subroutine frichn(q,n,z,c1,c3,i,flag1,slope,xstar,leff,ye,xbeg, 1 ibeg,ssfb,ssfe,sf) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR FRICHN uses regression equations which approximate the c spatially varied flow equation to compute the energy slope at c points above the channel outlet control. c c Called from: SR CHNRT c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real c1, c3, q, sf, slope, ssfb, ssfe, xbeg, ye, z, xstar, leff integer i, ibeg, flag1 c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c c1 - c c3 - c q - c sf - c slope - c ssfb - c ssfe - c xbeg - c ye - c z - c xstar - c leff - c i - c ibeg - c flag1 - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real intrpl, n, crit, fslq, sfstar, ssf, sstar, ycrch, sc c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c intrpl - c n - c crit - c fslq - c sfstar - c ssf - c sstar - c ycrch - c sc - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c crit c fslq c intrpl c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c write(6,*) q,xstar,xbeg,ibeg,ssfb,ssfe,sf c ycrch = crit(z,q) sc = fslq(q,n,c1,ycrch) c if ( then sf = slope return end if c sstar = slope * leff / ye c if ( then if (flag1.eq.2) go to 20 if (flag1.eq.3) go to 40 if (flag1.eq.4) go to 50 if ( go to 10 end if c flag1 = 1 c if ( then ssf = intrpl(xbeg,ssfb,1.0,ssfe,xstar) c write(6,*) 'xbeg = ',xbeg,'; xstar = ',xstar c write(6,*) 'ssfb = ',ssfb,'; ssfe = ',ssfe,'; ssf = ',ssf go to 60 end if c if ( then ssf = 0.2777 - 3.3110 * xstar + 1 9.1683 * xstar ** 2 - 8.9551 * xstar ** 3 endif if ( then ssf = 2.6002 - 8.0678 * xstar + 1 15.6502 * xstar ** 2 - 11.7998 * xstar ** 3 endif if ( then ssf = 3.8532 - 12.9501 * xstar 1 + 21.1788 * xstar ** 2 - 12.1143 * xstar ** 3 endif if ( then ssf = 0.0 endif c ibeg = i ssfb = ssf c go to 60 c 10 continue c flag1 = 2 if (.not.( go to 30 c 20 continue c if ( then c if ( then ssf = intrpl(xbeg,ssfb,1.0,ssfe,xstar) go to 60 end if c ssf = 2.0553 - 6.9875 * xstar + 11.4184 * xstar ** 2 - 6.4588 * 1 xstar ** 3 ibeg = i ssfb = ssf c go to 60 c end if c ssf = 0.0392 - 0.4774 * xstar + 1.0775 * xstar ** 2 - 1.3694 * 1 xstar ** 3 ibeg = i ssfb = ssf c go to 60 c 30 continue c flag1 = 3 if (.not.( go to 50 c 40 continue c if ( then c if ( then ssf = intrpl(xbeg,ssfb,1.0,ssfe,xstar) go to 60 end if c ssf = 1.5386 - 5.2042 * xstar + 8.4477 * xstar ** 2 - 4.7401 * 1 xstar ** 3 ibeg = i ssfb = ssf go to 60 end if c ssf = 0.0014 - 0.0162 * xstar - 0.0926 * xstar ** 2 - 0.0377 * 1 xstar ** 3 ibeg = i ssfb = ssf c go to 60 c 50 continue c flag1 = 4 c if ( then c if ( then ssf = intrpl(xbeg,ssfb,1.0,ssfe,xstar) go to 60 end if c ssf = 1.2742 - 4.7020 * xstar + 8.4755 * xstar ** 2 - 5.3332 * 1 xstar ** 3 ibeg = i ssfb = ssf else ssf = -0.0363 * xstar ** 2 ibeg = i ssfb = ssf end if c 60 continue c sfstar = sstar - ssf sf = sfstar * ye / leff c return end