subroutine fslpar(ichan,z,endman,leff,ibeg,flag1,c1,c3,endslp,ssfe 1 ) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR FSLPAR computes the friction slope at the channel outlet. c c Called from: SR CHNRT c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real c1, c3, endman, endslp, ssfe, z, leff integer ibeg, ichan, flag1 c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c c1 - c c3 - c endman - c endslp - c ssfe - c z - c leff - c ibeg - c ichan - c flag1 - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real nsfe, crit, fslq, unifor, ytr c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c nsfe - c crit - c fslq - c unifor - c ytr - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c crit c fslq c unifor c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ibeg = 1 c c compute constant c3 in the normalized equation for spatially c varied flow c c1 = (z**2.5/(2.0*sqrt(z**2.0+1.0))) ** (2.0/3.0) c c compute normal depth (ynor) and critical depth (ycr) and set c depth at the end of current channel element c c normal depth calculations are performed on channels having c triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal shapes c c critical depth calculations are performed assuming the channel c has a triangular shape c ynor = unifor(endslp,z,endman,qe) c ycr = crit(z,qe) ye = ynor c c return if assuming sf = so (cflags = ienslp = 2) c if (cflags.eq.2) return c c compute control depth at the outlet control c c if critical depth at oulet control c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.1) ytr = ycr c c if normal depth at oulet control c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.2.or.icntrl(ichan).eq.0) ytr = c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.2) ytr = 1 unifor(ctlslp(ichan),ctlz(ichan),ctln(ichan),qe) c c if normal flow in the channel reach c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.3) ytr = 1 unifor(ctlslp(ichan),ctlz(ichan),endman,qe) c c if rating curve at outlet control c if (icntrl(ichan).eq.4) ytr = rcoset(ichan) + (qe/rccoef(ichan)) 1 ** (1.0/rcexp(ichan)) c c normal depth (ynor) is greater than critical depth (ycr) c if (ynor.le.ycr) then c cflags = 2 c c Baffaut correction follows: dcf 11/25/96 c if (icntrl(ichan).le.1.and.ytr.le.ynor) then if (icntrl(ichan).eq.1.and.ytr.le.ynor) then c Baffaut correction ends. dcf 11/25/96 c ye = ynor sfe = endslp return end if c ye = ytr sfe = fslq(qe,endman,c1,ye) return c end if c cflags = 1 c if (icntrl(ichan).ne.1) then if ( ytr = ynor nsfe = endman else c nsfe = nbarch end if c flag1 = 5 c ye = ytr sfe = fslq(qe,nsfe,c1,ye) c c Baffaut correction follows: dcf 11/25/96 c ssfe = (endslp-sfe) * ye / leff ssfe = (endslp-sfe) * leff / ye c Baffaut correction ends. dcf 11/25/96 c c3 = 2.0 * beta * qe ** 2.0 / (agrav*z**2.0*ye**5.0) c return end