subroutine furrec( m ii) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram performs depletion and recession phase c calculations for the furrow irrigation component. c c Called from FURRUN c Author(s): E. R. Kottwitz c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c 1) Changed dummy parameter I to more unique II. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 07/07/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer ii c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c ii - primary kinematic wave calculation counter c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: aqcnst,aqexp,botwid,sidslp c modify: ircon2 c write: ircon1 c include '' c read: inoptm(0:xsteps),irslp,qspply(mxsrg),spavz,srg, c tadvan(0:xsteps),tend(mxsrg),xpostn(0:xsteps) c modify: aflow(0:xsteps,2),infltr(0:xsteps,2),trec(0:xsteps) c include '' c read: kosta,kostf,kostk c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer begnod,bisflg,endflg,j,k real aest,aflmax(0:xsteps),atoler,denom,deltat,depth,excess, 1 ircon3,ircon4,ircon5,qmax,spava,spavac,spavap,tiavq, 2 tiavq1,trecn,ttoler,numer real tmpvr1 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c begnod - largest numbered node having a flow area of zero, used c to increment the local variable k c bisflg - flag indication whether a modified bisection method is c required (0-use Newton technique, 1-use bisection method) c endflg - flag indicating status of recession (0-recession c complete, 1-recession not complete) c j - kinematic wave calculation counter c k - recession phase node counter c aest - initial estimate of flow area (m**2) c aflmax - maximum expected flow area for each node c atoler - flow area tolerance value for Newton-Raphson iterations c (m**2) c denom - derivative of the recession time function, used in c Newton-Raphson iterations c deltat - change in estimate of recession time (s) c depth - estimate of depth of flow at node 1 based on a horizontal c water profile with zero depth at the upper end of the OFE c excess - volume of water in excess of that volume defined by c aflmax and the length of the calculation cell c ircon3 - combination of unchanging variables used to determine c depletion time c ircon4 - combination of unchanging variables used to determine c depletion time c ircon5 - combination of unchanging variables used to determine c recession time c numer - the recession time function, used in Newton-Raphson c iterations (s) c qmax - maximum expected flow rate at some downslope location c (m**3/s) c spava - space averaging coefficient for flow area for advance c phase c spavac - space averaging coefficient for flow area for current c time c spavap - space averaging coefficient for flow area for previous c time c tiavq - time averaging coefficient for flow rate c tiavq1 - 1.0-tiavq c trecn - estimate of depletion or recession time, used in newton c solution (s) c ttoler - depletion and recession time tolerance value for Newton- c Raphson iterations (s) c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + external irflow c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + data atoler/0.000001/,spava/0.65/,tiavq/0.35/,tiavq1/0.65/, 1 ttoler/0.1/ c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c furlea c irflow (access is through subprogram newrap) c newrap c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Initialize recession time for maximum advance distance c trec(ii) = tend(srg) c c ----- DEPLETION PHASE ----- c c Initialize recession flag, counter, bisflg, and deltat c begnod = 0 k = 0 bisflg = 0 deltat = 1.0e6 c c Calculate maximum expected flow area for each node c aflmax(0) = aflow(0,2) do 100 j = 1, xsteps qmax = qspply(srg)-kostf*(xpostn(j)-xpostn(0)) if( aflmax(j) = (qmax/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) else aflmax(j) = 0.0 endif 100 continue c c Shift aflow and infltr arrays c do 200 j = 0, xsteps aflow(j,1) = aflow(j,2) qflow(j,1) = qflow(j,2) infltr(j,1) = infltr(j,2) 200 continue c c Initialize space averaging coefficients for flow area c spavac = 1.0-spava