subroutine grow(nowcrp,iplane,x5,x6,ncount,idecom) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Simulates plant growth processes that are common to all c vegetation; ie, annual, perennial, and range plants. c c Computes growing degree days (gdd), cumulative gdd (sumgdd), c canopy height & cover (canhgt & cancov), total above ground dry c weight (vdmt), root mass in each soil layer (by calling RTPART), c root depth (rtd), leaf area index (lai), total grazable c forage (tlive), and residue (rmogt). Adjusts harvest index c for moisture stress and temperature deficit (hia). c c Called from PTGRA, PTGRP, & RANGE c c Author(s): Arnold, Weltz, Ferris, Meyer c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8. Also see "EPIC -- Erosion/ c Productivity Impact Calculator". 1990. USDA-ARS Tech. Bul. c No. 1768. Sharpley, A.N. and J.R. Williams c c Changes: c 1) FPHU was computed a second time before being used. c Unnecessary. c 2) The expression: c tlive(iplane) - dec - dec *(1-reg) c was changed to: c tlive(iplane) + dec * (reg - 2.0) c 3) In the temperature stress calculation (temstr), c GDD was substituted for it's re-calculation: c (tave - btemp(itype(nowcrp, iplane)) c 4) Neither of common blocks RIDGE or CRPGRO had c definitions for their variables. This was c corrected. c 5) RTMASY was being SAVE'd even though it was being c re-computed each time GROW was executed. The SAVE c was eliminated. c NOTE - save added back in because other part of if-else logic c did not compute RTMASY - leaving it undefined. ALSO c RTMASY now dimensioned to MXPLAN and tracked by IPLANE c and earlier uses for multiple OFEs were incorrect. c dcf 12/10/92 c c 6) Since ISENES needs to be tracked by OFE, ISENES was c changed to ISENES(MXPLAN). c 7) In V-91.50, in EPIC Equation 2.252, the IF was commented c out. Jeff Arnold put it back in, making it consistent c with the EPIC documentation. It does make some minor c differences in the output from TEST1, but I also put c it IN, because without it the value of FHU get really c squirrelly -- it goes negative when FPHU gets less c than 0.3 or greater than 0.9. -- CRM -- 6/16/92. c 8) The line: c if( fphu = 1.0 c was moved from immediately below where "residue type c is set to the current crop on first day of senescence", c to where FPHU is first computed. After change #7, c this made no difference -- before then, it did. c 9) The ISENES(MXPLAN) used in this routine was changed c the one in CSENES.INC, like in version 92.25. c 10) Local variable HIAWS was eliminated from the equation c to "compute harvest index adjusted for water stress c (hia)". This would in some cases increase precision c by not causing intermediate results calculated for c HIAWS to be rounded and stored in a memory location, c but would permit them to remain in a register, which c higher precision. As expected, a few minor differences c in outputs were observed. This equation was further c computationally simplified. c 11) EPIC equation 2.251 corrected. In the original code c HIA was being deleted from the calculation. Also had c a missing set of parentheses. This changes the results c from TEST1 and TEST2. Re: 6/26/92 & 6/29/92 telcon c J. Wms. c 12) EPIC equation 2.206 corrected. It had an extra term c (hufh) on the right side of the equation. c 13) CANCMX was not originally being SAVE'd. It is now. c 14) Redundant calculation of FPHU eliminated from code to c calculate frost effect on rangeland. c 15) Variable HUFHY added when EPIC Equation 2.205 was c corrected. Re: 6/26/92 telcon J. Wms. c 16) Local variable NSENES was eliminated. In it's place c ISENES (which was previously used as a zero/non-zero c flag) is now being incremented to contain the count c of the days since senescence began. c 17) Local variable NOWRES eliminated. c 18) The name of argument IDECOMP was changed to IDECOM, c since FORTRAN ignores