subroutine grna(aveksm,avedep,wmelt,nstemp,tf,re,effdrr,durre) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Calculates infiltration rates and depths for unsteady rain c using the Green and Ampt infiltration equation as modified c by Mein and Larson. c c Called from IRS. c Author(s): Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Order of parameters change: 3rd parameter goes to last c (7th) place, and the 4th parameter goes to 2nd place. c Corresponding changes made in IRS. c 2) Lots of those nasty GOTO's and multiple RETURN's c eliminated. c 3) IX & KX added to "do 20" loop to represent "i-1" & "k-1" c respectively. c 4) Consolidated code in "do 20" loop by combining some IF's. c Eliminated local variable INSERT. c 5) DURRE added in argument list as an output by Stone 5/93 c 6) Computations of ISQINT and DURRE commented out - Stone 5/93 c 7) New call to subroutine REID added - Stone 5/93 c 8) Savabi's changes for surface layer water storage c added 10/8/93 - dcf c 9) Added fix to compute time to ponding for single storm c simulations where surface saturates but have a high c Keff value for soil. dcf 4/95 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 04/23/91 - 8/7/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real aveksm, avedep, tf(mxtime), re(mxtime), effdrr(mxplan) real wmelt, durre integer nstemp, ntemp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c aveksm - average KS*SM for current OFE c avedep - depression storage depth c wmelt - amount of snow melt water c nstemp - index for the last time of cumulative rainfall excess c ntemp - index for the last time of cumulative infiltration c tf - incremental times of infiltration c re - rainfall excess rate c effdrr - duration of rainfall excess c durre - duration of rainfall excess c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: nf,tr(mxtime),r(mxtime),rr(mxtime) c modify: f(mxtime),ff(mxtime),recum(mxtime),rcum(mxtime),nm c include '' c read: dur c modify: sumint,timem(20) c include '' c modify: runoff(mxplan),remax c write: exrain,effint c include '' c modify: cu,tp(mxpond),cp,pt(mxpond),ts,tt c include '' c read: aveks(mxplan),avesm(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: st(mxnsl,mxplan),ul(mxnsl,mxplan) c c****************************************************************** c * c Variables in Common Blocks * c * c 1. r(i) ..............rainfall rate * c 2. rcum(i) ...........accumulated rainfall depth * c 3. f(i) ..............infiltration rate * c 4. ff(i) .............accumulated infiltration depth * c 6. recum(i) ..........accumulated rainfall excess depth * c 7. cu ................indicator of ponding if no ponding at * c beginning * c cu < 0 - no ponding cu > 0 - ponding * c 8. cp ................indicator of ponding when ponded at * c beginning * c cp < 0 - ponding stops during interval * c cp > 0 - ponding * c 9. tr(i) .............rainfall times * c 10. tp ...............time of ponding * c 11. ts ...............pseudotime to adjust real time for * c infiltration * c 12. t ................real time = tr(i)-tp+ts * c 13. pt ...............accumulated rainfall at time of ponding * c * c****************************************************************** c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real fsum, xx, dtime, retemp(mxtime), rrate(mxtime), dinf, relast, 1 xmul, smrate, storge, perest integer np, pond, it, ix, kx, loopfg, i, idep, k, l c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c fsum - cummulative infiltration depth c xx - amount of infiltration for pseudo time correction c dtime - delta-t for infiltration rate computations c retemp - temporary array for rainfall excess c rrate - array to hold rainfall intensity after time to ponding c has been inserted c smrate - snow melt rate c storge - storage capacity of the upper soil layers' available c porosity c perest - estimate of minimum amount of water percolated during c a storm event c np - flag to check if there is only one time interval where c rainfall excess occurs. If this happens runoff is set c to zero and the subroutine returns. c pond - ponding on previous infiltration interval? 