if(aflow(1,1).le.aflow(0,1))then spavap = spava else spavap = 1.0-spava endif c c Set aflow(0,2) = 0 for depletion calculations c aflow(0,2) = 0.0 c c Set qflow(0,2) = 0 c qflow(0,2) = 0.0 c c Estimate area of flow at xpostn(1) when depletion occurs c depth = irslp*(xpostn(1)-xpostn(0)) if((botwid+sidslp).gt.0.0001)then aflow(1,2) = min(aflow(1,1),(botwid+sidslp*depth)*depth) else aflow(1,2) = aflow(1,1) endif qflow(1,2) = aqcnst*aflow(1,2)**aqexp c c Determine values for combinations of variables that will be c constant for a series of calculations c ircon3 = (1.0-spavac)*aflow(1,2)-spavap*aflow(0,1)-(1.0-spavac)* 1 aflow(1,1)-spavz*infltr(0,1)-(1.0-spavz)*infltr(1,1) ircon4 = tiavq*qflow(1,1)+tiavq1*qflow(1,2) c c Make initial estimate of depletion time c trec(0) = tend(srg)+aflow(0,1)*(xpostn(1)-xpostn(0))/ 1 (2.0*qflow(1,1)) c c Iterative calculations to determine depletion time c 10 continue c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4, where tau = inoptm+trec-tadvan) infltr(0,2) = kostk*(inoptm(0)+trec(0)-tadvan(0))**kosta+kostf* 1 (inoptm(0)+trec(0)-tadvan(0)) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4 where tau = inoptm+trec-tadvan) infltr(1,2) = kostk*(inoptm(1)+trec(0)-tadvan(1))**kosta+kostf* 1 (inoptm(1)+trec(0)-tadvan(1)) trecn = tend(srg)-(ircon3+spavz*infltr(0,2)+(1.0-spavz)* 1 infltr(1,2))*(xpostn(1)-xpostn(0))/ircon4 if(abs(trecn-trec(0)).gt.ttoler)then if(abs(trecn-trec(0)).lt.deltat .and. bisflg.eq.0)then deltat = abs(trecn-trec(0)) trec(0) = trecn else bisflg = 1 trec(0) = 0.5*(trec(0)+trecn) endif goto 10 endif c c Note: With the test files the loop above seems to be executed c 2-4 times before convergence. -- CRM -- 7/07/93. c c Do loop to calculate aflow and infltr for rectangular cells c do 300 j = 2, ii c c Determine space averaging coefficient for flow area for previous c time c if(aflow(j,1).le.aflow(j-1,1))then spavap = spava else spavap = 1.0-spava endif c c Determine infiltration at the node of interest and calculate c value of combination of variables that will be constant for a c series of calculations c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4, where tau = inoptm+trec-tadvan) infltr(j,2) = kostk*(inoptm(j)+trec(0)-tadvan(j))**kosta+kostf* 1 (inoptm(j)+trec(0)-tadvan(j)) tmpvr1 = xpostn(j)-xpostn(j-1) 310 continue c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.13) ircon2 = (tiavq/aqcnst*(qflow(j,1)-qflow(j-1,1))- 1 tiavq1/aqcnst*qflow(j-1,2)+(spavac*aflow(j-1,2)- 2 spavap*aflow(j-1,1)-(1.0-spavap)*aflow(j,1)+spavz* 3 (infltr(j-1,2)-infltr(j-1,1))+(1.0-spavz)* 4 (infltr(j,2)-infltr(j,1)))*tmpvr1/ 5 aqcnst/(trec(0)-tend(srg)))/tiavq1 c c If next statement is true then area of flow is very small. If c statement is false then calculate flow area and continue c if( aflow(j,2) = 0.0 qflow(j,2) = 0.0 trec(j) = trec(0) else aest = aflow(j-1,2)-aflow(j-1,1)+aflow(j,1) if(aest.le.0.0)aest = aflow(j,1) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.12) ircon1 = (1.0-spavac)*tmpvr1/tiavq1/aqcnst/(trec(0)-tend(srg)) c c NOTE: The call to IRFLOW from NEWRAP includes the expected c argument. The argument is not required here. c call newrap(aest,atoler,irflow,aflow(j,2)) qflow(j,2) = aqcnst*aflow(j,2)**aqexp endif c c If next statement is true then flow area is decreasing with c downslope distance starting with the previous-time calculation c cell boundary so change spavac accordingly c if(spavac.eq.1.0-spava.and.aflow(j,2).lt.aflow(j-1,2))then spavac = spava goto 310 endif 300 continue c c Check for lower end advance during the depletion phase c if(aflow(ii,2).ge.0.0001 .and. 1 call furlea(spavac,trec(0),tend(srg),ii) c c ----- RECESSION PHASE ----- c c Label 20 marks the location where control is passed for c incrementing the recession phase node counter c 20 continue k = max(begnod+1,k+1) begnod = k c c Shift aflow and infltr arrays c do 400 j = 0, xsteps aflow(j,1) = aflow(j,2) qflow(j,1) = qflow(j,2) infltr(j,1) = infltr(j,2) 400 continue c c Set flow area for current node equal to zero c aflow(k,2) = 0.0 qflow(k,2) = 0.0 c c Estimate recession