anything past the first 6 c letters in a variable name. c 19) In order to conform to the WEPP Coding Convention, the c 5th - 8th arguments moved after the 2nd one, and the c last argument moved after the 3rd one. c 20) Canopy cover equation (WEPP 8.2.4) was incorrect for c non-senescent plants. c 21) In the section of code executed when senescence has c occurred, the code was split into 2 parts: one executed c on cropland, and one executed on rangeland. I pointed c out to Jeff A. that this was not consistent with the c EPIC documentation, and we changed it: one part for c cropland annuals, and the other for everything else c (rangeland and cropland perennials). Quite predictably, c this resulted in output changes for my cropland preren- c nial (alfalfa) runs. -- CRM -- 6/30/92. c 22) In EPIC Equation 2.255, changed TLIVE to VDMT; ie, c dec = 0.5 * tlive(iplane) * (1 - fphu) * max(fhr,frst) c became c dec = 0.5 * vdmt(iplane) * (1 - fphu) * max(fhr,frst) c 23) EPIC Equation 2.254 was corrected from: c frst=-100 * (tmin/(tmin+exp(x5+x6*tmin))) c to: c frst=100.0 * (tmin/(tmin-exp(x5+x6*tmin))) c if(frst .gt. 1.0) frst = 1.0 c (FRST *can* get as large as 100....) c c NOTE: EPIC Equations 2.205, 2.206, and 2.251 were c corrected following 6/26/92 and 6/29/92 telephone c calls from J. Arnold to J. Williams. c c 24) Deleted dummy arguments TMPFLG, ISTART, & TRTMAS from c GROW, and its calls from PTGRA, PTGRP, and RANGE. c 25) Now use different canopy cover equations for cropland c depending on whether crop is annual or perennial - c now consistent with SR INITGR. dcf 4/93 c 26) Added code for use with macroporosity adjustment in c SR INFPAR to indicate management type (mantyp in c CGCOVR.INC). dcf 2/93 c 27) Added code to use input extinction coefficient instead c of default value of 0.65 following conversation with c Jeff Arnold. Input file/reads also changed. dcf 12/92 c 28) Fixed root mass computation so that it is computed now c as a function of RSR times the change in above-ground c growth. Without this change, perennials under both c cutting and grazing management have incorrect root c mass amounts. dcf 11/18/93 c 29) Altered root depth computation for perennials, since c the old equation uses the ratio of (basically) c SUMGDD/GDDMAX - and sumgdd gets reset with cuttings - c thus root depth incorrectly is decreased at cuttings. c dcf 11/18/93 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.50, with some c of the "stuff" from 92.25 and beyond. c Date recoded: 06/08/92 - 7/06/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nowcrp, iplane, ncount, idecom real x5, x6 c c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nowcrp - Index of the current crop. c iplane - Index of the current OFE. c x5 - One of two constants computed to force the crop's S-shaped c frost sensitivity curve through two specified min.-temp. c & freeze-damage points. See in-line documentation in SCURV. c Also see EPIC Doc., Eqn. 2.254. c x6 - The other SCURV constant. (See X5 above.) c ncount - Counter for number of days after senescence; ie, when c canopy cover starts to decay. Note that NCOUNT is sub- c scripted in the routines calling GROW, and not in GROW. c This does not cause FORTRAN a problem since GROW only c needs to access the *array element* at that *address*, c not the *entire array*. c idecom - Flag. When IDECOM is set (1), the residue parameters c are updated; ie, RESUP is called. c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: lanuse(mxplan) c modify: cancov(mxplan) c write: canhgt(mxplan) c include '' c read: be, otemp(ntype), hi(ntype), daymin, daylen, extnct(ntype) c modify: hia(mxplan), vdmx(mxplan) c include '' c modify: rtmass(mxplan), lai(mxplan) c write: rtd(mxplan) c include '' c write: rmogt(mxres,mxplan), rmagt(mxplan) c include '' c modify: vdmt(mxplan) c include '' c read: fgs(mxplan), hmax(ntype), crit(ntype), gddmax(ntype), c bb(ntype), bbb(ntype), rdmax(ntype), dlai(ntype), c rsr(ntype), xmxlai(ntype), spriod(ntype) c modify: gdd, sumgdd(mxplan) c include '' c modify: mantyp(mxplan) c include '' c modify: rilrm(mxres,mxplan), rigrm(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c modify: tlive(mxplan) c include '' c read: tmin, tave, radly, tmnavg c include '' c read: itype(mxcrop,mxplan), dap(mxplan), c dtm(mxcrop,mxplan), btemp(mxcrop) c include '' c read: width(mxplan),rspace(mxplan) c include '' c read: imngmt(mxcrop,mxplan), rtmmax(mxcrop) c include '' c read: solthk(mxnsl,mxplan),watstr(mxplan) c include '' c modify: isenes(mxplan) c include '' c read: sdate c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real fphu, hufh(mxplan), hufhy, par, ddm, reg(mxplan), 1 rtmasy(mxplan), xlaimx(mxplan), fphumx(mxplan), vdmy, 1 cancmx(mxplan), delvd(mxplan), delcc(mxplan), fhr, dec, fhu, 1 frst, veg, wght1 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c fphu - ratio of total growing degree days received so far, to c total growing degree days expected at senescence (0-1). c hufh - heat unit adjustment to harvest index today c hufhy - value of HUFH yesterday. c par - photosynthetically-active radiation c ddm - daily above-ground biomass production (kg/m^2) c reg - the maximum of water stress or temperature stress c rtmasy - root mass yesterday (kg/m^2) c xlaimx - leaf area index (LAI) on the day senescence begins. c (Saved on last day before senescence.) c fphumx - FPHU on the day senescence begins. (Saved on last day c before senescence.) c cancmx - maximum canopy cover at maturity (0-1) (Saved on last c day before senescence.) c delvd - daily decline in vegetative biomass (leaf drop) c during senescence (kg/m^2) c delcc - daily decline in canopy cover during senescence (kg/m^2) c fhr - daylength reduction factor for perennials. c dec - decrease in VDMT due to frost or decrease in day length. c vdmy - yesterday's total above ground dry weight (vdmt). c c + + + SAVES + + + save xlaimx, fphumx, cancmx, hufh, rtmasy, reg, delcc, delvd c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c resup c rtpart c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c Plant growth starts after the minimum degree days for crop c emergence is accumulated. c c----- If the average of the daily minimum and maximum temperatures c (tave) exceeds the base temperature for the crop (btemp), c compute daily and cumulative growing degree days (gdd & sumgdd). c (EPIC Equation 2.190) c if (,iplane))) then gdd = tave - btemp(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) sumgdd(iplane) = sumgdd(iplane) + gdd else gdd = 0.0 end if c c *** L0 IF *** c ---- If this is cropland and accumulated degree days (sumgdd) exceeds c amount necessary for emergence (crit), OR this is rangeland and c the 5-day min. temp. avg. (tmnavg) exceeds the "base temperature" c necessary for the current plant to grow (btemp), then compute c the increase to harvest index (hia). c if ((lanuse(iplane).eq.1.and.sumgdd(iplane).ge. 1 crit(itype(nowcrp,iplane))).or.(lanuse(iplane).eq.2.and.tmnavg 1 .ge.btemp(itype(nowcrp,iplane)))) then c c Compute "fraction of potential heat units" accumulated to c date (fphu) from the gdd already received by the crop (sumgdd) c and the gdd at maturity (gddmax). c of potential heat units"). c (EPIC Equation 2.191) c fphu = sumgdd(iplane) / gddmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) if ( fphu = 1.0 c c If HIA has not been set to zero, save yesterday's HUFH. c if (hia(iplane).gt.0.0) then c comment from ftnchek 01-12-94 08:37am sjl c Variables may be used before set in module GROW: c HUFH hufhy = hufh(iplane) c Warning from ftnchek c Variables may be used before set in module GROW: c HUFH else hufhy = 0.0 end if c c Compute heat unit adjustment to harvest index (hufh) for today. c (EPIC Equation 2.206) c hufh(iplane) = fphu / (fphu+exp(6.5-10.