subroutine eqroot(a,err,eqrt) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Solves the following equation for U: 1 - exp(-u) = a*u, for c positive values of A less than 1, and positive values of U. c (If A=1, U=0). Newton's method is used, with special c approximations for small values of A (A <= 0.06), and large c values of A (A >= 0.999). c c Results appear to be accurate to machine precision (real*4) c and require at most 2 iterations. c c Called from DBLEX. c Author(s): Lane, Shirley, Lopez, and Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Changed from a function to a subroutine, since it passes c more than one value back. c 2) Comments re: small & large values of A, massively changed. c 3) Since same value of A was observed repeatedly being passed c to routine, a check for this was added. c c ****************************************************** c * NOTE: THIS INDICATES THAT SOMETHING IS *WRONG* * c * THE VALUE OF 'A' SHOULD CHANGE EACH TIME! * c ****************************************************** c c 4) Most of the double precision calculations & comparisons c reduced to single precision. However, 'E' must remain c double precision. c 5) ax has been moved to common block jca2 8/31/93 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 04/11/91 to 4/22/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real a, eqrt integer err c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c a - constant A in the equation: 1 - exp(-u) = a*u. c (In this routine, A = 1/ip.) c err - flag. 0: equation solved. c 1: no solution for given A. c eqrt - solution returned for U in the equation: c 1 - exp(-u) = a*u. c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + double precision d, e, f, r, s, u, tmpvr1 real eqrtx integer loopfg c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c d - A - F c e - exp(-U) c f - (1-E)/U c r - A/TMPVR1 c s - abs(D/A) or abs(D/TMPVR1) c u - See definition of A c eqrtx - saved value of EQRT from prev. call c loopfg - Flag. Set to exit loop. c c + + + SAVES + + + save eqrtx c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c****************************************************************** c c FOR SMALL VALUES OF 'A' (A <= 0.06): c c If a = (1 - exp(-u))/u, c then a = 1/u - exp(-u)/u, c and a = 1/u - 1/(u*exp(u)). c c Thus, for a large value of U (suppose U >= 15), the value of the c last term; ie, 1/(u*exp(u)), gets very close to zero. In this c situation, "a = 1/u" is a good approximation of the original c equation. (From this equation, when U is large, A is small.) c c When a = 1/u, u=1/a. c c For A <= .06, the error in U computed by this approach appears c to be less than real*4 precision. c c****************************************************************** c c FOR LARGE VALUES OF 'A' (A >= 0.999): c c The Taylor's series expansion with a remainder for exp(-u) is: c c exp(-u) = 1 - u + u**2/2 - u**3/6 + r(u), c where "r(u)" represents the remainder of the terms in the series. c c Substituting in the equation: a = 1/u - exp(-u)/u, one gets: c c a = 1/u - (1 - u + u**2/2 - u**3/6 + r(u)) / u, c c which simplifies to: c c a = 1 - u/2 + u**2/6 - r(u)/u. c c Since 0 < r(u) < u**4/24, then 0 < r(u)/u < u**3/24. (When c a=0.9991, u=0.0018. As A gets larger, U gets smaller still.) c Assuming "r(u)/u" to be negligible, and solving for U yields: c c u = 3/2 +/- sqrt(6a - 15/4). c c For .999 <= a, the u appears to be less than real*4 precision. c c****************************************************************** c c FOR ORDINARY VALUES OF 'A' (0.06 > A > 0.999): c c Between .06 and .999, Newton's method is used, using starting values. c Let f(u1)=a and u near u1. |(a - f(u))/a| = |(f(u1) - f(u))/a| = c |f'(c)*u1/a|*|(u1 - u)/u1|, for some c between u and u1. Since u is c near u1, c and u1 are approximated by u. Thus for r=|a/(f'(u)*u)|, we c have |(u - u1)/u1| ~ r*|(a - f(u))/a|. The relative error in f and u c are small if the relative error in f and r times this error is small. c Evaluating f'(u) gives r = a/((u - 1)*f(u) - 1). c c Because of the approximations in the above, we use 1/2 the smallest c real*4 number in testing for convergence. c c****************************************************************** c c See if value of A has changed since last call to EQROOT. c c *** L0 IF *** if ( then c c Verify that A is within the valid range of values; ie, c 0.0 < A <= 1.0. c c *** L1 IF *** if (( then c c Small A: 0 < A <= 0.06. (Answer good to machine precision). c c *** L2 IF *** if (a.le.0.06) then err = 0 eqrt = 1.0 / a c c Usual Case: 0.06 < A < 0.999. c else if ( then c c Estimate starting value for U. c if (a.le.0.2) then u = 1.0 / a else if (a.le.0.5) then u = .968732 / a - 1.55098 * a + .431653 else if (a.le.0.94) then u = 1.13243 / a - .928240 * a - .207111 else u = (3.0/2.0) - sqrt(6.0*a-(15.0/4.0)) end if c c Iterate. c c *** Begin L3 LOOP *** loopfg = 0 10 continue e = exp(-u) f = (1.d0-e) / u d = a - f tmpvr1 = ((u+1.d0)*f-1.d0) r = a / tmpvr1 c if (r.le.1.d0) then s = abs(d/a) else s = abs(d/tmpvr1) end if c if ( then u = u * (1.0+d/(e-f)) else loopfg = 1 end if c c *** End L3 LOOP *** if (loopfg.eq.0) go to 10 c c Exit with solution. c c20 err=0 err = 0 eqrt = sngl(u) c c Large A: 0.999 <= A < 1. (Answer good to about 10 places). c else if ( then err = 0 eqrt = (3.0/2.0) - sqrt(6.0*a-(15.0/4.0)) c c Special Case: A=1 (exact limiting solution). c else err = 0 eqrt = 0. c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c c Save values of A & EQRT. c c AXCCCC not used 12-16-93 02:03pm sjl c c axcccc = a eqrtx = eqrt c c Error: A outside range. A <= 0 or A > 1. c c *** L1 ELSE *** else err = 1 c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c Value of 'A' same as last time EQROOT was called. c c *** L0 ELSE *** else eqrt = eqrtx c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c return end