time c if( trec(k) = max(2.0*trec(k-1)-trec(k-2),trec(k-1)+1.0) else trec(k) = trec(k-1)+trec(0)-tend(srg) endif c c Initialize space averaging coefficients for area, endflg, and c calculate ircon5, a combination of variables that will not change c spavap = 1.0-spava spavac = 1.0-spava endflg = 0 ircon5 = (xpostn(k)-xpostn(k-1))/(tiavq*qflow(k,1)) c c Iterative calculations to determine recession time c 30 continue c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4, where tau = inoptm+trec-tadvan) infltr(k,2) = kostk*(inoptm(k)+trec(k)-tadvan(k))**kosta+kostf* 1 (inoptm(k)+trec(k)-tadvan(k)) numer = trec(k)-trec(k-1)-ircon5*((1.0-spavap)*aflow(k,1)-(1.0- 1 spavz)*(infltr(k,2)-infltr(k,1))) denom = 1.0+ircon5*(1.0-spavz)*(kostk*kosta*(inoptm(k)+trec(k)- 1 tadvan(k))**(kosta-1.0)+kostf) trecn = trec(k)-numer/denom if(abs(trec(k)-trecn).ge.ttoler)then if( 'Recession phase procedure failed.' trec(k) = trecn goto 30 endif c c Force trec(k) to be greater than trec(k-1) c if(trec(k).le.trec(k-1))trec(k) = trec(k-1)+.1 c c Calculation loop to calculate aflow and infltr c j = k 40 continue if( j = j+1 tmpvr1 = xpostn(j)-xpostn(j-1) c c Determine space averaging coefficient for area of flow for the c current time c if(aflow(j,1).le.aflow(j-1,1))then spavap = spava else spavap = 1.0-spava endif c c Determine infiltration at the node of interest and calculate c value of combination of variables that will be constant for a c series of calculations c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4, where tau = inoptm+trec-tadvan) infltr(j,2) = kostk*(inoptm(j)+trec(k)-tadvan(j))**kosta+kostf* 1 (inoptm(j)+trec(k)-tadvan(j)) 50 continue c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.13) ircon2 = (tiavq/aqcnst*(qflow(j,1)-qflow(j-1,1))- 1 tiavq1/aqcnst*qflow(j-1,2)+(spavac*aflow(j-1,2)- 2 spavap*aflow(j-1,1)-(1.0-spavap)*aflow(j,1)+spavz* 3 (infltr(j-1,2)-infltr(j-1,1))+(1.0-spavz)* 4 (infltr(j,2)-infltr(j,1)))*tmpvr1/ 5 aqcnst/(trec(k)-trec(k-1)))/tiavq1 c c Note: Using test files, the equation above was frequently c executed almost 400 times before exiting the 20-loop! c --- CRM -- 7/07/93. c c If next statement is true then area of flow is very small. If c statement is false then calculate flow area and continue c if( aflow(j,2) = 0.0 qflow(j,2) = 0.0 if(j.eq.begnod+1)begnod=begnod+1 if(trec(j).lt.trec(0))trec(j)=trec(k) else endflg = 1 aest = aflow(j-1,2)-aflow(j-1,1)+aflow(j,1) if(aest.le.0.0)aest = aflow(j,1) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.12) ircon1 = (1.0-spavac)*tmpvr1/tiavq1/aqcnst/(trec(k)-trec(k-1)) c c NOTE: The call to IRFLOW from NEWRAP includes the expected c argument. The argument is not required here. c call newrap(aest,atoler,irflow,aflow(j,2)) qflow(j,2) = aqcnst*aflow(j,2)**aqexp trec(j) = 0.0 endif c c If next statement is true then flow area is decreasing with c downslope distance starting with the previous-time calculation c cell boundary so change spavac accordingly c if(spavac.eq.1.0-spava.and.aflow(j,2).lt.aflow(j-1,2))then spavac = spava goto 50 endif c c Adjust flow area for node of interest and node immediately c upstream for the situation where calculated flow area is greater c than the maximum expected value. c if(aflow(j,2).gt.aflmax(j))then if(j.le.xsteps-1)then excess = (aflow(j,2)-aflmax(j))*.5*(xpostn(j+1)-xpostn(j-1)) else excess = (aflow(j,2)-aflmax(j))*.5*tmpvr1 endif aflow(j-1,2) = aflow(j-1,2)+excess/(.5*(xpostn(j)- 1 xpostn(j-2))) qflow(j-1,2) = aqcnst*aflow(j-1,2)**aqexp aflow(j,2) = aflmax(j) qflow(j,2) = aqcnst*aflmax(j)**aqexp endif c c Determine where to pass control c if( c Note: Most of the branching within the 20-loop occurs from here. c -- CRM -- 7/07/93. goto 40 elseif(endflg.eq.1)then c c Check for lower end advance during the recession phase c if(j.eq.ii .and. aflow(ii,2).gt.0.0001 .and. 1 call furlea(spavac,trec(k),trec(k-1),ii) c c If the next statement is true, continue with recession phase c calculations c if(k.le.ii) goto 20 endif endif c do 500 k = 0, ii inoptm(k) = inoptm(k)+trec(k)-tadvan(k) 500 continue c return end