*fphu)) c c Compute the adjusted harvest index (hia) by adding to yester- c day's HIA (hiay). The amount added is the difference between c yesterday's HUFH (hufhy) and today's (hufh), times the harvest c index (hi). Note that at this point, HIA is cumulative through c the current day, but today's contribution is adjusted for heat c units *only*. c c EPIC Equation 2.205 -- Original Code: c hia(iplane) = hi(itype(nowcrp, iplane)) * hufh(iplane) c c EPIC Equation 2.205 -- Corrected Code: hia(iplane) = hia(iplane) + hi(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * ( 1 hufh(iplane)-hufhy) c c c Estimate water demand as a function of plant growth stage. c (EPIC Equation 2.252) c if ( then fhu = sin(1.5708*(fphu-.3)/.3) else fhu = 0. end if c c Note: FHU is a function of FPHU that defines a symetric c bell-shaped (sine) curve for values of FPHU between c 0.3 & 0.9, peaking when FPHU is 0.6. When FPHU is c not between 0.3 and 0.9, FHU is set to zero. c CRM -- 6/16/92. c c c Compute harvest index adjusted for water stress *and* heat c units (hia). c (EPIC Equation 2.251) c hia(iplane) = hia(iplane) - hi(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * (1.0-1.0/ 1 (1.0+0.01*fhu*(0.9-watstr(iplane)))) c c Add a lower limit of zero on HIA to prevent negative yields c from occurring. dcf 4/5/95 c if(hia(iplane).lt. 0.0)hia(iplane) = 0.0 c if (hia(iplane).gt.hi(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) hia(iplane) = 1 hi(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c c SENESCENCE HAS NOT OCCURRED. If ratio of heat units received, c to total heat units; ie "fraction of potential heat units"(fphu) c is less than the user-inputted fraction of growing season to c reach senescence (dlai), assume senescence has NOT occurred. c Thus, grow crop with water and temperature stress. Calculate c total above ground dry weight (vdmt), canopy cover (cancov) and c height (canhgt), root mass and depth, up to the time of c senescence. c c Note: This is somewhat imprecise since *fphu* is in heat units, c and *dlai* is expressed in *time*; however, days to c maturity is not available as an input. CRM -- 6/25/92. c c c Compute temperature stress parameter (temstr) from c ratio of growing degree days (gdd) to difference between c optimum temperature for plant growth (otemp) and base c daily air temperature (btemp). TEMSTR is really the c *complement* of temperature stress; ie, 1 - temperature c stress, like WATSTR. By the way it is defined, TEMSTR c must range between zero and one. c (EPIC Equation 2.235) c temstr(iplane) = sin(1.5708*gdd/(otemp(itype(nowcrp,iplane))- 1 btemp(itype(nowcrp,iplane)))) c if (temstr(iplane).lt.0.0) temstr(iplane) = 0.0 c c Determine the "crop growth regulating factor" (reg). This c is the extent of growth permitted by whatever *limits* c growth of the crop. It is the maximum [the minimum of the c complements] of water stress (watstr) and temperature c stress (temstr). c reg(iplane) = amin1(watstr(iplane),temstr(iplane)) c c *** L1 IF *** c if (fphu.le.dlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then c if (,iplane)) .or. c 1 (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2 .and. mgtopt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.3 c 1 .and. jdsene(nowcrp,iplane).eq.0) ) then if (,iplane)) .or. 1 (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2 .and. 1 jdsene(nowcrp,iplane).eq.0)) then c c Compute photosynthetically active radiation (par) from c daily solar radiation (radly) and leaf area index (lai). c (EPIC Equation 2.192 with modifications. 0.2092 is used to c convert the units from Langleys to MJ/m**2. 