subroutine growop(imngmt,month,ityp,extinc,sumgd,alai,dm) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Computes optimum biomass growth (dm) for a given day. c c Called from YLDOPT and YOPTP. c Author(s): Arnold c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Substituted GDD for (TAVE - BTEMP(ITYP)) in EPIC c Equation 2.235. c 2) Changed order of parameters to copnform to WEPP Coding c Convention. (Swapped 1st & 5th (last).) c c Version: This module recoded from Arnold's WEPP Post-version 92.25. c Date recoded: 07/09/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real sumgd, alai, dm, extinc integer imngmt, month, ityp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c sumgd - gdd accumulated thus far in the growing season c alai - adjusted leaf area index c dm - optimum above-ground biomass (kg/m^2) c extinc - radiation extinction coefficient for current crop c imngmt - current cropping system (annual or perennial) c month - current month c ityp - current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: beinp(ntype), otemp(ntype) c include '' c -- XXX -- NOTE: DECLARATION in CCRPPRM.INC needs to be changed from c "10" to a *PARAMETER* !! -- CRM -- 7/31/92 c read: btemp(10) c include '' c read: xmxlai(ntype) c modify: gdd c include '' c read: radave(12), obmint(12), obmaxt(12) c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c real par, tave, temstr tave = (obmaxt(month)+obmint(month)) / 2.0 c if ( then gdd = tave - btemp(ityp) sumgd = sumgd + gdd c c ------ Compute temperature stress parameter (temstr) from c ratio of growing degree days (gdd) to difference between c optimum temperature for plant growth (otemp) and base c daily air temperature (btemp). TEMSTR is really the c *complement* of temperature stress; ie, 1 - temperature c stress. By the way it is defined, TEMSTR must range c between zero and one. c (EPIC Equation 2.235) c c Original Code: c temstr = sin(1.5708 * (tave - btemp(ityp)) / ( c 1 otemp(ityp) - btemp(ityp))) temstr = sin(1.5708*gdd/(otemp(ityp)-btemp(ityp))) if ( temstr = 0.0 c c ------ Compute photosynthetically active radiation (par) from c observed average monthly solar radiation (radave) and leaf c area index (?) (dlai). c (EPIC Equation 2.192 with modifications. 0.2092 is used to c convert the units from Langleys to MJ/m**2. 0.05 is added c to LAI to "get the equation started"; otherwise, the values c never seem to depart from the baseline. CRM -- 6/25/92.) c par = 0.02092 * radave(month) * (1.0-exp(-extinc*(alai+0.05))) c c ------ Compute dry matter (dm) from inputted biomass conversion factor c (beinp) and PAR. c (EPIC Equation 2.193 with modifications. Change in daylength c is ignored. The right side is divided by 10 to implement a c change in units. CRM -- 6/25/92.) c c Original Code: c dm = dm + (beinp(ityp) * par / 10000.0) * temstr dm = dm + 0.0001 * beinp(ityp) * par * temstr c c Annuals if (imngmt.eq.1) then alai = (xmxlai(ityp)*dm) / (dm+0.5512*exp(-6.8*dm)) c Perennials else alai = (xmxlai(ityp)*dm) / (dm+0.2756*exp(-13.6*dm)) end if c end if c return end