1=yes; 0=no. c it - index for times to ponding c ix - previous value of I; ie, I-1. c kx - previous value of K; ie, K-1. c loopfg - flag. If = 1, get out of loop. c c + + + SAVES + + + c save relast c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c newton c depsto c reid c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c****************************************************************** c The Green and Ampt infiltration equation as modified c by Mein and Larson has the form : c c f = ks + ks*sm/ff and c ks*t = ff - sm*ln(1 + ff/sm) c c where: c c f = infiltration rate (l/t) c ks = saturated conductivity (l/t) c sm = effective matric potential (l) c ff = cumulative infiltration (l) c ln = natural log c c input: c c 1. two column file c col 1 = time (minutes) c col 2 = rainfall rate (millimeters/hour) c on the vax the file is an edr file c on the pc the file has a format 2f10.2 c c 2. saturated conductivity (millimeters/hour) c 3. effective matric potential (s*m) (millimeters) c where: c s = difference in average capilary potential c before and after wetting c m = difference in average soil moisture c****************************************************************** c c new 10/11/91 reza 10/93 dcf storge = 0.0 perest = 0.0 c total infiltration FF should be <= (ul-st-avedep) reza 10/11/91 do 10 l = 1, 2 if (st(l,iplane).lt.ul(l)) storge = storge + (ul(l)- 1 st(l,iplane)) 10 continue c c add on minimum value for storm water percolation to storage c value - added 10/18/93 by reza - dcf perest = sscmin(iplane) * dur storge = storge + perest if ( storge = 0.0 c end new reza 10/11/91 10/93 dcf c c Snowmelt c smrate = wmelt / dur c np = 0 sumint = 0.0 durre = 0.0 pond = 0 fsum = 0.0 k = 1 ff(1) = 0.0 recum(1) = 0.0 rcum(1) = 0.0 rrate(1) = r(1) tf(1) = 0.0 remax(iplane) = 0.0 it = 0 c c SET SO THAT CHECK IN IRS FOR HDRIVE OR APPMTH IS NOT UNDEFINED c JJS AUG 94 c tp(2) = 0.0 c c Add tp(1) statement so that tp(1) is not undefined when checked c below - to fix surface saturation problem. dcf 4/95 c tp(1) = 0.0 c do 15 kkk=1,mxpond c tp(kkk) = 0.0 c pt(kkk) = 0.0 c15 continue c c c start run c c *** Begin L0 Loop *** c c Loop through time steps and compute cumulative infiltration depth c do 20 i = 2, nf ix = i - 1 kx = k k = k + 1 c c case one: no ponding in previous interval c c *** L1 IF *** if (pond.eq.0) then c c c rainfall rate is less than conductivity; ie, no rainfall excess c c *** L2 IF *** c if (r(ix).le.aveks(iplane)) then if (r(ix).gt.0.0) fsum = rr(i) - recum(kx) ff(k) = fsum if (ff(k).gt.storge) ff(k) = storge recum(k) = recum(kx) rcum(k) = rr(i) rrate(k) = r(i) tf(k) = tr(i) c c ponding indicator when no ponding in previous interval c c *** L2 ELSE *** else cu = rr(i) - recum(kx) - aveksm / (r(ix)-aveks(iplane)) c c case one-a: no ponding c c *** L3 IF *** if (cu.le.0.0001) then fsum = rr(i) - recum(kx) ff(k) = fsum if (ff(k).gt.storge) ff(k) = storge recum(k) = recum(kx) rcum(k) = rr(i) rrate(k) = r(i) tf(k) = tr(i) c c c case one-b: ponding - get time to ponding, tp c c *** L3 ELSE *** else pond = 1 it = it + 1 tp(it) = (aveksm/(r(ix)-aveks(iplane))-rr(ix)+recum(kx)) / 1 r(ix) + tr(ix) c if (tp(it) then tp(it) = tr(ix) pt(it) = rr(ix) else c ff(k) = ff(kx) + r(ix) * (tp(it)-tr(ix)) if (ff(k).gt.storge) ff(k) = storge recum(k) = recum(kx) pt(it) = rr(ix) + ff(k) - ff(kx) rcum(k) = pt(it) rrate(k) = r(i) tf(k) = tp(it) kx = k k = k + 1 end if c c pseudotime - get time shift due to infiltration, ts c If matric suction = 0 implies saturation and ponds c instantly. No time shift. c correction from Charlie Luce - FS dcf 4/7/92 c if (avesm(iplane).gt.0.0) then xx = (pt(it)-recum(ix)) / avesm(iplane) ts = avesm(iplane) / aveks(iplane) * (xx-dlog(1.d0+xx)) c 290 ts = avesm(iplane) / aveks(iplane) * (xx-dlog(1.d0+xx)) c ^ c Warning near line 290 