0.05 is added c to LAI to "get the equation started"; otherwise, the values c never seem to depart from the baseline. CRM -- 6/25/92.) c par = 0.02092 * radly * (1.0- 1 exp(-extnct(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*(lai(iplane)+0.05))) c c Compute daily increase in dry matter (ddm) from adjusted c biomass conversion factor (be) and PAR. c (EPIC Equation 2.193 with modifications. Change in daylength c is ignored. The right side is divided by 10 to implement a c change in units. CRM -- 6/25/92.) c ddm = 0.0001 * be(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * par c c Update total above ground dry weight (vdmt) and total live c plant material (tlive) from DDM & REG. c (EPIC Equation 2.233) c vdmy = vdmt(iplane) vdmt(iplane) = vdmt(iplane) + ddm * reg(iplane) c c XXX - Why not just set TLIVE equal to VDMT? -- CRM -- 6/30/92. tlive(iplane) = tlive(iplane) + ddm * reg(iplane) vdmx(iplane) = vdmt(iplane) c c CANOPY COVER AND CANOPY HEIGHT CALCULATIONS c c Compute canopy cover (cancov) from an empirically-derived c constant (bb) and total above ground dry weight (vdmt). c (WEPP Equation 8.2.4) c if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then cancov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(-bb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))* 1 vdmt(iplane)*(1.-hia(iplane))) c c - NOTE - for perennial crops will compute canopy cover c without use of adjusted harvest index - we assume that c all live biomass for perennials is vegetative. c else cancov(iplane) = 1.0 - 1 exp(-bb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*vdmt(iplane)) end if c if (cancov(iplane).lt.0.0) cancov(iplane) = 0.0 if (cancov(iplane).ge.1.0) cancov(iplane) = 0.999 c c Compute canopy height (canhgt) from an empirically-derived c constant (bbb) and total above ground dry weight (vdmt) c and maximum plant height (hmax). c (WEPP Equation 8.2.6) c canhgt(iplane) = (1.- 1 exp(-bbb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*vdmt(iplane))) * 1 hmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c c ROOT MASS AND ROOT DEPTH CALCULATIONS c c Update root mass yesterday (rtmasy). Compute c root mass (rtmass) from root to shoot ratio (rsr) and VDMT. c rtmasy(iplane) = rtmass(iplane) c c If this is a perennial, and root mass (rtmass) exceeds the c max. expected for this crop (rtmmax [user input]), set it c equal to the max. mass, and set root depth (rtd) equal to c the max. root depth (rdmax). Check to make sure that c rooting depth can not exceed the maximum input soil depth c if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2.and.rtmass(iplane).ge. 1 rtmmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then rtmass(iplane) = rtmmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) if (rdmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)).lt. 1 solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane)) then rtd(iplane) = rdmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) else rtd(iplane) = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) end if c c If this is a perennial that has not "max'ed out" OR it is c an annual... c else c c ROOT MASS CALCULATION c c New changes to how root mass is updated - change to c increase incrementally as VDMT increases incrementally c This prevents problems when perennials are cut or c grazed. dcf 11/17/93 c rtmass(iplane) = rtmasy(iplane) + (vdmt(iplane)-vdmy) * 1 rsr(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2.and.rtmass(iplane).gt. 1 rtmmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) rtmass(iplane) = 1 rtmmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c c ROOT DEPTH CALCULATION c c Calculate root depth (rtd) from maximum root depth for the c current crop (rdmax) and the ratio of cumulative gdd to c gdd at maturity (fphu). Note that this is not *exactly* c how Eq. 8.2.12 appears in the WEPP documentation. There c the ratio of: days since planting, to days to maturity, c is used, instead of FPHU. c c CHANGE SO THAT ONLY ANNUALS USE EQUATION 8.2.12 - this