl(i) * dur c c changed p and dur to meters and second above so changed here. c intsty(i) = intdl(i) * p / dur 60 continue c return 1000 format (3x,' *** WARNING ***',/,' Fixed date sprinkler irrigation' 1 ,/,3x,' skipped on plane ',i2,' due to snowmelt.',/, 1 ' *** WARNING ***',/) end