col 20: dble truncated to real else ts = 0.0 end if c c real time, t c tt = tr(i) - tp(it) + ts c c cumulative infiltration, newtons method ala ljl c call newton(tt,ff(kx),aveks(iplane),avesm(iplane),ff(k)) c recum(k) = rr(i) - ff(k) rcum(k) = rr(i) rrate(k) = r(i) tf(k) = tr(i) c c *** L3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L1 ELSE *** else c c case two: ponding in previous interval c tt = tr(i) - tp(it) + ts call newton(tt,ff(kx),aveks(iplane),avesm(iplane),ff(k)) c c check if no ponding before end of interval c cp = rr(i) - ff(k) - recum(kx) c c case two-a: no ponding before end of interval c if ( then ff(k) = rr(i) - recum(kx) if (ff(k).gt.storge) ff(k) = storge fsum = ff(k) recum(k) = recum(kx) rcum(k) = rr(i) rrate(k) = r(i) tf(k) = tr(i) pond = 0 c c case two-b: ponding continues merrily on c else recum(k) = rr(i) - ff(k) rcum(k) = rr(i) rrate(k) = r(i) tf(k) = tr(i) end if c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c c *** End L0 Loop *** c reza change 3/92 and now 9/93 c if (ff(k).ge.storge) then c ff(k) = storge recum(k) = rr(i) - ff(k) c c For case where surface profile saturates and no time c to ponding has been calculated (soils with high Keff c in a single storm simulation), set TP(1). savabi and dcf 4/95 c if(recum(k) end if 20 continue c c c *** M0 IF *** if (recum(nf).gt.0.0) then c c If there is rainfall excess, compute rainfall excess rate with c depression storage computation, and get rainfall intensity info c for erosion computations c c Set NTEMP equal to the last infiltration time - JJS JUN 93 ntemp = k c c Note: The next 2 executable lines ARE needed, since c DEPSTO changes the values of IDEP & DINF. c CRM -- 8/7/91 c idep = 0 dinf = 0.0 retemp(1) = recum(1) relast = recum(1) c c Change by van der Sweep - from xmul =1 to xmul =0 2/92 dcf c xmul = 0 c c *** Begin M1 Loop *** loopfg = 0 i = 0 30 continue c c Compute infiltration and rainfall excess rates c i = i + 1 dtime = tf(i+1) - tf(i) c f(i) = (ff(i+1)-ff(i)) / dtime re(i) = (recum(i+1)-recum(i)) / dtime c c SET NSTEMP EQUAL TO THE LAST RAINFALL EXCESS TIME c if (re(i).gt.0.0) nstemp = i + 1 if (f(i).lt.0.0) f(i) = 0.0 if (re(i).lt.0.0) re(i) = 0.0 c retemp(i+1) = recum(i+1) c c c depression storage section -JJS, 16 NOV 90 c c *** M2 IF *** if ( then c c If depression storage > 0, subtract the amount from c the rainfall excess c c depression storage is greater than total rainfall excess c c *** M3 IF *** c if ( then np = 0 loopfg = 1 c c *** M3 ELSE-IF *** else if (recum(i+1).gt.0) then call depsto(i,recum,f,dtime,avedep,idep,dinf,retemp,re,xmul, 1 relast) c c rainfall excess rate must be recalculated to account for c depression storage c c re(i) = (retemp(i+1)-retemp(i)) / dtime c c Added check to prevent negative value for RE - dcf 2/17/94 c if (re(i).lt.0.0) re(i) = 0.0 c c *** M3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c if (loopfg.eq.0) then if (i.eq.1) remax(iplane) = re(i) if (re(i).gt.remax(iplane)) then nm = i remax(iplane) = re(i) end if c if (re(i).gt.0.0) then c c SET NSTEMP TO THE LAST TIME OF CUMULATIVE RAINFALL c EXCESS - JJS JUN 93 nstemp = i + 1 np = 1 end if end if c c *** End M1 Loop *** c if (( go to 30 c c c *** N1 IF *** if ( then c c GET DURATION OF RAINFALL EXCESS AND RAINFALL INTENSITY c call reid(nstemp,re,tf,smrate,rrate,durre) c c c SET LAST INFILTRATION RATE TO ZERO - JJS JUN 93 f(ntemp) = 0.0 re(nstemp) = 0.0 runoff(iplane) = retemp(nstemp) c c USE NTEMP FOR INFILTRATION, NSTEMP FOR RAINFALL EXCESS - JJS ff(ntemp) = rcum(ntemp) - retemp(nstemp) if (runoff(iplane).lt.1.0e-3) runoff(iplane) = 0.0 exrain = re(nm) c c calculate effective rainfall intensity and duration c timem(ninten(iplane)+1) = timem(ninten(iplane)) c if ( then effint(iplane) = sumint / durre effdrr(iplane) = durre else effint(iplane) = 0.0 effdrr(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c *** N1 ELSE *** else recum(nf) = 0.0 c c *** N1 ENDIF *** end if c c *** M0 ENDIF *** end if c return end