c equation does not work well for perennials for several c reasons. Main reason is that FPHU is not clearly defined c for perennials, AND it varies as perennials are cut for c harvest. For now, use a simple linear ratio of root mass c to maximum root mass to determine the root depth. c (This is better than previous versions which simply set c the root depth for a harvested perennial to the maximum) c dcf 11/18/93 c c ANNUALS if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then c c (WEPP Equation 8.2.12) rtd(iplane) = rdmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * 0.5 * (1.0+ 1 sin(3.03*fphu/dlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane))-1.47)) else c c PERENNIALS c XXX Change perennial root depth equation to now compute c depth of perennial roots as the sum of the current c root depth plus an additional depth based on the c incremental addition of root mass. dcf 8/30/94 rtd(iplane) = rtd(iplane) + 1 ((rtmass(iplane) - rtmasy(iplane)) 1 /rtmmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) 1 * rdmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c c XXX ADD IN A MINIMUM VALUE FOR A PERENNIAL ROOT DEPTH SINCE c problems arise because we start out at zero vdmt - thus c zero rtd. We need a way to initialize root depth from c the time of emergence, because in reality when the c perennial crop emerges - it already has a root system c of some depth. Assume for now that minimum root depth c of a perennial can be estimated using the equation for c annual root depths. c dcf 8/30/94 c rtdmin = rdmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * 0.5 * (1.0+ 1 sin(3.03*fphu/dlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane))-1.47)) if(rtd(iplane).lt.rtdmin)rtd(iplane) = rtdmin end if if (rtd(iplane).gt.solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane)) rtd(iplane) = 1 solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) c end if c c Partition total root mass into soil layers if (rtmass(iplane).gt.rtmasy(iplane)) call 1 rtpart(iplane,rtmasy(iplane)) c mantyp(iplane) = imngmt(nowcrp,iplane) c c LEAF AREA INDEX (LAI) Calculations c c ANNUALS if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then c c Compute amount of vegetative material (veg) from total above c ground dry weight (vdmt) and percent of vegetative material c (1-hia). c veg = vdmt(iplane) * (1.0-hia(iplane)) c c Update LAI, based on max potential LAI (xmxlai) and the c amount of vegetative material (veg). c lai(iplane) = (xmxlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*veg) / (veg+ 1 0.5512*exp(-6.8*veg)) c c PERENNIALS else if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2) then c c Compute leaf area index (lai) from leaf area index at sene- c scence (xmxlai) and total above ground dry weight (vdmt). c lai(iplane) = (xmxlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*vdmt(iplane)) / 1 (vdmt(iplane)+0.2756*exp(-13.6*vdmt(iplane))) c end if c c Save LAI, FPHU, and CANCOV in case plant senesces tomorrow. c xlaimx(iplane) = lai(iplane) fphumx(iplane) = fphu cancmx(iplane) = cancov(iplane) c c c *** L1 ELSE *** c SENESCENCE HAS OCCURRED. else c c Save yesterday's total above ground dry weight (vdmt). vdmy = vdmt(iplane) c c CROPLAND ANNUALS c *** M2 IF *** if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1.and.imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then c c *** M3 IF *** c If this is the first day of senescence.... if (ncount.eq.0) then c c Indicate "senescence" for RESUP. isenes(iplane) = -2 c c Set residue type to the current crop. call resup(nowcrp,isenes(iplane)) c c Indicate "harvest after senescence" for RESUP. isenes(iplane) = 1 c c Following commented out - on 1st day of senescence this c code incremented ncount to 1 then code after M3 endif c also incremented ncount again (to 2). dcf 4/26/94 c Increment "days since senescence". c