subroutine impeo(elevm,eo) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR IMPEO calculates the evaporation from bare soil in c an impoundment. The amount of potential evaporation is c computed as if all the soil were bare (EO). Calculations c are performed using Ritchie's ET model. c c This routine is based upon SR EVAP, simplified for c impoundments, and now in SI (meters). c c Called from: SR WSHIMP c Author(s): Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Chapter 7. See also EPIC model documentation (Sept. 1990) c and "Microclimate, the Biological Environment" by Rosenberg c et al., 1983. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real elevm,eo c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c elevm - elevation of climate station in meters c eo - calculated potential evaporation c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: radpot c include '' c read: tave, radly, tdpt, iwind c modify: vwind c include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real tk, delta, gma, alb, xx, dlt, ed, ee, fwv, pb, ra, 1 ralb1, rbo, rhd, rn, rso, xl integer ievap c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c tk - daily average air temperature (degrees Kelvin) c delta - slope of the saturated vapor pressure c gma - the second part of Priestly Taylor equation c alb - soil albedo (fraction) c xx - soil evaporation (potential of stage 1 and 2) c dlt - slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve c ed - vapor pressure c ee - saturation vapor pressure c fwv - mean daily wind speed c pb - baromatic pressure c ra - radiation c ralb1 - radiation c rbo - net outgoing longwave radiation c rhd - relative humidity c rn - net radiation c rso - c xl - latent heat of vaporization c ievap - defined below c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c convert average daily temp to degrees Kelvin c tk = tave + 273.0 c c compute vapor pressure slope (svp) (WEPP Equation 7.2.4 c or EPIC Equation 2.53) c delta = exp(21.255-5304.0/tk) * 5304.0 / tk ** 2 gma = delta / (delta+0.68) c c compute corrected soil albedo (alb) assuming lai = 0 c alb = 0.25 c c compute potential evaporation from bare soil (eo) c c ievap - flag that determines which equation is used for c PET calculations c c ievap = 2 for PRIESTLEY-TAYLOR (wind data not available) c ievap = 3 for PENMAN (wind data available) c c if wind data not available use the PRIESTLEY-TAYLOR equation c if (iwind.eq.1) ievap = 2 c c if wind data available use the PENMAN equation c if (iwind.eq.0) ievap = 3 c c priestley-taylor equation c if (ievap.eq.2) then c eo = 0.00128 * (radly*(1.0-alb)/58.3) * gma c else c c penman equation c ra = radly / 23.9 c c estimate latent heat of vaporization (xl) c (EPIC Equation 2.38) c xl = 2.501 - 0.0022 * tave c c estimate saturation vapor pressure (ee) using the average c temperature in degrees Kelvin (tk) (EPIC Equation 2.39) c ee = 0.1 * exp(54.879-5.029*alog(tk)-6790.5/tk) c c calculate relative humidity (rhd) fraction from dewpoint c temperature (tdpt) and average temperature (tave) c (Rosenberg et al. (1983), Equations 5.17 & 5.18) c rhd = exp((17.27*tdpt)/(237.3+tdpt)) / 1 exp((17.27*tave)/(237.3+tave)) c if ( rhd = 1.0 c c calculate the vapor pressure (ed) from the saturation vapor c pressure (ee) and the relative humidity (rhd) c (EPIC Equation 2.40) c ed = ee * rhd ralb1 = ra * (1-alb) c c estimate the slope of the saturation vapor pressure c curve (dlt) (EPIC Equation 2.41) c dlt = ee * (6790.5/tk-5.029) / tk c c compute barometric pressure in kpa (pb) c (Approximation of EPIC Equation 2.43) c pb = 101.3 - (0.01055*elevm) c c compute psychrometric constant kpa/c (gma) c (EPIC Equation 2.42) c gma = 0.00066 * pb xx = dlt + gma rso = radpot / 23.9 c c calculate mean daily wind speed (vwind) c (Modified EPIC Equation 2.50) c c the value 1.63 is used below because the wind generated c by CLIGEN is for a 10 meter height (not for a 2 meter c height as in EPIC equation 2.50) c fwv = 2.7 + 1.63 * vwind c c estimate the net outgoing longwave radiation (rbo) c (EPIC Equation 2.46) c rbo = (0.34-0.14*sqrt(ed)) * 4.9e-9 * tk ** 4 c c calculate net radiation (rn) c (EPIC Equation 2.45) c rn = ralb1 - rbo * (0.9*ra/rso+0.1) if (rn.le.0.0) rn = 0.0 c c compute potential evaporation (eo) c c (approximation of EPIC Equation 2.37, assuming the c soil flux is close to zero, and thus negligible) c eo = ((dlt*rn)/xl+gma*fwv*(ee-ed)) * 0.001 / xx c end if c return end