subroutine hrtmp(hour,halfdy) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This function distributes the diurnal (daily) temperature c on an hourly basis. The actual routine to do so was c written by DeWet, etal.,1978 and tested by Reicosky etal 1988. c DeWet was taken from "simulation of Simulation, Respiration, c and Transpiration" while Reicosky is from "Accuracy of c Hourly Air Temperatures Calculated from Daily Minima and Maxima. c Authors(s): John Witte, UofMn WCES @ USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Date: 04/01/93 c Verified and tested by Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, NSERL 317-494-5051 c August 1994 c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ real halfdy integer hour c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c halfdy - The amount of time from sunrise until noon (hrs). c hour - The hour of the day that is currently being run. c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ include '' c read: tave,tmax,tmin,tdpt c modify: hrtemp,hrdewp c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ save real pi,adjhr,amp,sunris c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c pi - Estimated value for 22/7. c adjhr - Hour value adjustment made to deal with middle of hour. c amp - The ampilitude of the temperature graph. c sunris - Hour of the day which sunrise occures (hr). c c +++DATA INITIALIZATIONS+++ data pi/3.14159/ c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ sunris = 12.0 - halfdy tave = (tmax + tmin) / 2 amp = (tmax - tmin) / 2 if ((hour .lt. sunris) .or. (14.0 .lt. hour)) then if (hour .lt. sunris) then adjhr = (hour - 0.5) + 10.0 else adjhr = (hour - 0.5) - 14.0 endif hrtemp = tave + amp * (cos((pi * adjhr) / (10 + sunris))) hrdewp = tdpt + amp * (cos((pi * adjhr) / (10 + sunris))) else hrtemp = tave - amp * (cos(pi * (hour - 0.5 - sunris) / 1 (14 - sunris))) hrdewp = tdpt - amp * (cos(pi * (hour - 0.5 - sunris) / 1 (14 - sunris))) endif return end