ncount = 1 c c Compute daily decline in canopy cover (delcc) from the c canopy cover when senescence began (cancmx), the fraction c by which canopy decays (1-decfct), and the length of the c senescence period (spriod). c delcc(iplane) = cancmx(iplane) * (1.0- 1 decfct(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) / 1 float(spriod(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) c c Compute daily decline in biomass (delvd) from total above c ground dry weight (vdmt), [the complement of] unadjusted c harvest index (hi) [ie the fraction of vegetative matter] c the fraction by which biomass drops after senescence c (dropfc), and the length of the senescence period(spriod) c delvd(iplane) = vdmx(iplane) * (1.- 1 hi(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) * (1.- 1 dropfc(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) / 1 float(spriod(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) c c Note: DECFCT & DROPFC are the fraction REMAINING, not c the fraction that is LOST. CRM -- 6/29/92. c c *** M3 ENDIF *** end if c c Update days since senescence (ncount). ncount = ncount + 1 c c if days since senescence (ncount) is less than the length c of the senescence period (spriod), decrease canopy cover c (cancov) and total above ground dry weight (vdmt). c if (ncount.le.spriod(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then cancov(iplane) = cancov(iplane) - delcc(iplane) vdmt(iplane) = vdmt(iplane) - delvd(iplane) end if c c RANGELAND & CROPLAND PERENNIALS c *** M2 ELSE *** else c c CROPLAND PERENNIALS c *** M4 IF *** if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1.and.imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2) then c c If this is the first day of senescence.... if (ncount.eq.0) then c c Indicate "senescence" for RESUP. isenes(iplane) = -2 c c Set residue type to the current crop. call resup(nowcrp,isenes(iplane)) c endif ncount = ncount + 1 c c Compute daily decline in canopy cover (delcc) from the c canopy cover when senescence began (cancmx), the fraction c by which canopy decays (1-decfct), and the length of the c senescence period (spriod). c Compute daily decline in biomass (delvd) from total above c ground dry weight (vdmt), c the fraction by which biomass drops after senescence c (dropfc), and the length of the senescence period(spriod) c if(sdate.eq.1 .and. year.eq.1) 1 cancmx(iplane) = cancov(iplane) if(spriod(itype(nowcrp,iplane)).gt.0)then delcc(iplane) = cancmx(iplane) * (1.0- 1 decfct(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) / 1 float(spriod(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) delvd(iplane) = vdmx(iplane) * (1.- 1 dropfc(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) / 1 float(spriod(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) else delcc(iplane) = 0.0 delvd(iplane) = 0.0 endif c c if days since senescence (ncount) is less than the length c of the senescence period (spriod), decrease canopy cover c (cancov) and total above ground dry weight (vdmt). c if (ncount.le.spriod(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then cancov(iplane) = cancov(iplane) - delcc(iplane) vdmt(iplane) = vdmt(iplane) - delvd(iplane) c c Compute leaf area index(lai) from leaf area index at sene- c scence (xmxlai) and total above ground dry weight (vdmt). c lai(iplane)=(xmxlai(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*vdmt(iplane)) 1 /(vdmt(iplane)+0.2756*exp(-13.6*vdmt(iplane))) end if c c c RANGELAND c *** M4 ELSE *** else c c Compute the daylength reduction factor (fhr) from day c length of the current day [in hours] (daylen) and minimum c day length for a year at the site (daymin). c (EPIC Equation 2.253) c fhr = 0.35 - (1.0-daylen/(daymin+1)) c c Compute the frost damage factor (frst) from the minimum c temperature on the current day (tmin) and parameters c expressing the crop's frost sensitivity (x5 & x6). c (EPIC Equation 2.254) c if ( then frst = 100.0 * (tmin/(tmin-exp(x5+x6*tmin))) if ( frst = 1.0 else frst = 0 end if c c Compute the reduction in standing live biomass (dec) using c the above ground biomass(tlive-total live plant material), c the heat unit index(fphu), and maximum of the daylength c and frost reductions (fhr & frst). c (EPIC Equation 2.255) c cC dec = 0.5 * tlive(iplane) * (1 - fphu) * max(fhr,frst) dec = 0.5 * vdmt(iplane) * (1-fphu) * max(fhr,frst) c vdmt(iplane) = vdmt(iplane) - dec if (vdmt(iplane).lt.0.0) vdmt(iplane) = 0.0 c c XXX - REG is the minimum percent growth allowed by water c or temperature stress. It is only computed during active c growth, it is never updated during senescence. Is this a c mistake? -- CRM -- 6/30/92. c c XXX - REG is the minimum percent growth allowed by water c or temperature stress. Wouldn't something like: c tlive(iplane) = tlive(iplane)*reg(iplane) - dec c make more sense for the next equation? -- CRM -- 6/30/92. c c Original Code: c tlive(iplane) = tlive(iplane) - dec - dec *(1-reg) tlive(iplane) = tlive(iplane) + dec * (reg(iplane)-2.0) c c Compute canopy cover (cancov) from an empirically-derived c constant (bb), total above ground dry weight (vdmt), and c fraction vegetative dry matter (1 - hia). c (WEPP Equation 8.2.4 ) c c cancov(iplane) = 1.0 - c 1 exp( -bb(itype(nowcrp, iplane)) * vdmt(iplane) * c 2 (1. - hia(iplane))) c c Changed by dcf to not use 1-hia term - this is not the c equation in the original model documentation, and use of c the (1-hia) term makes no physical sense in a canopy cover c equation. Jeff Arnold needs to check this. (The following c equation is compatible with the one used in subroutine c INITGR to solve for vdmt based on initial input canopy c cover. dcf 4/9/93 c cancov(iplane) = 1.0 - 1 exp(-bb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))*vdmt(iplane)) if (cancov(iplane).lt.0.0) cancov(iplane) = 0.0 if (cancov(iplane).ge.1.0) cancov(iplane) = 0.999 c c c Compute leaf area index (lai) during leaf decline. c (Note: FPHUMX is the LAI saved on the last day before c senescence.) c (EPIC Equation 2.199 with adj set to 2) c c Added IF to prevent error when a perennial is predicted to c already be in senescence on 1st day of simulation before c xlaimx and fphumx have been determined. In this case, LAI c used is that already determined in INITGR. dcf 4/22/94 c if(sdate.eq.1 .and. year.eq.1)then xlaimx(iplane) = lai(iplane) fphumx(iplane) = fphu else if(fphumx(iplane).lt.1.0)then lai(iplane) = 1 xlaimx(iplane) * ((1.-fphu)/(1.-fphumx(iplane))) ** 2 else lai(iplane) = xlaimx(iplane) endif endif c c *** M4 ENDIF *** endif c c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c c Compute residue mass on the rills (rilrm) and on the ridges c (rigrm) by adding the decrease in total above ground dry c matter (vdmy-vdmt) to each. c (WEPP Equation 8.2.10) - adjust flat residue masses. c rilrm(1,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) + (vdmy-vdmt(iplane)) rigrm(1,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) + (vdmy-vdmt(iplane)) c c Average RILRM & RIGRM to determine the "residue mass on the c ground today" (rmogt). c wght1 = (rspace(iplane)-width(iplane)) / rspace(iplane) rmogt(1,iplane) = wght1 * rigrm(1,iplane) + (1.0-wght1) * 1 rilrm(1,iplane) c c XXX - Is this flag setting of IDECOM really needed here??? c Or could it be removed from GROW entirely??? Is it needed for c rangeland?? Cropland settings are all made in PTGRP. c dcf 12/1/93 c Flag commented out 4/26/94 by dcf - resetting of c idecom to 1 daily here could cause errors in growth of c perennials which are in senescence and are entering a c freeze period (only want to update residue indices once). c Set flag to update residue parameters. c idecom = 1 c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c return end